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Everything posted by darkazana

  1. Ivor Beamer Iona Bentley
  2. Best thing to do if caught outside in lightning, apparently is to curl up on the ground with your bum in the air, less likely to be harmed if struck.....will be laughing stock though!
  3. One Lancaster spotted over Poolsbrook, Staveley this afternoon
  4. #7 Lizzie, I mentioned about this yesterday but on another thread - how's your day - sorry should have flagged up it's own thread. Was going to go over to my daughters at Scampton but she said the main event had been cancelled due to the weather, though as I said above we had 8 Red arrows come overhead here at Besthorpe at around 2.
  5. Red arrows flew over our house at 14.00, though much of the expected show had been cancelled due to the weather, my daughter at Scampton tells me. The Lancasters will be on public display at Coningsby for the next month or so, for which tickets are available
  6. I got it too, but here I am now
  7. My daughter did one in Somerset a couple of years ago and said it was ok. Just makes you think more when driving.
  8. Will be thinking of you me ducks, all the best
  9. Ours is an Ace Award Brightstar ( 21ft a 2 berth), and yes I agree a lovely van. it's 10 years old now but doing well considering we are living in it for 6-8months a year, mind you the awning with annexe for kitchen area helps!
  10. darkazana

    Mike Smith

    It was a shock to read the news this morning. I remember his helicopter crash, he broke his back in that and Sarah Greene had a few breaks too. But as you say 59 is no age, it's very sad.
  11. And you have the great memories. A wedding isn't just about parties...though we always have a good one, it's about commitment. My first marriage didn't work out and we split up 22 years and 3 children later. When I remet John (Friends Reunited) I was happy for us to live together, our children were all old enough for it not to matter and we were not planning on having children of our own (6 girls between us is quite enough thank you). remarriage wasn't so important to me, but it was very important to John, so I agreed. John's first marriage had been in a register office, (mine had been in a
  12. Hiring one is a good idea as NewBasfordlad suggests. A bit expensive, but not as expensive as buying one and finding out it's not for you. Some companies also have a deal with the Camping and Caravanning Club so that you can use their sites at members rates, not with the Caravan Club though.
  13. Yes we usually warn "newbies" that we'll be round later to watch.They tend to have lots of "darling" moments!
  14. Really pleased for you Benjamin, It is great doing something that you enjoy, I speak from experience. I hope you continue to thrive and continue to keep us all entertained too with your great humour.
  15. Never owned one ourselves, though have been considering getting one to tow our caravan so that on our days off from the site we can go away for a few nights. We always get our caravans from dealers now because they will px (we px'd a car for a caravan last time) and will give you a certain amount of warranty. Buying private can be cheaper but it is usually sold as seen with no come back. Main dealer around these parts with a good reputation is Brownhills in Newark, but they are expensive. having said that they look after you, as do Lowdham Leisure. Most caravan dealers stock motorhomes too, t
  16. You will be fine Carni, we will all be there with you in spirit....just lie back and think of Nottstalgia
  17. I enjoy following the old ways and the Wheel Of Life, as it follows the natural rhythms of the earth. Which brings me to belatedly wish you all Blessed Lammas, or Lughnasadh for yesterday. This is the time of harvest for which, whatever your beliefs, we should all be grateful for what we have. There is a theme of sacrifice at this time. What should we give to make sure that our lives bear fruit and that all mouths are fed in a just and harmonious world? Brightest Blessings Friends.
  18. If I'm reading this in 2104 I'll be quite owd! 147
  19. With a bit of a squint and some imagination I can see poohs friend...Tigger
  20. Sounds a bit fishy to me Bubblewrap!
  21. Have you been to the weekly market recently? Harleys is fine if you want cheap and cheerful carvery, but many of our campers want somewhere quieter, even our local PCSO who calls in on a regular basis says he wouldn't recommend anywhere in Staveley. Just out of interest there were several gunshots this morning at 5am just off the campsite, possibly in the country park. Perhaps one of the locals bagging themselves Sunday Lunch?
  22. My point exactly Rob L. Christianity is a relatively young religion, hijacking ancient beliefs and moulding their own around them. When you research more deeply into the different religions you see that many of the stories show an uncanny similarity to ancient myths and legends, with changed names but little else. Chulla, I assume you don't believe in ghosts or the supernatural either, which is fine, but there are a lot of unexplained happenings out there, several recorded by Nottstalgians on this site, which has to make you wonder if there is no spiritual afterworld what do these people see