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Everything posted by philmayfield

  1. Last time I had an ingrowing toenail I performed the surgery on myself. Quite a lot of blood was spilt but the problem was cured. I doubt I have the flexibility to do a diy job now as I’m no longer able to assume the lotus position. At one time, as a party trick, I could put a leg round the back of my neck. I broke wind the last time I tried that though - much to the amusement of the dinner party guests!
  2. Yes, the ‘silly short season’ will soon be with us. I never wear shorts because of the nettles
  3. ASOS - ‘as seen on screen’. Our daughter used to work for them in advertising and publicity when she lived in London. They’re based in Camden. It’s a hugh organisation. Their distribution warehouse is somewhere up north near Barnsley.
  4. Well it is a time consuming, labour intensive and expensive way of construction. A bit of a relic from the past I think.
  5. Can you just imagine the blame going on amongst builders, structural engineers, architects and insurers. It’s a disgusting looking modern edifice which will look as grotty as 60’s structures after a few years. The whole lot should be pulled down but that will never happen.
  6. My wife had an aunt who did this for weddings and special occasions. I would imagine the practice is rife now that clothes shopping is done on line for sale or return. That’s the price the retailers pay for leaving the high st.
  7. Probably breaching terms and conditions of the lease but a bit late in the day to start evicting! It will be interesting to see if they do clean up afterwards. It’s a chance for the travelling community to put themselves in a good light.
  8. Nottingham Trent University’s campus at Brackenhurst near to us is having a lot of new buildings erected currently. Whilst driving by yesterday we noticed that a newly built brick wall of one of blocks had become detached and was starting to fall away. The structure is very modern and oddly designed with a deliberate outward lean. It looks like the lean has gone too far. I’ve just seen an article about this on the Post website. I can just imagine the blame that’s going on now between the architects and the builders. Would love to be a fly on the wall!
  9. Heaven is a place where: The lovers are Italian The cooks are French The mechanics are German The police are English The Government is run by the Swiss Hell is a place where: The lovers are Swiss The cooks are English The mechanics are French The police are German The government is run by the Italians
  10. That’s what I like about the Italians. They can create confusion where non existed before!
  11. In my experience of Italian engineers they all seem to have the flair of Michaelangelo.
  12. Why have they always got just enough left over from their previous job to tarmac your drive?
  13. Only 35mins away and have been by so many times and never been in. We’ll call next Monday when we’re passing.
  14. ...and they've got a very good butchers'
  15. It was a big hole for the dog. No way was I going to bury a horse - the specialists took that away. Our local farming contractor did dig a horse size hole with his JCB for a friend down the lane whose horse had to be put down. A shot from the humane killer and the horse fell into the hole. A bit morbid really but country living isn’t just all about fluffy bunny rabbits!
  16. Don’t have a horse anymore Rog. Our last horse had to be put down by the vet. It was on the same day that our standard poodle died and I had just finished burying it. Later that afternoon I had to collect our daughter from the London train at Newark as my wife was organising the disposal of the body. It was quite difficult to break the news that the horse had died and I’d just buried the dog. Don’t want many of those experiences!
  17. A friend of mine went to the big Appleby gypsy and travellers horse fair a few years ago and said you could buy £50 notes for a fiver each!
  18. Yes, just like everyone else will be doing!
  19. Most of the teachers at Mellish were old and stuffy. I don’t recollect much friendliness. Many had done war service and we were treated like the erks they were in charge of during wartime. As for girls, we did have a 6th form dancing society with Brincliffe on a Friday evening. I only went once! The dancing mistress had to take me in hand (no double entendre intended) and show me how to do it.
  20. I know nothing of Carlton le Willows other than the cross country matches we had there. They had a magnificent rural course, much better than running round Bulwell Common!
  21. I pass through Woodthorpe regularly mainly along Arno Vale Rd. and the old school. I've never been there since the day I left and I only went back to Mellish at the closing down ceremony prior to its demolition. Living there in the 50's it was just a short walk into open countryside where we spent much of our time as kids. All those fields are now housing estates. I would never go back.
  22. Would you be tempted to move back to Woodthorpe Margie? Not the place it was back in the 50’s. I’ve lived in the Trent Valley since 1962 and although there’s not much excitement out here I do like the open space. I meet friends both from Mapperley and Woodthorpe in one of the local pubs weekly and they prefer to drive out here rather than meeting at the Plainsman. They’ve been coming in this direction on a Monday evening for almost 40 years. They do like the convenience of walking to the end of their roads and being able to catch a bus into town though and having all the nearby facilities, whe
  23. We're both promised to another.
  24. I think it dropped out twice. Probably something you said that had to be analysed by the mods.