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Everything posted by tomlinson

  1. As a general outsider from Notts, I have a question. I've seen posts on here about blueies and blue buttons. I remember my mother cooking them with gravy and with bacon. They were flat and delicious. Are they called by another name that anyone knows? I can't identify them here in Norfolk, nor have I seen anything resembling them.
  2. One of the problems with 'bad language' is that words change their meaning over time; 'gay' being a prime example. The dreaded 'c' word has it's origins in meaning a sheath for a knife, or something like that. The 'f' word too was far more acceptable. It seems that the poem/song 'Comin' Through The Rye' by Robby Burns originally read, 'When a body 'f's a body comin' through the rye------ ' and so on. Meanings evolve and I'm sure plenty of us could quote more examples of the acceptable becoming unacceptable.
  3. If ever you should go and choose to follow your poetic muse, Never think it has to rhyme, I found this out myself for I'm Always trying to find a word, and really folks, it's quite absurd To follow such a rule pedantic, for who knows what this means - 'iambic'? No, just give to your creation that thing called 'alliteration', And having done so your work might be just like mine, a load of sh----------te!
  4. Reminds me of the famous Goon Show line of a similar age. "I've been hit by and assagai - and 'ass a guy who threw it"!
  5. No thanks. I wear an anorak and I'm bald.
  6. I think the truest eccentric I ever saw was a chap in Norwich. I've no idea who he was/is; never spoke to him or saw him again. He was wearing a gaberine 'mac' over sky blue track suit bottoms; black highly polished Oxford shoes and had his hair smartly brushed back with (I hope) Brylcreme. He carried one of those old imitation leather carrier bags, and he didn't give a stuff!. What I admired in him was the fact that he wasn't trying to be eccentric or fashionably unfashionable. He just didn't care.
  7. Good Heavens! Are you serious? I'm not! Now in the days of Noah's Ark, all the animals had to relieve themselves somewhere and it got to a point where the poor old ark was overloaded, so the by product was shovelled over the side and there was so much crap, it rose above the waves. A few centuries later, Columbus came along and ran into this bit of land sticking up and it turns out that---------
  8. He might have been on Home Ales bottles, but it was his men who were merry, not him. He was on the brewery staff; or was that Little John?
  9. Here's a thought! Put Clough/Taylor statues at the castle and get rid of Robin Hood. I mean to say - we all know he had nothing to do with Nottingham anyway!!!
  10. Another thing about those grates but nothing to do with chestnuts. Sometimes, how or why I don't know, there appeared on the bars something that looked like burnt paper fluttering away. If this happened it was always said, "There's a stranger on the bar". Does this ring any bells with anyone?
  11. In our house at Aspley, there used to be a cast iron fire with oven and a grate guard made in a grill pattern, ideal for roasting chestnuts. I well remember the smell of them roasting and the sound of them 'whistling' as they cooked. They always caused a laugh if they exploded and sent 'shrapnel' scattering everywhere.
  12. Is your mother fond of dogs, or perhaps leopards? It seems these days that the best thing would be to take the law into your own hands, but I expect that would be illegal.
  13. I'm not a reactionary and I know computers have an important role etc. etc. but is anyone else sick of talking to one? I had a problem with e-mail today; so did others due to a problem at B.T.'s end, but that's another story. I found a phone number and got a computer on the other end of the line. I was given a 4.5 min. lecture by generated voice on how to solve my problem. (Press 1 if it was such a thing or 2 if it was another etc.) No use of course; my mind shuts down when I'm replied to by such a voice. I was given a web address to help. Questions were asked there which I didn't fully unders
  14. One thing my mother used to say which annoyed me, and still does when I think of it, tempered with a great deal of sympathy. I might suggest I buy a car, perhaps a house, or, horror of horrors!!! go to university!!! To such remarks she would answer, "That's not for folk such as us". The daughter of a Derbyshire coal miner, she spent her working years in service and married a miner herself. At least these days ambition can be for 'folk such as us'.
  15. Standing outside a club of which I used to be a member, I was greeted by a lady friend on her way out. "Hi", ! said. "Are you off"? "No", she said. "I'm not coming to go". "Oh" I said. "Then you must be going to come". It wasn't until later I realised what I had said. We walk on eggshells!
  16. Oh Mr Cameron, now would seen the time To add another verse to our deathless prosy rhyme. Now you're cutting income tax, benefitting all Those you wish to vote for you at a local hall. Someone has to pay for it, and through the nose I guess, But you say nothing vital like the 'starving' NHS, So take it from the services. We'll have our free prescription. We can face the enemy!!! We just bring back conscription!!!
  17. Oh Mr Cameron, it's too good to be true, You promise each a doctor but won't you tell us who Will train into the business to help old fuddy duddies, When most of our school leavers train in Media Studies? Oh Mr Cameron, Apprenticeship's the thing, So think of all the benefits your policies will bring. But train a youth in industry and he/she will get shirty! You can't think that on leaving school they'll get their hands all dirty! Oh Mr Cameron after the election You promise us Utopia, or nearly such perfection. The other parties promise this, yes, every party tries To promise us th
  18. True, but you have to return them - or do you!!!
  19. One of the delights of second hand books is the things found in them. Inscriptions, child's colouring etc. I once found a largish card with a photograph of Queen Victoria on itin this way. It was an advert for soap.
  20. I've seen them at Sandringham House lake. Being royalty of a sort, the voles deserve the property!
  21. Personally, I judge my own fitness by seeing if my clothes still fit or not. Seeing plenty of people with injuries/illnesses from unwise keep fit regimes makes me cautious.