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Everything posted by tomlinson

  1. I tried his books but couldn't get into them myself. R.I.P. for one who encouraged reading though.
  2. People standing for the National Anthem in cinemas and theatres, or hearing it when the television stations closed down at night.
  3. All the stuff you could buy and bring home in brown paper carrier bags with string handles.
  4. Having very fond memories of bike rides to do a bit of aircraft spotting there, I was/am very sad to hear of the airfield's closure. Have R.R. disappeared from there too? I'm afraid I'm old enough to have seen many old haunts sinking into a sea of development in this way and unfortunately, this sea is very polluted.
  5. I born in time for 'Burn's Night' and share a birthday with other writers, Somerset Maugham and Virginia Woolf and contrary to such a pedigree, I'm still thick!
  6. '45, a vintage year, About which connoisseurs have talked. But let's be honest and let's be clear, Some from that year turn out 'corked'! HAPPY BIRTHDAY
  7. I'm not interesred in others' conversations but I am interested in those who walk into me too intent on contacting someone by text or voice. We seem to have created another Nirvana where those who achieve it are out of the normal world.
  8. A while back some bloke was prosecuted in Gt Yarmouth when he drove his mobility scooter into someone and broke their ankle. The thing that annoys me about their drivers is that they think they have right of way of all traffic, road and pedestrian, and I suspect a good proportion of them don't need the things anyway.
  9. #22 - You're right. The thing these spiritualists thrive on is the fact that people want it all to be true. There are of course misunderstandings. I'm sure I've already reported in these annals the spiritualist lecturing at the UEA and asking if anyone in the auditorium had seen a ghost. Quite a few had and told their experiences. He then asked if anyone had spoken to a ghost. Some had, though fewer this time and told their experiences. Finally he asked if anyone had ever had intercourse with a ghost. One hand at the back of the auditorium went up and a man was asked to come to the stage to d
  10. A spiritualist meeting is held monthly In a local community hall down here and I've been to a few. It's worth a visit to see the reaction of people. There are those who have recently lost a friend or relative and are seeking comfort and those who hope to contact some distant ancestor or other. The approach of the spiritualist is interesting. It is a shot gun approach of older names; Mary, Lil', Nellie and so on, Joshua, Albert; names with which most of us could claim a vague familiarity. Physical details are given; walked with a limp; had to wear glasses. "Can anyone identify with this"? There
  11. All good stuff but I've seen posts from 30 to 40 year olds saying the same about their younger days. All a matter of perspective.
  12. Put some some collie flour in a basin; make a hollow and paw in water to make a little poodle; add a bit of collar to preference; whippet until creamy; place the mixture in a baking rin tin tin; heat oven to a peke of 180 deg; serve up with 'poopa scoopa. What could be easier?
  13. RGR and Ivor Thirst, which shall we mention first? Are they both quite old? We should be told. Oh add 'em up then. They're a hundred and ten! HAPPY BIRTHDAY(S)
  14. The wife won't let me make pancakes. I don't know why. She always said I was a 'right tosser'.
  15. #2 The Comet shown was possibly there for calibration of the airfield equipment such as ILS (Instrument Landing System) and other equipments. # 6 I think I'm right in saying the Lincoln you mention had a Tyne turbo prop' on the nose. It was surrounded by a cage which sprayed in water for de-icing tests. Yes, another aircraft you mention was the Avro Ashton and it had a Conway engine slung underneath for tests. An Ashton was used in the black and white film, 'The Cone Of Silence', starring Jack Hawkins. It dealt with jets losing power in conditions of heat and humidity. Hucknall was, I believe,
  16. # True, millions do enjoy it but as T.V. license payers I reckon we're entitled to moan.
  17. Yesterday and all day today the BBC have been advertising the 30th anniversary of 'Eastenders' on their main news. As one who hates 'soaps' and this one in particular, I can't see it as any news value whatsoever and would rather see them advertising the removal of this rubbish from the screens. Had my rant. How long has Coronation Street been going?
  18. #1 Now then CATFAN! Roses - a box of chocolates for the ladies? I have a feeling you could be a wife undercover! I think we should be told!
  19. I see no point in tattoos whatever, no matter who they're on, though someone obviously had designs on the young lady.
  20. About an inch of boys' long underpants hanging below their short trousers.
  21. If someone came to an understanding about something, then it was said, 'The penny's dropped', referring to pennies being put into the electric meters to keep the lights on.
  22. The electric meter being emptied of pennies. I could never work out why it was the bloke doing it rolled some of the pennies in paper then gave them back to us. Still not sure about that.
  23. It does suggest the best place for the contest - where we keep the dust bin. Out back.
  24. One of the most successful adverts from the past was the 'I've got a tiger in my tank' campaign for, I think, Esso petrol.