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Everything posted by tomlinson

  1. Shortly after I left Malta in 1975, a Vulcan made a heavy landing, lost an under carriage bogey and drove the u/c leg up through the wing into a fuel tank. The pilot decided to go round and lifted off again but the aircraft broke up over a village near the Blue Grotto, for those who know Malta, killing people on the ground. The two pilots ejected; the rest of the crew were killed.
  2. In the fifties, we used to travel by blue bus from, I think, Mount Street, to Alfreton to visit grandparents and other relatives at Pilsley, near Hardwick Hall, and South Normanton. Sometimes we used rail from Victoria Station to Cley Cross.
  3. RIP indeed. Saw him years ago at the Theatre Royal in a play called, 'Ride a Cock Horse'. Half the audience, including wife and self, left before the end.
  4. One more fine example of money being the most important thing in this world. Steal a loaf of bread to feed a hungry family, you're a thieving no good. Steal £millions, you're a folk hero to stand beside Robin Hood. (Wow! A Notts connection!)
  5. A true lady indeed and a dreadful tragedy which will never be forgotten, and nor ought it to be. My only worry with all this is that fingers have been pointed and there has been much agonising over who was to blame but I've never heard of the Heysel Stadium disaster in May 1985 being mentioned. Fourteen Liverpool fans were found guilty of involuntary manslaughter and jailed for 3 years each. Is there not a case for some comparisons with the Hillsborough disaster being made?
  6. If I go through the mattress, I'll see you in the spring.
  7. My wife has a small publication from an attic of history; 'Dr Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People'. It reads a bit like the old 'Horlicks Casebook' adverts, for those who remember them, but also includes household hints.
  8. This is interesting. In Mark Twain's excellent book, 'Roughing It', he describes how a sack of flour, with an interesting history of its own, was taken from town to town of America and auctioned off to the highest bidder, who invariably sent it off to be sold again. The proceeds went to the United States Sanitary Commision for, 'wounded soldiers and sailors of the Union languishing in the Eastern hospitals'. History repeating itself in the name of humanity? Good to see!
  9. None of the scientists etc. have suggested that we are a part of nature ourselves and like other species of animal/insect or whatever, modify our environment, though whether to suit us or not only time will tell.
  10. These days the public pocket is regarded as a 'charity' pool for all, no matter who. Any excuse for getting hold of your money which, whether we like it or not, is the most important thing in the world, bar nothing.
  11. Talking of pets; I once saw a cartoon featuring a notice in a pet shop window. The notice said, 'Dogs, genetically engineered to die the day after Christmas.' Very sick of course, but I'm afraid I had to laugh, considering the car stickers.
  12. After eating a whale, an eskimo weighs about 5000 lbs.
  13. The council houses at Aspley and surrounds used to have cast iron ovens heated by the fire in the 'front room' and we had an oven shelf wrapped in a towel to use as a 'hot water bottle'. The shelf being of cast iron, it worked very well against frosty temperatures.
  14. Fast becoming a knackered old git, I remember snow and freezing temperatures a few years after WWII, temperatures which today make folk shiver with cold and shock. Who amongst us remembers scraping ice of the inside of their bedroom windows?
  15. #25 Yes, I have no intention of being disrespectful to the name of Churchill, the old prejudices were born before I was and are a matter of history but memories amongst communities are long and sometimes bitter.
  16. I mentioned this because of the strong mining community within Notts and wondered what the feeling was. A quick look on the net under 'Churchill and the coal miners' reveals a lot.
  17. #15 Doubtless you are correct but there was conflict between miners and Churchill about which I know little, only what I've been told. I have heard him quoted as saying he would make miners eat grass. Does anyone have first experience of this or has it literally died away?
  18. Interesting views on Winston Churchill. I remember my dad, an ex miner, saying he was no friend of miners and I worked with an ex Welsh miner who told me it was all he could do to stop his dad dancing on Churchill's grave! A man of the hour!
  19. I remember it being on Derby Road. i'm sure I bought a 'Jew's Harp' there once and being told it was a 'Jaws Harp'.
  20. Kerb your humour sir! I refuse to go down the path of silly jokes! (Rats -No, I think I'll ptich in)!
  21. Yes, liquorice wood, or Spanish root we called it. I tasted some a while back and it was rotten. Did anyone else eat pitch? I seem to remember eating the chips of it from large blocks used for road mending. I hope to be resurfaced soon.
  22. Spent 3 years there with the RAF and was pleased to come home. Sadly, the old busses were done away with following the curse of Health & Safety rules.
  23. You could always see the 'Invisible Mender' at work in the window of a shop on Alfreton Road.