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Everything posted by Karlton

  1. Ah I know he needs another ladder up the roof to tie his sen ter thechimney.
  2. There's summat wrong somewhere. I just can't think fer the life of me wot it is.
  3. can yer look in me ed mam nit nurses cummin termorrer.
  4. come eer or i'll gi yer summat ter come eer for where yo bin? GELLING or in me sisters case LADDIN. or traipsin rond town.
  5. one thing seems clear plenty of jobs about. working for ruberoid roofing in those days if they ran short of work we'd be told to pack us bags and go to another branch which was all over the country. I remember lodging boston lincs and the board being about 30 shillings a week. although today boston would be travelled to and fro. one job comes to mind-left my house in Dunstan st. at 10 past 6am caught the Trent bus at 20 past to huntingdon st.ran across town to Granby st. for the midland general bus to ripley caught a bus from ripley market place to hill top at heage walked for about a m
  6. gud holliday then mammasue bet yer lookin forewd ter gerrin back ter wok. ha ha
  7. I met this kangaroo and I said what are yo looking so appy about? he said i'm excited, why's that then? well there's only 121 hopping days to christmas. ha ha
  8. A truly great actor and director many many of his films I saw and enjoyed, one of my favourites was GUNS AT BATASI. R.I.P. Sir Richard
  9. I began my roofing carear with the ruberoid roofing co Egypt road Basford (nottingham road end)in 1957 at two shillings and sevenpence halfpenny an hour.
  10. thought it was to do with coffee. welcome mammasue
  11. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  12. do yer know I think i've become a member of this N. F. (nottingham forums) I only woke up in the flippin middle of the night thinking about nottingham forums. has this happened to anybody else? its lovely meeting friends and talking to you people but waking up in the middle of the night its just not good N.F.
  13. it was only yesterday my wife met a friend in skegness who had recently lost her purse with eighty pounds in it, and her bank cards. near fantasy island. she had a phone call to tell her this woman with a child had found it. My wife's friend offered to meet her to collect it but the woman said 'no I have the address here that's in the purse i'll bring it over,' which she so kindly did. my wife's friend thanked her so much and couldn't believe the honesty of the woman. she rewarded the child because the woman wouldn't take anything. What a nice thing to happen in this day and age. there ar
  14. I owned a fountain pen and I can do joined up writing and and wait fer it I I wore long trousers at twenty
  15. from 1955 onwards in infants at st. augustines carlton hill the caretaker used to bring in the milk which was in one third bottles.and in winter he would put them near the fire he'd made to thaw out. if my memory serves me right. although I'm a non catholic it was the nearest school you went to.
  16. Being a roofer entailed stripping off old roofs and renewing, and keeping a watch on some dirty black clouds coming over, boy was that pressure especially when underneath is somebody's living quarters. me and my mate never had time to speak to one another until we got it watertight. forty odd years, wouldn' t have swopped it fer the worlld. meeting some nice people made up for the pressure.
  17. Thanks Cliff ton you're a genious i'll try it when the time arises. can you tell me what the multi quote means?
  18. Thank you Michael I'll have a go later. another step up the ladder perhaps
  19. if I wanted to bring someones reply onto here to answer it how do I do it please. you know when their reply highlights white?
  20. regarding the park homes as STU mentioned off the a60 When it was a caravan site I had one there and the access from the a60 is very narrow and then it was called 'Surprise View' I have visited recently and it is a very nice site but for the access. good high ground. a thing you must check for on any park or caravan site. hope it helps you a little. I believe there is a buss runs once a week to the town. althoug needs checking.
  21. I think with so much cruelty to animals there is to-day, one tends to jump on a comment perhaps not thinking that its said in an amusing way.
  22. I knew Dawsons bakery in the precinct, I went to school with Valery, sister and rivals to malc adkins bakery. Malc was a big friend of mine in our early school days at Carlton catholic school. he owned one of the first cycles with a small engine I believe it was calle an 'nsu quickly.' i'm not sure if it was out before the raleigh moped.
  23. Carlton Square. right up my street so as to speak. I remember post office run by mr. and mrs tilley , Mossops the chemist next door. behind them on station road was a factory called I think Carlton electrodes chrome specialists, moved to Colwick industrial estate. there was a passage just below that went from station road through to burton road where the kiora club was the passage was near the school and came out somwhere near the blacks head. opposite the post office on the other corner at the bottom of carlton hill was shentalls store. inthe same row was a cycle shop, green grocery shop an