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Everything posted by tomlinson

  1. I remember Austin Scot. He was an American and did indeed play the flute. I remember my first music lesson in the 'Seniors' when he tried to play the trombone as well and had us in stitches. That set the general standard of our music lessons. To do him justice though, he was also responsible for a youth orchestra which was allied I think to the Aspley Boys Club under Gordon Cley. It was quite something in those days.
  2. Shakespeare had it right. 'The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers'. (Henry VI Pt II)
  3. A bit of alarm and depondency is bread and butter to the media. I remember years ago a power cut occurring in the middle of a certain popular T.V. series. I went into the back garden and a neighbour appeared asking, " You seen owt o' that bloody 'Invisible Man" !!!
  4. I was at RAF Cottesmore ,I think '84, when HM Queen visited. The security was interesting. Grey suits were on the roof of the Sgts' Mess, where she was to 'take tea', looking down chimneys and such, and every window within view of her itinerary had all the curtains removed. That pleased the wives in married quarters!
  5. This looks good, especially about the meeting with Friar Tuck. I understand when Robin met Little John, they had a staff meeting.
  6. 1898 for the Klondike goldrush. I may not have found gold, but what a country!!!
  7. 'Give her/him the money Barney'!
  8. There was also a 'Jackpot' competition between the contestants at the end. It usually amounted to around £16.00, a good bit of money in those days. The winners mostly said, 'I'll give it to the church', and received much righteous applause. Those who have seen the film 'Billy Liar' may remember that Wilfred Pickles played Billy's father, and that he was a first class actor.
  9. Sorry! It took me a while before I found this post. I remember some of the words and I remember the tune but won't bother singing it for you. 'Loved of the fathers long ago were Aspley's pleasant meads, now by home and school transformed, they serve our greater needs', { I think something like} 'but still by Strelley's hallowed walls and Nuthall's country Lanes, Latitia Sevire, gladly serve oh youth of Crane'. We also sang at full throttle and it was an excellent tune for stamping your feet to! I'm sure there's more but memory fails.
  10. I once wrote a panto' built up around characters named after tea. There was a Lapsang of Souchong; ; Princess Typhoo; Brook (James) Bond; Prince Assam and Earl Grey (of course).
  11. It's scon in Norfolk and pikelets are crumpets, though whether there's any strict difference between these I've no idea. It's a bit like Mark Twain's remark about the Italians. They pronounce far better than they spell.
  12. Using the pass in Norwich is cheaper and far more convenient than finding a car park. I tried my pass on a tram on a visit to Nottingham and they told me I couldn't use it because the trams have nothing to do with the council so I had to pay the full whack. I've used it on the Notts buses though.
  13. I think my wife moves things round on maps; leastways, things are never where they should be, but where she thinks they are.
  14. I had a Simca 1301. Always over heated; over complicated and over priced!
  15. Another discussion of the question is in 'The Rubaiyat of Omar Khyyamm'. I find a great deal of logic there.
  16. You miss the point. My thought is, in 'giving life', you know as much about where your life comes from as to what happens after death. You cannot know, nor will you ever, that human life is better than a possible previous existence. Obviously parents' lives are fulfilled by having their family which is why IVF etc. is so beneficial to us but to assume there is nothing either side of our span of years is presumptive.
  17. Something which puzzles me is this. There is always great argument about assisted suicide on moral and religious grounds. Why do the same arguments not apply to assisted pregnancy; IVF etc. What happens after death is a matter of faith; an answer to this question has never been found and never will. Similarly, what happens before birth will always be unknown. We can never be sure that we are not being brought from a previous and better existence. Obviously the needs of having a family figure in this but take this away and both ends of life are unknown.
  18. In the late forties, early fifties, there were still shell shocked military around who were largely ignored or laughed at on buses etc. Sadly there are still battled scarred soldiers with us but we can be thankful for a more enlightened society - I hope!
  19. It reminds me of the old guy who went into a chemist and asked for a packet of condoms. The chemist asked how old he was and was told, 87. When asked how old his wife was he said, 88. The chemist said at that age they didn't really need condoms, and the old guy said, " We realise that, but we do like the smell of burning rubber".
  20. Sorry about that. How about, 'Do You Remember Have A Go'?
  21. Who remembers Wilfred Pickles and his programme, 'Have A Go', Mable at the table and the rest of it? One of his questions was, 'Have you ever had an embarrassing moment'? I have. Due to the present incumbent having a mild heart attack, I was asked to play Town Crier today and due to a spot of 'blackmail' I did it. Now I'm not sure whether an intended heart attack was the reason behind this or not but I felt most uncomfortable! Have you ever had an embarrassing moment?
  22. I seem to remember that a Junior Mirror was brought out at some time.
  23. Quite right! Sondor it was. Also in the Eagle were Tommy Walls and Harris Tweed. Lots more too!
  24. Wasn't 'Knockout' one of the old ones too?
  25. Sorry to be pedantic but the green guys were the Treens and the Meakon was their boss who had a large head and floated around on a flat iron. There was one friendly Treen whose name was Kondor. Sorry again for the effects of old age. Long term memory o.k. but I can't remember why I switched my computer on!