Cliff Ton

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Everything posted by Cliff Ton

  1. Carni hasn't posted here for a while but I've often seen her browsing.....and I've also seen her on Facebook. I think she's just become shy.
  2. Just been out in it today, and it's a bit cool. Wearing clothes I hadn't used for several months, and turned up the heating in the car.
  3. That's sad news. I'd noticed Ayup hadn't logged in here since the end of last year, and he also seemed to have vanished from everywhere else on the internet. John was one of the very earliest members of Nottstalgia back in 2004, and was an Admin for most of that time.
  4. Whatever you say, you are likely to upset someone. So just ignore them all and say what you think.
  5. The forecast for Nottingham tomorrow gives a temperature of 17 deg C, which is almost winter. This time last year we were in the mid 30s.
  6. Looking at an old Trade Directory, the Campion Cycle Company were at Bentinck Buildings, 13 Wheeler Gate. Streetview haven't been there since 2019; since then it's all been refurbished but with even fewer shops actually operating.
  7. Just watched the 1 hour highlights on BBC2......without knowing what had happened during the day. Spectacular from England.
  8. Malcolm and Ben...........What device(s) are you using to get what you see ? Are you on Phone/Tablet/Desktop/etc
  9. Good - and surprising - news on the medical front. I rang my GP this morning for an appointment (nothing serious). I got through easily and was given a time of person. I had to double check what I was hearing, because I expected a phone consultation; that's all I've had for several years. To go back to seeing a real doctor in the same room was a bit of a shock.
  10. Yes, that's another way of deleting messages....which I'd not noticed. The way I've always done it is to click on 'Message List', which gives a list of messages down the left-hand side; then choose one to delete it.
  11. Ben, look at the screenshot which BK has posted a couple of posts back (with his red circle). In the top right corner you can see the envelope symbol. Do you see that on your screen ? That's the one I was referring to in my earlier post., which enables you to clear your inbox.
  12. I've just tried to send a PM to you, and I got a message saying 'Benjamin cannot receive messages'. I assume your inbox is full.
  13. Click on the envelope symbol at the top of the page. You'll get a drop-down panel with 'Go to inbox' at the bottom. Click on that, and you'll see a list of your PMs. Tick the empty box on the left of various messages.
  14. Looks like it had been closed for a while.....
  15. My experience with the efficiency of Currys is not something for them to be proud of. A couple of years ago I paid the extra to Currys to have a washing machine installed and the old one taken away, on the basis that it's easier than trying to mess around with it myself. However, they screwed up on the installation of the new model. Trying to ring them to get it sorted was a going-round-in-circles nightmare. Eventually, I sorted the problem out myself (an on/off valve had been left in the wrong position by their 'fitters') but I'll never use Currys again for anything l
  16. When I was much younger on Clifton I remember going to our GP, who was Dr S. Lundie. He was also the police doctor in the 1950s-60s. But the main thing I remember was that when you walked into his surgery he was sitting at his desk smoking a cigarette.
  17. If you really want to go into the subject of Birkin in great detail .......
  18. Here in all his glory.....Ben pausing for breath between chatting up the ladies.
  19. I also have the form which lists Repeat items. I tick the box for whatever I need, and stick the form in the box at the doctor’s reception area. Then go to Morrison’s pharmacy to collect it a few days later. And they give me another form with more boxes to tick whenever I need the next one.
  20. I can confirm that to the best of my knowledge, that really is the living legend which is Ben.
  21. This is the factory in Basford, on Beech Avenue.
  22. And this is the Birkin building in the Lace Market.....a recognisable landmark.
  23. I never realised Jane B was connected to the Birkins of Nottingham Lace.
  24. Posts about Doctors etc have gone to their own thread.
  25. I took that photo on a Sunday morning around 10am. I had to manoeuvre my position to avoid the homeless in the doorways. You can see a cardboard box sticking out; that was one of their 'homes', but there were others.