Cliff Ton

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Everything posted by Cliff Ton

  1. I agree with that. Everything I've ever seen on Twitter is totally pointless trivial rubbish. It's just stating the bloody obvious; things you didn't need to know anyway; comments which nobody asked for and nobody needs. I've never seen anything mentioned on Twitter where I thought "I'm glad I saw that, I didn't know about it" I'm very pro-Internet in every other way, but Twitter is a complete waste of space.
  2. I think the dots Notty Ash is referring to are the very fine lines running sometimes up the middle of roads and sometimes across fields and buildings. I don't think they are trees, and an early tube network does look a better suggestion.
  3. On the subject of ugly buildings, nice to see one which is on its way out.
  4. Not necessarily. As a result of computers and websites, I have personal contact and meetings with people who I would otherwise not be meeting.
  5. I'd be lost without it now. If something can be done online, I do it. All finance stuff; pay bills; forums; buy things; try things; find out about things; arrange things; contact people. If I didn't have access to the interweb now, it would be like living in a cave.
  6. That'll teach me to not read the thing properly. I've changed the title of the thread.
  7. I've linked to a fully zoomable map of 1748 here And on it, you can see Pennyfoot Row just on the edge of the map. Go to the link above for the whole of Nottingham.
  8. I've looked at the Notts History site hundreds of times but I'd missed this gem. If you click anywhere on the map at this link, you get a fully zoomable PDF of a 1748 map of Nottingham.
  9. Have I missed something in that picture, but.......what was the point of the raised pathway? I can't see any reason why it couldn't have gone at normal ground level.
  10. That tall building is on Greyfriar Gate, on the site of what became Woolworths. I've no idea what that pre-Woolies building was. But on this later photo it appears to be mid-demolition.
  11. I think - not absolutely certain - the People's College building in the old Broad Marsh area was the low white building on the left here.
  12. For the benefit of those who don't know the area, this is the wall in question.,-1.131349,3a,75y,5.26h,91.23t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sVPYQUc_C7gtY8wHzBi1jtg!2e0?hl=en
  13. Not sure about a gallows there, but it was definitely a place for burying suicides, who had to be buried at a crossroads. Scroll down a bit on here
  14. And for anyone who might have missed it earlier.....
  15. You've got your bearings confused Michael. Mr Fluck's shop was on Long Row, looking up Sheep Lane. The demolition job is on Parliament Street looking down Sheep Lane.
  16. I've linked to this site on a few previous occasions, and they've now done a piece about Mapperley tunnel with newly-taken interior photos.
  17. Famous for his alms houses
  18. And from Parliament Street, looking down, just as the widening started.
  19. A great image of present-day Britain - she's nipped out of work and has a mobile phone stuck to her ear.,-1.124269,3a,15y,19.86h,87.91t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sIIC4V-DUgGvyRGee_hui5g!2e0?hl=en
  20. This?,-1.123926,3a,75y,345.46h,96.69t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1szpxid55ZlAVGWS9KYmS5GQ!2e0?hl=en
  21. From the days before don't get quaint language like this in adverts now. I fancy the idea of going to an electric cookery demonstration on a Wednesday afternoon.
  22. By the mid-80s (maybe earlier) there was a delicatessen at the corner of Florence Road / Porchester Road which sold those kind of things. In those days it was still fairly rare to find that kind of shop.
  23. The timing thing on posts is even more complicated than that. I'm not sure whether this is only on my computer, but all the posting times I see on messages are one hour earlier than they were actually posted. For instance, here's one I did earlier and it says 9.30am. But I actually posted it at 10.30 am. And that applies to every post I see.
  24. I know what you mean. The lower level bit on the left is in the old Odeon space; the tall building is in what was an empty hole.