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Everything posted by philmayfield

  1. 'Britain's got Talent'. Half the entrants aren't British and very few have any talent. Some get a sympathy vote if they're a child or have a disability but we'll never see them again. Would Pearl Carr and Teddy Johnson win a talent show today? They'd certainly get the sympathy vote!
  2. 'Eurovision' or 'Britain's got Tallent'. What a choice of rubbish for a Saturday night!
  3. Doors and widows open. Went down to 9c overnight with door closed.
  4. Did you know Adrian Clark, son of the Jacksdale postmaster?
  5. It was the predecessor to the Shire Hall opposite St. Mary’s church in the Lace Market.
  6. I doubt that Charles indulges in that. The Royals have servants to do those things for them.
  7. It’s known as dactylitis (sausage fingers). It’s symptomatic of arthritis, tuberculosis or syphilis. You ask him!
  8. I'm sitting up in bed on this beautiful sunny morning looking out over open fields and lots of trees towards the Trent just under a mile away. The far side of the river rises up with the steep wooded Trent hills. It's idyllic. Must get up!
  9. A life of going round the country opening things wouldn't appeal to me. Plus going to the colonies and being berated for the past ill treatment of the population.
  10. After a longish dry period it was good to see a shower of heavy rain today. We had over half an inch here in the Trent Valley. When I was out yesterday I saw wheat being irrigated which was unusual as that's usually reserved for potatoes. The garden is really perking up now and the fruit trees are blooming profusely. I think I'll have another go at cider making this autumn. There are tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers in the greenhouse awaiting planting and our hay meadow is springing into life with a rich variety of wild flowers. I've lived in our village for 60 years this year and can no longer
  11. If we must have a monarchy (and an unlikely insurrection will be needed to remove them) then they should bring themselves into the 21st. century and get rid of the fancy dress, the opulence, the hangers on and the bowing and curtseying. They should hold down proper jobs and not sponge off the peasants. I had already checked on Charles’s meaningless gongs.
  12. Why does Prince Charles have to dress up like a character from a Ruritanian musical comedy to read a speech and where did he win all those medals? What a complete and utter farce.
  13. It was a big mistake to move the iconic clock to the rear of the building. At £4 minimum to park a car I doubt many people pass that way now.
  14. I bought one for my son's wedding five years ago. I think I might have put on a few pounds since then. When I was working I only wore a suit for board meetings or seeing customers. I gave my dinner suit to my son. I've not been to a formal dinner in 25 years. Do they still have them?
  15. Sometimes I wish I owned a suit but I’m never invited out these days.
  16. We were at an interesting incident in Lincoln. We were watching a fire eater set up his act in the castle square. He was just about to start when he realised he hadn’t got a match!
  17. I didn't realise you could buy inflatable dolls back then. Couldn't you afford a real girlfriend?
  18. She will resign. Like Boris she may think she’s above the law but her time will come after her next hearing In July.
  19. The problem is that most people haven't heard of the IOPC whereas the PCC is generally known due to the publicity of having an election for that office. The office could still be one for election but without a political stance and with the candidates demonstrating their qualifications for the position.
  20. I quite agree. This should be an apolitical appointment and candidates should have legal qualifications. I don't recollect there being many candidates for the position last time.
  21. You’ve got to have some sort of independent intermediary to go to though if you have a complaint regarding policing. The police are quite keen to cover up their own inefficiencies. I confess I voted for this bloody woman because I thought her predecessor, Padding Tipping, at 72 should take retirement and make way for a younger person. I was not aware of her credentials neither did I realise she was married to the ‘overspending’ MP Darren Henry.
  22. We’ve tried own brand soups from both Sainsbury’s and Morrison’s at 50p and we can’t tell the difference from the named brands at over double the price. I did try Lidl own brand bitter beer but that was disgusting!
  23. In short they are the voice of the people to hold the police to account. I think it's a useful role in a democracy. The police do need some restraint. We're not a police state yet although its progressing that way in that we have to be careful when expressing an opinion in public. Police commissioners should be above law breaking though. I think she's waiting for the court's verdict in July when her 'extenuating circumstances' are going to be looked at. As far as most people are concerned she's lost credibility and should resign immediately.