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Everything posted by LizzieM

  1. It seems that us 40's and 50's kids were ALL given a big spoonful of Virol every day, to build us up
  2. Happy birthday from me too Jimmy87notts
  3. So pleased you've enjoyed your stay in Nottingham Sheridan. Such a shame that a lot of us had prior commitments and weren't able to have a cuppa with you in town. Enjoy the rest of your UK trip and make sure you come back to Nottingham again some time!
  4. Happy Birthday Gibbo 04 and Beardy, have a nice day
  5. I've had a Nikon Coolpix L120 for 18 months and hardly used it as I haven't been bothered to read the instruction book yet. Must get around to that sometime! It takes a good photo though.
  6. Enjoy your hols Carni, don't spend too much time on Nottstalgia, lol
  7. Oops, the pic is about as big as a postage stamp on my screen, maybe I wasn't that clever after all
  8. Well just look how clever I am ...... I'm so proud of myself for working out this uploading images thingy!!! Chris Barber and the Bicycle Band, 1969. The lads are wearing 'Sun' kit ...... would this be a part of the Carlton company? Third from the right is John Aslin, a boyfriend of mine at that time I remember at that time,1969, he was riding for the Carlton team and then went to Falcon.
  9. Welcome to the city of your roots Sheridan! Yes it was a lovely warm day today but I think you'll need your mac tomorrow! I hope that one or two Nottstalgians can get to meet you on Sunday, enjoy your stay.
  10. And I will be away from 9th til 16th September so hope it can be arranged after that, really enjoyed meeting you all last time, despite getting wet through!
  11. No I don't but I have one aunt left from that side of the family, who was born there in 1929, I'll ask her, she's got a terrific memory. One thing's for certain, your ancestors and mine would all have used the same row of toilets up the yard!!!!!
  12. The Pianoman, # 1 ......... My grandparents lived at 15 Queens Grove from about 1919 until the 60's. my Mum was born there in 1924. Of no help to you in your search though unfortunately.
  13. Well done to our local lad, MAN OF THE MATCH .......... Broady.
  14. The jam was necessary, to make the semolina slightly more palatable!
  15. Outside Lyons Caff on Long Row (where my bus came in) or Left Lion
  16. Or if your Mum wanted the divi she probably bought it at the big Co-op on Parliament Street
  17. My Mum told me that their piano was floating up near the ceiling in their house on Queens Grove.
  18. It's my middle name cos I've always hated my first name .........
  19. Welcome De Da Pete! Well it seems you have plenty of hobbies and interests, you put most of us to shame! Hope you enjoy the Nottstalgia community and look forward to reading your posts.
  20. Pixie, there's little more I can add to the comments left here by other Nottstalgians. It's so very sad that you tried unsuccessfully to locate your father but the important point here is that he cared for you even if he wasn't part of your life. Such a shame that he didn't meet your dear little girl too but you have your life ahead of you, enjoy being a good Mum and never forget your Dad who is at peace now.
  21. Carni, the Ibis that Paulus suggests is on Fletcher Gate so the tram runs right outside and it's handy for walking around the city centre. There are a few hotels up Mansfield Road ....... the Park Inn and the Westminster (both opposite the Grosvenor but Mansfield Road is noisy at night - police and ambulance sirens!) and a bit further afield the Premier Inn in Daybrook, next door to where you had your family meal the other week. All these hotels are on good bus routes into town and all have good car parks.
  22. The nests don't disintegrate when they're in your loft, we had one up there for years and it was still there when we sold the house.