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Everything posted by tomlinson

  1. Because anyone spells correctly or not is really irrelevant. No one, certainly not me, looks down on anyone who has difficulty in any way with the written, or spoken word. Take a look at the the topic, 'Word Association'. It's been going longer than I have with 'Nottstalgia'. With me, and obviously others, the written word is a hobby, whether I'm reading it or writing it and I have done a great deal of writing for very little reward. I enjoy it as something I find easier to express myself with than the spoken word. Those who enjoy this sort of communication are not snobs because they may be re
  2. I don't speak or write a foreign language, never having been taught it at school and never having the inclination afterwards, but I'd like to bet that such a language it's taught with more accuracy and respect than our own.
  3. As I said, what is wrong with taking a pride in something of personal interest, and certainly the world will not end if you cannot spell, but this is in no way pointing at a standard of education. At the moment I'm involved with an amateur dramatic group with youngsters from 10 to 19 years old and I find the level of general literacy very poor. They speak and write in text. An example of degradation of language is as follows. In speaking to an 18 year old, I described the situation of someone as, 'untenable'. I was asked what that meant. "Indefensible", I said. "What does that mean?" I was ask
  4. #109 I don't understand the accusation, 'being a little snobbish'. In an aircraft environment a misunderstanding, written or spoken, could be fatal; also, I see nothing wrong in taking some sort of pride in something of personal interest.
  5. When in the RAF I was responsible for a sort of airforce wide news sheet and once criticized spelling seen on some aircraft servicing documents. Some one objected saying it didn't matter as, 'we know what they mean'. I asked RAF Halton training school about this and they said they were glad to see my criticism. Their view was that if they didn't care about spelling etc, what other low standards did they have? I've always tried to abide by this since.
  6. When camping with the RAF we used 'thunder buckets'. It was often said when getting back to civilization that it was nice to hear a satisfying splash instead of a dull thud.
  7. Curious thing. The mayor always had a go at throwing balls in a bucket and always came away with a prize. The balls always bounced out when we commoners had a go. FIX!!!
  8. An interesting subject. A friend of mine runs a florist's business down here and earlier this year he received a letter from a lad wanting a job. He told me it was so badly written in all respects, he did not even grant the lad an interview. Was he right not to do so or are written, and other communication skills, no longer necessary with the introduction of the computer at all stages of life?
  9. In Sike Milligan's 'Puckoon', he describes a character who had a thrill everytime they saw the sign, 'Members Only'.
  10. 'Hobson's Choice' has always been a favourite of mine.
  11. 'The Belles of St Trinians'. The sequels weren't up to much but Alister Sim films are always worth a look. 'An Inspector Calls'; 'Green For Danger'; 'Laughter in Paradise'; 'Hue and Cry'.
  12. The Thing From Another World (played by James Arness) - Invasion of the Body Snatchers - Creature From The Black Lagoon The first two si - fis with modern seqels which are worth a look, and don't forget Quatermass 1/2/3.
  13. I see 'Downturn Abbey' starts again tonight. Programmes like this, soaps, or all things about property, are amongst those that drive me to the computer or to a good book. How about you?
  14. A man from Dudleoiy went into a retro-clothing shop to be kitted out. He was asked if he would like a tank top. "Yes ploise", he said. "That would be very noice". "And would sir like some flared trousers"? "Great", said the customer. "That would be roilly great". "Now", he was asked, "how about a kipper tie"? His customer was keen. " That's very koind of yow", he said. "Oill have milk and two sugars thank yow".
  15. Sadly, I only play the gramophone/music center, whatever you may call it, but I play terrific music!
  16. I seem to be attending more reunions these days. Unfortunately they take place at the funeral of some friend or colleague! We're all doomed!!!
  17. Sounds and smell of Goose Fair on the way too.
  18. It is interesting to note that when woman first appeared, there were all sorts of problems. Adam didn't know what to do with it so asked god and was told to cuddle the thing. This was new and had to be explained. Then he was told to fondle it, which also had to be explained. When god told him to have intercourse with the thing, Adam got excited and rushed off only to find another problem to discuss with god. " God", he said, " What's a headache"?
  19. Always interesting to hear of others tastes in music. I once saw Ray Charles at the Odeon many years ago and was very disappointed. Some would say this is sacrilege but we like what we like and have much to choose from.
  20. We use our bags in similar ways. If we didn't use them we'd have to buy bags for the same purposes, so it makes me wonder how many of our leaders have an interest in manufacturing bags.
  21. Possibly, but that doesn't improve it.
  22. Being unfamiliar with much of the city now I'm not sure of the extent of the development, but the interior appears to be a variation on a modern theme; featureless. What is the general feeling in the city?
  23. For those who haven't heard and who may be interested, a squadron of F15s has left Lakenheath and has been replaced with 12 Boeing Ospreys. I haven't seen one yet but I'm assured they'te around.
  24. The first day of any term always had a lingering smell of new books and chalk and then there was always the job of covering the books, sometimes with brown paper, sometimes with wallpaper, before carefully writing name and form. There was a sort of excitement about it but it soon wore off.