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Everything posted by philmayfield

  1. Mellish for me was nothing like it has been described. I left in 1962. There might have been bullying, that happens in all walks of life, but I was never bullied and don't recollect any major instances of it. To pick on two members of staff, both who were honourable men, was unfair. I spent many happy years there and thoroughly enjoyed it. It gave me a solid foundation for all aspects of life. I have been successful in my professional and business careers and owe a debt of gratitude to a fine school.
  2. You obviously have a very jaundiced view of the school. I spent seven very happy years there and never experienced the sort of problems to which you refer. Obviously some teachers were better than others and some had psychopathic tendencies which made them unfit for the but that's what life's like. It's what you make of it at the time that matters. I've come across a lot of obnoxious individuals in my business life but I've always won in the end because I behaved better than them. Perhaps being at Mellish taught me this!
  3. Bradford!! I unwisely followed the satnav back home when we were up in the Dales last week and got caught in Bradford in the rush hour. God help us - what a dreadful place!
  4. 62!! That's a bit too old to start to get interested!
  5. Yes, they probably will. Let us know how you got on. Send us a message from your hospital bed if you make it that far!
  6. Very much a headmistress of the old school variety!
  7. With some friends, two from the High School and one from High Pavement we had a band and played a gig at the Girl's High School. It was a complete riot - the headmistress, Miss Milford, came and stopped our performance!
  8. Yes, I think I would have stopped to watch that!
  9. There were only a few free scholarships but there was and still is a very stiff entrance examination to pass. You had to be ultra clever to get in - money alone could not buy a place. My first girlfriend was a High School girl and her father was a headmaster of a secondary school!
  10. Not at all FLY2. I'm past taking offence at anything but I do feel I have to stand up for the old alma mater! Living in Woodthorpe I had a choice of Mellish, West Bridgford or the new Carlton le Willows. The High School was an option but you had to have top 11+ marks to get a scholarship. It was only a 10 minute walk from home to Daybrook Station and a 4 minute train journey to Basford North so it was the obvious choice. Yes, it was a bit art dec with some Georgian thrown in - quite an impressive edifice. Only in the sixth form could you enter through the hallowed front portal.
  11. I'm not sure what you mean by the design. I thought it was a rather attractive building which was well laid out for its purpose. I attended the closing "ceremony" some years ago and met up with many old school friends. We were all saddened to see how it had fallen into decay. It's was even sadder to see the demolition of the place where I spent many happy years. I had to spend a lot of money to send my two to the Nottingham High Schools to get an equivalent education.
  12. I dispute the "run of the mill". It was a first rate grammar school in its day with high academic achievement. Many of my year became lawyers, accountants, doctors, pharmacists, university professors and business leaders and I am still in touch with some of them. It was only in the later years, after becoming a comprehensive, that it went down the pan and eventually into "special measures". A sad end to a wonderful school.
  13. My understanding of "Dannimac" was after the coats of similar name! Didn't he used to live on Linden Grove opposite Carlton le Willows and attend Lowdham Methodist Church along with "Shad" Adams, the English master?
  14. I remember him well as I took Physics at A level. He was the senior science master. A very kind man. I had a lot of respect for him. He was was a strong Methodist and ran the Christian Union at the school although that was not an organisation I subscribed to!
  15. Who was her dad? Might have taught there when I attended.
  16. The NHS is run for the convenience of its staff, not its customers
  17. So John Bishop is a comedian. I learn something new everyday!
  18. I remember Colwick cheese as being disgusting. People used to make it an old sock and hang it from their washing line!
  19. The one I would like to have again was the Morgan +8 which I had back in the 80's. This was the V8 Rover engined one. Metallic silver with red leather. I got a bit car broody recently and had a drive in a newer one but decided it was a bit primitive by modern standards. OK for nice days but not practical for year round motoring. There's my son's 1972 MG and a 1953 Ferguson tractor taking up garage space. Perhaps I should have a sort out!
  20. Yes, I remember that well. One of my school friends was in the St. John's at the time and he told us about collecting up the body parts.
  21. No, it seemed a bit stretched out but not as far as Newark. I thought it would have been more over the centreline of the runway but they kept coming from all directions. I've seen better displays from them but that was in the 80's. Perhaps more safety conscious now.