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Everything posted by philmayfield

  1. Freezing or sifting. Which is the lesser of two weevils?
  2. I’ve just looked at Winthorpe and the surrounding area on Google Earth. I’ve never seen so many caravans in my life. Rows and rows of them. Must be the world’s largest caravan site. It’s worth a look, you will be amazed.
  3. The Institute of Engineering Technology produce the electrical regulations. We’re on the 18th edition currently. When I was running a factory some 20 years ago I believe we were on the 15th.edition. We’ve recently had an electrical inspection at Bleasby village hall and as it’s a public building, the committee has had to spend over £3,000 to bring it up to standard to comply with the current regulations. With domestic premises an inspection is generally only required by a mortgage company if a loan is applied for. There only certain things an unqualified householder can do to electrical circ
  4. You can't catch Col out. I bet he's got a copy of the 18th. Edition on his bookshelf!
  5. That's a difficult one. Taking it a stage further, when dining out, should you be allowed access to the kitchen to supervise the cooking of your meal? I've been to restaurants, not in this country obviously, where the chef has said what specials he's got for the day and how would you like it cooked. Usually over here, the meal, labeled 'Brake Brothers' comes out of the freezer and into the microwave. I talking pub food here and not fine dining establishments where their main objective is to rip you off. We seldom eat out these days. Perhaps, if life ever returns to normal again, we'll give it
  6. There used to be a restaurateur at a fine dining establishment in the Lake District who would throw customers out if they asked for salt and pepper, saying they were insulting the chef!
  7. I ordered steak tartare in a restaurant in Paris some years ago. When the waiter came to break the traditional raw egg over it, that was just too much for me!
  8. We don’t use salt in cooking nor do we have it on the table at mealtimes, the only exceptions being broad beans need salt to enhance their flavour as do chip shop fish and chips.
  9. I remember them well. I started at Arno Vale around 47/48. First year was with the terrifying Mrs Lockwood. She should never have been allowed near infants!
  10. I finished the other half of the bottle last night Col and can confirm it's very drinkable. There's still two more left!
  11. I started Mellish in ‘54 so GEG had retired by that time but his memory lingered on. You we’re probably in the same year as Bill Brazier who came from Daybrook. He’s my neighbour and lives a few hundred yards down the lane from me.
  12. I had a couple of glasses of the 'Pizo' last night and I'm still alive. It's a Shiraz so it was dark and fruity. Not at all bad. I don't normally drink Spanish wines because they used to be somewhat indifferent but this was of a good quality. Change the name and they might sell more!
  13. In Scotland they cal it a ‘wee dram’ and drink it as a nightcap.
  14. I’ve been researching it, obviously, and it’s probably OK in small quantities but best not swigged. There is no beneficial effect - quite the reverse in fact. I’ll report back on my bottle of Pizo when I can pluck up the courage to try it!
  15. Perhaps when they’re treading the grapes .................... ? .
  16. I’ve just received a case of assorted red wines from Virgin Wines. I didn’t check when I ordered and have just discovered three bottles labelled ‘Pizo’. I don’t speak Spanish so I have doubts about the content!
  17. Without going all the way to Skegness I can highly recommend Harbour Light chip shop at Mareham le Fen Lincs. Only open Thur, Fri and Sat. Have to eat in the car though. Just past Conningsby.
  18. Just checked and apart from a bit of rain on Monday, Skegness is going to have a glorious sunny week. Enjoy it Catfan!
  19. Wasn’t that the one with the ‘dubious’ clientele?
  20. Like all fictional authors they make it up. You are joking aren't you?
  21. The sailing club at Hoveringham is still very active. Not with me there though. My sailing days are over.
  22. Well we launched at Hoveringham sailing club and the water just rushed in. It took a lot of heaving to get a boat full of water onshore again.