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Everything posted by philmayfield

  1. Gambling is a mug’s game. I knew someone who only backed favourites and still made a loss over the year. I live about 3 miles from Southwell racecourse and have been once in 56 years.
  2. That reminds me. My line got caught round the propellor of the fishing boat on Loch Awe. Must order a new one!
  3. We have for everyday use Portmeirion Botanic Garden crockery. It’s quite expensive normally but we get it from the factory shop at Stoke on Trent. The dinner plates from there are so cheap we just chuck them away after a meal. It saves washing up.
  4. Matching plates and cups! You had plates and cups?
  5. Old Scottish remedy for repairing wellies. Put your feet in a plastic bag and then put the wellies on. I know plastic bags are 5p each but come on - splash out.
  6. If you think Mansfield is rough try Worksop!
  7. I won't be in Mansfield until Friday so I will probably be beaten to it.
  8. Might it have been “Moggerhanger” the novel that was published sometime after his death?
  9. Don’t say you’ve naturalised as a Scot. You’ll be wanting emergency supplies of Buckfast Tonic Wine next.
  10. I’ve just read the article further. Apparently the manageress says all the staff are very enthusiastic and passionate.
  11. Mansfield is not as dull as I thought. Hidden depths!
  12. Apparently the Mansfield branch of Anne Summers is one of the most popular in the country. What do they do on cold winter nights in Mansfield?
  13. I first saw him around 1960 at the London Palladium and later on he used to have an amusing Sunday lunchtime show on the radio.
  14. We could possibly organise emergency relief aid if the Scots promised to stay north of the border as their part of the bargain.
  15. Hi Socram Basil Saggers the teacher moved from Mellish to Bramcote. He taught us music. He was known as “Basil the bastard from Borrowash”. He obviously wanted a shorter commute! Stuart Brandreth, your fellow pupil, is alive and well and lives in my village. He used to be the M.D. of the Nottingham Building Society.
  16. Send us your empty Irn Bru bottles and we will return them filled with a wine of your choice. At cost plus postage of course. It’s about time the Scots were prevented from drinking. I was told by a chap in Oban “we only drink to get drunk laddie”.
  17. Porlock’s got a gradient of 1 in 4 in places. There was a byepass toll road you could take if you were pulling a caravan or just too scared.
  18. How do you research knickers without getting your face slapped?
  19. Fortunately not. We’d already climbed that one, gone over Exmoor and down Countisbury Hill where we stayed at the Tors Hotel. (I knew how to treat a girl!) It was the following morning on the climb out towards Ilfracombe. A breakdown on Porlock would have been spectacular! It’s funny but I’ve just realised I’ve never been that way since. We did subsequently marry!
  20. I didn’t have a JPS but I did have a 3 litre Ghia version. White with black vinyl roof. We took it on holiday to Devon on the day after I collected it. It ran out of fuel on that enormous steep hill out of Lynmouth and caused an embarrassing traffic jam. It was a faulty gauge. I thumbed a lift back into town and was brought back with a gallon of petrol. My then fiancée was not too pleased as she had to spend the best part of an hour directing traffic.
  21. You’ve just missed the last one in June 2017. Next one is 2019 but the committee are debating whether to make it slightly earlier. If it is earlier we’ll opt out because there’s nothing to see until mid June other than grass. Cream teas are served in the village hall by the ladies of the W.I.
  22. ..... or a Welsh dating agency.
  23. We get a crop of those orchids in our hayfield (Mayfield’s hayfield!) in June and July. I don’t know where they came from as it was sown with a grass and clover mixture some 40 years ago and was grazed by ponies for some 25 years. We just left it to revert to a natural meadow and it’s truly amazing what a variety of wildflowers grow there now. We have deliberately avoided seeding it with any wildflower mixtures. The only human intervention is the haymaking in the summer. We open it up during the village “open gardens” every two years and we get some seriously interested wildflower people looki
  24. We've been once. It was alright. Funnily enough I always liked the Saagar nearer to you. Quite frankly all Indian food tastes the same to me.