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Everything posted by Stan

  1. Just the start of the fire season darkazana. . We had a few in South Australia yesterday.
  2. Could be instrumental in the search ,Katyjay !
  3. I wonder if it is the same one? Used to be a pilot.
  4. This story was not suppressed today or kept under cover!! Australian woman loses bid for compensation for sex injury while on work trip Australia's highest court has ruled a bureaucrat injured while having sex on a work trip is not entitled to workers' compensation
  5. At a recent `meet-up' of old (very old!) school mates , 2 things struck me. 1. How amazingly young they looked at 73 ! 2.How well they had all done from a state education (although at a grammar school) Back to the point. One chap gave me a book to read,as i was always `rabbitin' on about Muslim and Jewish world domination." Religion Explained in an Hour" << Return to book overview By Glenn Hill (a Westbridgford author) I recommend it to you all. I myself do not read much as I much prefer to be `doing stuff' and working with my hands (and brain-or what remains of it). Thepoint abo
  6. It is only when you study the HUGE number of topics and the depth of knowledge contained therein that you realise what a brilliant site it is. If only some of the`lurkers' would pull their weight and contribute !
  7. If that Aircraft Carrier is used to maintain the balance of power with China and particularly Pakistan, it will be money well spent. Incidentally have just received this note from a friend,maybe this is where our money to India is going? Hi Stan!! I have exciting news! Prince Charles and Camilla are going to be coming to Dehradun during their India visit. They are going to go to the Indian Military Academy and the Doon School. They may also go to Rishikesh to meet our Swamiji. Guess you beat the royals to it all
  8. WintER FUEL ALLOWANCE About this time of the year, older taxpayers will again be receiving another 'Winter Fuel' payment. This is indeed a very exciting programme and I'll explain it by using a Q & A format: Q. What is a 'Winter Fuel' payment ? A. It is money the government will send to taxpayers. Q. Where will the government get this money ? A. From taxpayers. Q. So the government is giving me back my own money ? A. Only a smidgen of it. Q. What is the purpose of this payment ? A. The plan is for you to use the money to purchase gas and electricity...or a high-definition TV set, thus
  9. Or maybe Dad and Dad and Mum 1 and Mum 2. ...or maybe this should be a further discussion topic?
  10. I read that `false widow' spiders were killing off people like flies in UK gardens at present?
  11. Thanks,Den.This chap would have been in his 20`s in 1960.
  12. The Zoo Keeper A bloke starts his new job at the zoo and is given three tasks. First is to clear the exotic fish pool of weeds. As he does this a huge fish jumps out and bites him. To show who is boss, he beats it to death with a spade. Realizing his employer won't be best pleased he disposes of the fish by feeding it to the lions, as lions will eat anything. Moving on to the second job of clearing out the Chimp house, he is attacked by the chimps who pelt him with coconuts. He swipes at two chimps with a spade killing them both.. What can he do? Feed them to the
  13. Anyone remember the chap with the `gammy leg' who sang at the Astoria Ballroom or whatever it became. Lived around the corner from me at Bilborough. Very fine voice.
  14. This advert reminded me of one Hopewell who produced wonderful music at St.Ann`s church across the road from the shop on St. Ann`s Well Rd. ...and which thug knocked over that lovely building?...probably the same crowd that destroyed the one in Trinity Square,and the wonderful Mundella School.!
  15. I can tell you Michael,the situation is far worse than you can ever imagine. The NHS is bleeding billions to any and all that `rock-up' by chance or planning to Britain. The ones that want the best service pay for a single visit to a Specialist then jump the queue for their treatment.(whilst Brits wait in endless waiting lists).The arabs were the worst followed by Pakistani and Indian nationals. Most treatments were unobtainable in their own country. A recent example would be the 3 girls shot in Pakistan who were transferred to UK (Malala and her 2 friends) for life saving surgery. The o
  16. Many years ago,I remember how researchers were trying to relate increased CVS deaths to water hardness around Glasgow area.This was disproved,/not shown,but magnesium was a factor CONCLUSION Information from epidemiological and other studies supports the hypothesis that a low intake of magnesium may increase the risk of dying from, and possibly developing, cardiovascular disease or stroke. Thus, not removing magnesium from drinking water, or in certain situations increasing the magnesium intake from water, may be beneficial, especially for populations with an insufficient dietary intake of
  17. Have you visited the BBH school recently,M I ? I walked past the old caretakers`house (which is all that is left of BBH) this summer. The new BBH is rather posh and doing well due in part to the headmistress.Not sure but is it the old senior girls school building. I think that as JOCO is the local councillor a little more than the average funds end there. Talking of the Cavendish,the area around that cinema is beautifully landscaped.(again thanks to JOCO). Walk through the local council houses along side with their postage sized gardens and see apathy at work.Instead of gardens to complim
  18. What`s wrong with good old carbolic soap !!!
  19. Knowing how ruthless these companies are,I would like to see their figures for `mistakes ' at the machines(!) compared with employment of check-out person compared with speed of through put. Their losses through `mistakes' must be less! `Scuse my cynical thoughts.
  20. In South Australia,we have paid for `polluting' plastic bags for sometime. However,if you use the automatic machines they are free! I NEVER use the machines purely for the reason it puts a kid (usually University or High school)out of a job.
  21. Nicotine + Alcohol+(Fuel) ................TAX
  22. Did you realise just how tricky the word is Jackson? phyto reduces to phyt when the next letter is a vowel,and the Americans cannot spell oestrogen,they spell it estrogen... and how many tons of yams you would have to eat to have a therapeutic effect?
  23. You are probably not getting enough of the phytoestrogen then,Jackson !!!
  24. Thanks Ayup,firstly I do not claim to be an expert on the brain or human body. I know a lot about a little(like most experts!),Now basford red, the following sentence should clarify things for you. While brain abnormalities certainly play a role in addictive personalities, people's life experiences and environment play a part as well 1.Brain abnormalities exist and play a role in addictive personality. 2.The second part is what we are BOTH on about. `life experiences,environment ,etc is the cause of the majority of the problem as you and I agree.
  25. Quite a few posts have been lost,barclaycon ,could this be the reason? SITE MOVE - MOVING HOSTING -DO NOT POST