Cliff Ton

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Everything posted by Cliff Ton

  1. Went to Loughborough from Clifton on South Notts buses quite a few times when I was younger.
  2. I've just watched the 1 hour highlights programme. It was a bit one-sided. At least England can't be worse in the next game.
  3. At a quick first glance the front end looks like a trolleybus.
  4. I think that's the answer. There were many variations, even if it all started here......
  5. I'm not sure if this counts as crooning, and the singer isn't British, but it's always been one of my favourite male vocal performances by anyone.
  6. When I was young I remember us going to Mansfield by bus (Trent) on a few occasions. What impressed me most was that the bus was an early Atlantean, which at the time seemed very futuristic.
  7. Your memory isn't wrong ! The OP originally posted the subject in 2020 and received several answers. The topic was re-posted yesterday, and I've merged both threads. What you remember is the first 9 posts above.
  8. Exactly. That's the classic sign of a conspiracy theorist - people who see things which no-one else knows about. Only they can tell everyone else what's happening, because normal people aren't aware of it.
  9. At least you can still post here and tell everyone about it. That's a lot better than hiding away feeling sorry for yourself.
  10. Does anyone still buy First Class Stamps ? Will they continue now it's £1.25 ?
  11. That's a phrase I've not seen used for a long time.
  12. Water torture is putting it mildly. Conspiracy theorists obviously have a lot of spare time on their hands. I don’t quite understand the point of his ramblings and mutterings. He does nothing beyond state the bleedin’ obvious, highlighting sections of web pages which are there for anyone to see at any time. I wonder if anyone has watched one of his videos all the way through without nodding off. A total waste of time and bandwidth.
  13. There was a 2 hour programme on Sky Arts last night (I'd seen it before) which is basically the history of The Beatles. As well as the music, it also talks about their influence on social history; teenagers having their own music and fashions etc.....the first generation who didn't just copy their parents.
  14. One of the problems is that people who fall under the heading ‘management’ often get there because they’ve taken a few exams and therefore think they can manage any business or process. They’ve studied management theory - whatever that is - but it isn’t connected to the real world. In a work environment, no-one should have the power to tell you to do something unless they know how to do it themselves.
  15. There is very little reason to go into Nottingham now; there are very few shops left selling anything. South of the Market Square - down towards what used to be Broad Marsh - is a ghost town.
  16. I'm now full of holes. Two vaccinations today - Covid and Flu - at the same visit. One in each arm.
  17. Even though it was only posted a year ago, I'd forgotten about it and how interesting it is. There's no date, but looking at the scenery and traffic I'd guess it was made around the mid-80s. That doesn't seem too long ago, but it's surprising how much has changed since then...especially things like disappearing pubs.
  18. The posts about Donella Meadows have gone to Politics.
  19. I believe the classical influences were mainly due to the organist Matthew Fisher. He knew all about that kind of thing, and was the person responsible for the Bach bits in WSoP.
  20. I've probably posted it somewhere here before, but one of my Goose Fair memories involved us going to my grandparents' house on Grimston Road, and then walking along Gregory Boulevard to the fair. As we got closer, the sounds and smells got stronger, and I was always fascinated by the increasing use of front garden space along Gregory Boulevard for side shows and fortune tellers etc.
  21. I like Whiter Shade but I always preferred the follow-up, Homburg, which has been somewhat overlooked. Lyrically it's very similar; i.e. surreal and weird.
  22. It starts today, which seems ridiculously early. And goes on until Sunday 8th. I haven't been since the late 80s, and probably won't break that run this year.
  23. And pet food is an unusual subject when it comes to advertising, because the manufacturers can't address their advertising directly to the consumer, they have to speak to the consumer's owner, which is a bit convoluted and awkward.
  24. I can't bear the thought or sight or taste of milk on its own. I'm only happy with milk when it's hidden within something greater. It stems from the days of being force-fed milk at school. I hated having to drink one of those small bottles of milk with a straw; the taste, the smell and the sight of it were revolting back then, and still are today
  25. According to various sources, the statue was moved in 1953. There were bus/trolley stops near where the statue used to be (bottom of Market St), so I presume it could've been used as a reference point.