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Everything posted by MargieH

  1. Or the original version… How could you use a poor maiden so? The meaning of this song was never explained to us - probably just as well…
  2. @loppylugs you are right, our first house in 1966 cost £3000 and that included all it’s contents! It was a very nice 3 bedroom End of terrace with a sizeable back garden. This was in Leicester.
  3. Phil, this memory of our milk delivery was when I was very young, around 1947/48 . It just made a big impression on me as a small child
  4. @philmayfield on Woodthorpe Drive, our milk was delivered by a certain Mr Moore who had the milk churns on a cart drawn by a whitish horse. The milk was poured into our own milk jugs
  5. CT. Certain memories which are made when one’s brain is young do last a lifetime. But memories made with one’s older brain aren’t so good! I know the words to all the songs I loved as a teenager but I’m not so good at remembering things now… I wonder what I’m doing tomorrow …..
  6. When I was little, what we called our kitchen, only had a table and chairs, and a pantry opening off it. From this kitchen there were 2 stone steps down to what we called the scullery where there was a sink and drainer, a cooker, a metal dolly tub with a long handled ponch made of wood and a mangle. (We didn’t have a maid!!!) The stone steps were used for sharpening kitchen knives
  7. What a performance, Mary. Hope it will be sorted soon…
  8. Col, the phrase “It’s being so cheerful as keeps me going” comes to mind when I read your posts! Just looked it up and it came from ITMA. I remember my mum (jokingly) saying that….
  9. Did they grind the tree stumps?
  10. …..but boiling up gizzards makes lovely gravy! And yes, mature eels travel thousands of miles to the Sargasso Sea - near the Bahamas- to breed. Apparently they only develop sexual characteristics on their way there! The baby eels (elvers) then drift back over the Atlantic to freshwater rivers and streams in Europe. (Just googled all this). Fascinating stuff!
  11. Phil I think I’d prefer to eat a pork pie than an eel bit hope I never have to eat either ,,.,
  12. I’m amazed that there is so much to say about pork pies (0n two threads). I can’t bear the things - just looking at the jelly and the pinkish meat makes me feel a bit sick! but each to their own
  13. @catfan Are you going to the same hotel as you went to before?
  14. I went to see the musical ‘Joseph’ at the London Palladium many years ago and Philip Schofield was in the starring role. He was very good I thought. (Also went to see the same musical with Jason Donovan as Joseph -enjoyed that one the most!)
  15. Carni, I really hope we‘ll see you both at the meet up but will understand if you can’t come.x
  16. But @Jill Sparrow if you had been absent from school for a very long time, would you have gained your O/A levels to get you into college/uni and thence into teaching (and other jobs you’ve done?) Although you hated school, can you appreciate it was a means to an end?
  17. I do remember the wall of death - the walls used to shake as the motorbikes zoomed round. Thinking of a similar shape, is the Rotor still around? I went on that once and it was a strange feeling ‘sticking’ on the wall as it rotated.
  18. Bet there won’t be a ‘flea circus’ or a ‘Bearded Lady’. And wasn’t there something called ‘Mouse Town?” Are any of you old enough to remember any of these weird attractions?
  19. @Rob.L you’ll be so pleased to have had that sorted, all the best for a speedy recovery
  20. That’s really funny - made me laugh anyway…
  21. Mary, I and my friends used to go straight to the Waltzer just like you and for the same reason!!! Your boys are only 8 months apart? I thought I was bad enough having 3 children in 3 and a quarter years