Cliff Ton

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Everything posted by Cliff Ton

  1. In the early-mid 60s the Classic Cinema on Market Street featured films and cartoons for children - before it later specialised in 'adult entertainment'. I was taken there by my parents on more than a few occasions, and in the gaps between films they played a piece of music which I alway liked but never knew who/what it was. I guessed it might be The Shadows, but I eventually discovered the answer many years later.
  2. If you scroll down on this link, you'll see a few photos and other bits about Cooper Street.
  3. If you click on Trogg's image, you get an enlarged version. It's taken on Broad Street, looking towards Stoney Street. The surrounding buildings haven't changed much.
  4. My reasoning for saying that particular building is from early 1900s Directories. Broadway, going from Stoney Street towards St Mary's Gate, only names two companies. Jacoby, then Birkin. And there are only two main entrances along that side.
  5. Just seen my first 23 reg. car. They started on the first day of the month, but it's taken 11 days for one to appear on my radar.
  6. Looking at various old maps and directories, this was Jacoby's warehouse on Broadway.
  7. Looking out of the window at 8.30 this morning, and looking out now, is a spectacular change in such a short time. Arctic to sub-tropical.
  8. My mother was also there (in normal day time), in the late 30s-early 40s.
  9. To bring the thread up to date, this is what the Cottesmore site looks like today.....from Lenton Boulevard. And you can see the white house on the corner which has been - and still apparently is - semi-derelict for longer than anyone can remember.
  10. Oakdale Road to Bestwood.........That's an impressive distance to walk at night. Dedication.
  11. Nice to know you're still here crankypig. I'd suggest that the jabs actually do work for you; you've had Covid twice but you're still here to tell us about it. If the jabs didn't work, you wouldn't still be posting.
  12. This might answer your question.
  13. I think so, but it might get a bit complicated having to use the library system. I save information by writing on paper using a pen....or.....I use my phone camera to take a photo of the information on the computer screen; and then you just transcribe it yourself when you get back home.
  14. I've now checked out the 1921 Census in City Libraries and it works. Although just in the small number of entries I looked at, I found several transcription errors.
  15. From what I can deduce - I never went there - this was Propaganda.
  16. Somewhere up here ?
  17. What are you referring to with 4 Bestwood or 1 Bestwood ? Is that an alternative address ?
  18. That's the kind of comment which justifies the existence of Nottstalgia. Those of us who've been here seemingly for ever sometimes forget that a random 'stranger' will come along and be fascinated by an old thread which will spark all kinds of memories for them.
  19. If you want confirmation it's safe to come out now...........when I went to have my hair cut, they've got newspapers and magazines back in the waiting area.
  20. There's also a thread here on Nottstalgia about 'Scene Before....' started by Moz.
  21. A few acts who played the Sandpiper.
  22. Skills garage used to be here........ It's now all student accommodation blocks.
  23. This is the area in the 1920s. Hague Terrace is arrowed. The road along the bottom is Ilkeston Road. The 'Chapel' top left is still there.
  24. I knew I'd find something eventually. A collection of photos including one showing Hague Terrace off Hague Street, Radford.