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Everything posted by tomlinson

  1. I have been told that many years ago a greengocer in Bulwell advertised his spuds with a sign, 'I've got the biggest 'taters in town'. Apparently he was asked to remove it.
  2. Ah the advance of technology! Perhaps the recent RBS debacle holds a moral for us all!
  3. It's a bit like seeing someone you haven't seen for years. A lot of change, not always for the better. After a few years' gap, I was in Nottingham myself this year and was immediately regreting the loss of the old Market Square and surrounds. As Bilboro-lad says, all cities are suffering the same 'progress' but it was good to hear the familiar accents of the natives and find that the old friendliness is still in evidence.
  4. Is the opening still of the fine old toilets that used to be in the Market Square?
  5. My wife was a friend of Olwyn Pinkett. Thought you might be interested!
  6. I remember seeing 'Reg' Simpson on a cigarette card. He was always portraid as being very well groomed. A name from the past which will always be with us. RIP
  7. Just got hold of the 1983 serial, 'Spy Ship', with Tom Wilkinson. Excellent serial about the cold war.
  8. My memories are confused between the Theatre Royal and the Empire but I remember seeing Jewel and Warris, Nat Jackley, Gladys Morgan, Izzy Bonn, Julie Andrews in Red Riding Hood (Theatre Royal panto?), Ruby Murray and more whio escape memory. I wonder how much they would charge for entrance today!
  9. Anyone remember Norman Evans? (Over the garden wall). Our local group is doing a version of 'The Wizard of Oz', what I wrote. I can recommend the part of Dame to anyone wishing to lose weight. What with all the gear and make up, I once lost 5lb over 4 performances. I haven't been to a professional panto for some years. They reached a point where they stuck a 'name' from some Soap in a starring role and seemed to think that was enough. I hope they've improved.
  10. Great T.V. series based on the book by Paul Gallico but as is often the case, Hiram had far more talents in the series than in the book.
  11. One of your PE teachers used to sit on the sports field wearing a short Gymn skirt and massage her thighs. It was quite an entertainment for the lads during break. How well I remember!!!
  12. As a matter of interest, was your Mr Salmom very tall and thin and a pipe smoker? We had a Mr Salmon at William Crane, the best teacher I ever knew, and I've always remembered him with great respect.
  13. Give your money for charity's sake, take no account if some would fake An empty pocket, some do - but don't knock it This sounds to me like good advice, so I'll see to it in a trice! Here's some for the poor, I should really give more, And a little at least for the mystic east. Now cash to help snow leopards survive, I'm nearly skint, but I'll contrive To put some aside for those who've tried At social care - Hmmm! Don't forget the bear! And listen, can't you hear the pleas of those unfortunates with a disease? And those whose corn crops have no ears? God! I've been helping them for y
  14. I was born in 43. My dad was a miner and didn't go into the military. All I remember, or think I do, is of a Mosquito flying over with a shattered elevator; someone coming down on a parachute; receiving food parcels and immediately after the war, an AA gun in the city square. Unless memory serves me tricks, I also remember some sort of exhibition on the Forest, including a Lancaster bomber, or a part of one.
  15. I had an interesting experience today. We went to London by coach and stopped at a service area which had a Starbuck's. I went and bought a couple of coffees and the girl serving me asked if I would like to give to Children in Need. (A day after the event) I said 'No I didn't', and got 60p in 5p pieces change, obviously because I didn't contribute to children, or possibly 'Starbuck's' staff. I warned everyone behind me in the queue. On the way back, we stopped at the same place and I bought 60p's worth of chocolate at the same place. All in 5p pieces of course.
  16. I've always been a bit puzzled by the 'Children in Need' event. As I understand it, if I go down the road shaking a tin under everyone's nose and asking for money, I am in the wrong. The BBC takes a day's viewing and listening, shakes the biggest 'tin' in the country, asks for and gets millions. I dare say I'll be criticised for being uncharitable and a miserable so and so, but I make a point of neither watching nor listening to what goes on. If someone is on the street looking for a donation to what I feel to be a good cause, I will give to it, but at this annual intrusive plea, I feel a bit
  17. I remember Spike Milligan once describing a dead palm tree as being, 'out of date'.
  18. Here in Attleborough,there seems to be quite a reaction to today. The town is packed! I served 24 years in the RAF and am thankful to have never seen serious action but is it relevant to remember world events of a century ago? I think so. 'Lest we forget' doesn't just refer to WWs1 and 11 but also asks us to remember we still have fellow country men/women being maimed or killed in what many see as a fruitless action. Some would say it's their job, and so it is, but successive governments cry crocodile tears over the losses, telling us what grand chaps our soldiers are, but without our charity
  19. I don't recall films but recall being herded into 'the hall' and react to instructions on the radio. 'You are an aeroplane' - 'You are a tree' etc. I've never got over it.
  20. No television but 'Jennings', 'Toytown', 'William' and others on Children's Hour at 5 O'clock.
  21. Do does or don't does? Does do. Doters on does do. Don't say does don't. They do.
  22. Interesting you should mention Peter Sellers in this context. I'm half way through the biography, 'The Life and Death of Peter Sellers' by Roger Lewis. It's well worth a read, if you haven't already read it.
  23. RIP Graham Stark, the last actor remaining who featured in the Goon Show. He has died aged 91.
  24. My fondest memory of a dentist is of one in the RAF. He was a young Squadron Leader and was great! He was a typical rugby player, apologised for the smell if he'd eaten a curry the night before, but his real stardom was proved for me by the following. An airman went to see him for treatment. "I'm sorry sir," he said. "I forgot to clean my teeth before coming to see you." "That's alright," said the dentist. "I've just been for a shit and haven't washed my hands."