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Everything posted by mgread1200

  1. Golf shots that don't go where I aim em. I blame the clubs and the balls
  2. Hi Jimmy87notts the only record I could find is the marriage of Henry Peck & Sarah Rolston Radcliffe on trent 1801 the record infers he was of Gedling.
  3. Also found another William S Clay 88th New York Infantry wounded at Cold Harbour as you said John Boy, its not possible yet to say which details are right, more research needed! CLAY, WILLIAM S.—Age, 31 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Oo. C, March 26, 1864; wounded in action, June 3, 1864, at Cold Harbor, Va.; absent, wounded, at muster-out of company. Does anyone have still have access to ancestry uk records there is a public family tree with 4 records and a story about the family with samuel and alice clay as the parents
  4. "Mam can I ev some dudoo's" "Ask yer dad when he comes home" "Yes But" When Mam "When the cows come home"
  5. Have to include my uncle "Ernie" in fifties Radford, Both he and my dad had full time jobs at the Raleigh as Commisionaires (security) but Ernie did chimney sweeping also, he would go round with his brushes on a push bike but always wore his Commisionaires uniform.
  6. "Patchways" was the one I recalled, always stopped there when Dad did the show at Bristol.
  7. mid sixties just after starting work I used to go to "The sunshine cafe" bottom of Hockley You could get a full lunch for just a couple of Bob.
  8. The Ponderossa Was the Clifton Bridge Inn landlord Ben Cartwright the cafe was just down the road from there
  9. Thanks John Boy, Think the thread topic is very interesting, I certainly didn't know that people from Nottingham had fought in the American Civil War.
  10. Can't believe what I'm reading! you lot will be calling "Von Ryans Expess" next. Which was all real!
  11. Hi John Boy I have contacted the researcher who has him in the family tree, don't think they know about the grave or his connection to the ACW would appreciate knowing exactly where the headstone is as I must check it out.
  12. Dad worked for "Woodhouses" on London road in the early sixties, they did all the grandstands for the agricultural shows up and down the country, often went with him when he was doing a day run. Thats when a transport cafe was a transport cafe "ansome snap".
  13. Hi john Boy i have an Eliza Clay born Carlton 1836 married William keywood in nottm 1858 in my family tree but I have never expanded that part of the famlily so I dont know if I can Help, do you have anymore info. Just checked another researchers tree we do have a William Clay born1831 in Carlton Parents Samuel Clay and Alice Kirk so a maybe as we do not have a death place or date.
  14. New Clifton School opens This may be the first school photograph taken about September/October 1952 Can anyone fill in the blanks ? Back Row Left: Pamela Simkins, unknown, unknown, David Hodgkinson. Front Row Left: Robert Abdy, David Bilson, Ronnie ?, Eddie Binch, Peter Griffiths, unknown, Ann Whatmough. Back Row Right: David Richardson, unknown, Paul Wing, Angela Legg Front Row Right: Pamela Savage, unknown, Carol Machin, David Smith, Sharon Eyres, unknown Brooksby Lane Primary School, Brooksby Lane, Clifton Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, Midlands, England1st Oct 1952
  15. I had heard it had burned down in the eighties and then transfered to Greencroft and Brinkhill, some other websites have its location on Brinkhill but as you say it was on Brooksby lane.
  16. I had a real soft spot for the girls of Cliton Hall Grammar in those purple uniforms
  17. Only a name I can no longer put a face to, we have to remember in those years big kids and little kids didn't mix, some of the older generation I recall was Bob Cross his sister Carole would be there when you were. Had two cousins who went to Mundella lived in the Meadows Gillian and Jacqueline Huthwaite only about my age though.
  18. Yes I attended brooksby from mid fifties to late before going to Fairham comp
  19. I'm a non believer or at leist have never seen anything. However my daughter and her partner live in a small village in south leistershire and about a year ago something stange occured which I find difficult to explain away. her partner is one of the lads frightened by nothing and likes a pint, He had got into the habbit of calling into the local on his way home from work just a couple mind! and returning home via an old bridle path that runs high up in the village across a couple of meadows. He had almost completed his journey and could see my daughter outside the house when all at once he wa
  20. Knowing Ashley it's the old base of a water filling station for the steam trains of the sixties
  21. River Leen aquaduct Just a guess!
  22. Only one I can find is "The gunslinger" Tony Young played a character named Cord very popular with the ladies but I can't remember it ever being screened in the UK
  23. Might have been Lynmee now come to say, the version I was was thinking of may never have been released, went something like " then the lightening flashed and his buntline crashed and the two little birdies flew away" Paladium 1960
  24. Did you have to pay a forfeit if you got it wrong seem to remember hopeing to god I didn't get "the Sneinton snot Snuffler"