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Everything posted by fch782c

  1. How many eggs can you put in an empty basket?
  2. Would anybody be able to let me know how to change my setting so we hat I can resize photographs so they are still within the 50k but appear larger than a postage stamp I've tried alsorts to do it but now my brain hurts. I've looked elsewhere to see if there are previous posts explaining this but although there probably is some I'm blowed if i can find it. I've tried using the photo editing site recommended but then im stumped as to how to post them back here Thanks in advance
  3. In what year did Christmas and New Year's fall on the same year?
  4. I was waiting for the punchline, you know the bit where her shoves the tool through the end of his foot or he bursts a water main.
  5. Flea pit Best wood villig, Overwize nown as Bestwood owtel, Park Rowd Best wood Villig The Made Coppis rowd Arnul
  6. Imagine trying this on Highfields Boating Lake Beeston, I wonder if the authorities would moan about scaring the fish
  7. I had this same message Thursday afternoon but if I started another internet session it opened fine
  8. I had been suffering with cirrhosis for two years along with severe headaches. In February this year I suffered an Epileptic fit at home and had a stroke in the ambulance on the way to hospital followed by a second stroke in intensive care. At this point I think they started to take me serious regarding the headaches as it turns out when they gave me an MRI Scan they discovered I had a tumor called a Glyoma / Astrocytoma My point is that as A Charlesworth says no matter how small or insignificant you may consider your symptoms are, be they lumps, skin lesions or pains in isolated areas for g
  9. when i were a kid Apparentley if brains wos dynamite i wunt aye enuf ta blowt skin off of a rice puddn
  10. A little newer but think of the ingenuity of its original creator
  11. Sorry about that I'll try and send it in a different format unless anyone else has an idea that might help Fch782c
  12. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2438137/The-new-celebrity--armour-plated-car-delivers-electric-shocks.html One way to deter car thieves
  13. Built nearly 200years ago you've got to see this incredible engineering http://m.wimp.com/writerautomaton/
  14. A few rules/common sense should be observed if you intend taking up metal detecting 1, DO NOT dig Anywhere on Private Land unless you have gained express permission from the land owner first, if the farmer specifies boundaries you must work within and areas which are out of bounds you MUST respect this. At first if you invest a little time asking land owners permission you will often find they show an interest and often suggest you should contact freinds of thiers who may also take an interest, but you must be prepared for dissapointment if the land owner says no his word is final and if you
  15. Hi afferGorritt I too enjoy days out with my C-Scope CS660 but as you may have descovered finding land where we are welcome are getting few and far between. We have found the best way is to approach famers/landowners and arrive at a share agreement. I have tried this myself only once and have been told by others this is the best option.Please find below link to site detailing landowners contract agreement http://www.metaldetectingforum.co.uk/viewtopic.php?t=1068&f=11 I am not sure what the situation is now but I recall some years ago my uncle reaching an agreement with Colonel Frank See
  16. Myself and my mum both suffered with asthma and a lot of our relatives were heavy smokers, so my mum wrote the following poem and we framed it an hung it on the wall so it could be seen as soon as people walked through the door. Nobody every commented on the poem but all the smokers were great, and from then on would go into the garden for a smoke or in case of rain they would use the rear porch, and in all the years the sign was displayed nobody ever took offence May we please ask you not to smoke As cigarettes are not a joke They kill fresh air and make a smell And make my family feel un
  17. Bubble and squeek with Lincolnshire sausage, can't beat it
  18. Apologies katyjay and everyone else I was practicing posting and trying my hand at emoticons, it looks as though all went wrong somewhere down the line as it got posted when that was not my intention and most dissapointingly of all my emoticons didn't work. Excuses, excuses eh. Is it possible for one of the moderators to delete my post for me please, the joke was rubbish anyway. Apologies again.
  19. My first recollection of a dentist was a scottish chap called Mr Young who had a surgery on Pevril Road in Bees ton at the age of 3 he scared the living day lights out of me. There I was in his chair with white knuckles where I was hanging on for dear life and at the grand old age of 3 he had the ordasity to call me very highly strung. At times I sincerely wished he had been, from a very high tree
  20. They had two showrooms one on Lower Parliament Street, and another at South Nottingham Automarket Clifton Bridge http://www.flickr.com/photos/leicester-vehicle-photography/5971352093/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/leicester-vehicle-photography/with/5971351965/ On this last link scroll through first 20 or so photos and you'll find almost every garage/main dealership Nottingham has ever had, I'm sure it will blow away a few cobwebs
  21. Just because were old it doesn't mean we can't have fun from time to time
  22. M.W Spick and Mr Kenneth Negus both authors of old Nottingham books. I'm sure these must have been mentioned before on this site but still well worth the recognition.
  23. With me its not so much being able to hold the screwdriver, its more a case of remembering what I wanted the screwdriver for in the first place.
  24. My late father in law Harold Bull worked at Mann Egertons, Hoolies And Shipsides to name just a few. Welcome aboard jigsaw937