Cliff Ton

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Everything posted by Cliff Ton

  1. So far, Joan Tyler seems to have become a victim of 'Not Coming Back After One Post' syndrome. It's also ironic that another frequent poster - Michael Booth - has not been here for several years, and he lived on Grainger Street.
  2. When you want to find a shop assistant and ask them something, they're never around. When you want to just look without buying, they won't leave you alone.
  3. I've mentioned it before but there are two likely possible explanations. One is the person simply forgets they ever posted here, so never come back again because it's gone from their mind. Or they remember they posted but can't find it. Either they don't remember the website where they posted the message; or even if they can find Nottstalgia again, they can't find their own post within it.
  4. As far as I know he wasn't born in Nottingham and never visited - but the list of songs he wrote is incredible, and everyone here will know several of them. Ben will have used them as chat-up lines.
  5. I think Grainger Street has come up in another thread somewhere, and I think I've posted a photo of it. But here's another. The road on the left is Meadow Lane. Grainger Street goes from the arrow down towards the river. The bridge was a railway crossing; it's now Lady Bay Bridge for road traffic. Arnell1862 who started this thread never came back after his first and only post.
  6. Trogg hasn't logged in since January 15th, which is unlike him. Hopefully it's nothing more than a hospital visit to have one of his problems fixed.
  7. In the last couple of weeks I've seen reduced calendars and christmas cards in charity shops.
  8. And don't even mention starting every sentence with 'So......'
  9. This is an interesting history of how supermarkets first came to Britain, which spelt the end of the Marsdens/Farrands/Dewhurst etc.
  10. A couple of days late, but...........70 years ago, sweet rationing finally ended in the UK on 5th February 1953. Not that I was around to appreciate it.
  11. My aircraft story - going off on a bit of a tangent but it does have an aircraft link. Whilst working for Central TV, in 1993 I was involved in a live broadcast from one of the dams in the Peak District to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Dambuster raids. Actor Richard Todd (from the film) was also there and I spent some time talking to him. I'm not the world's tallest person, but talking to Mr Todd made me realise he was very un-tall; the top of his head only reached my shoulders. Ever since then, I've watched films featuring Richard Todd and noticed how the cam
  12. I don't think this has been mentioned before. Central Avenue, West Bridgford.
  13. The first 20-ish photos here include examples of most of the shops in the title of this thread.
  14. Looking at the photos again, this could be in the other thread about Farrands, Marsdens, etc etc. In picture No. 2 there's a Marsdens on the left; and in No.5 there a Dewhurst on the left edge.
  15. I thought I remembered this subject coming up before. Unfortunately there still seems to be no-one who remembers.
  16. Random picture from somewhere on the internet. Seems to fit here; has Ben all over it.
  17. The Peacock, at the bottom end of Mansfield Road, is reopening after being closed for several years. It's the one which had (and still has) bell-pushes to order drinks.
  18. Col, you're turning into Ben.
  19. The location and scenario as mentioned by BK in the previous post.
  20. Yes, they are the same scene about 60 years apart. The pub (white building) in the centre of the old photo is just visible in the distance in the new version.
  21. For about 18 months in the mid-70s I worked for British Midland at Castle Donington (concurrent with Mrs B - although we didn't know each other). At that time the main BMA fleet was prop-driven Viscounts and Heralds....but they occasionally leased a 707, and I remember the novelty of seeing one parked outside the hangar near where I worked. They'd been in production for around 20 years even then, but they still caused people to stop and look.
  22. I hadn't heard of lime marmalade before, but there's a lot of it about so I might investigate.
  23. 70 years ago since the big flood down the East Coast. I wasn't around at the time, but everyone here has been to Skeg or Mablethorpe which were badly hit.