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Everything posted by nonnaB

  1. Yesterday evening we went for an aperitif at a new restaurant which opened a few days ago practically next door to my sons restaurant.Lovely change to sit and relax and trying new cocktails. A funny story which is only described as gossip. There are 2 young men who have opened this restaurant and the other day my son was talking to one of the boys father. They were talking about the weekend when the road is completely closed to traffic and sometimes whoever places the barriers forgets to remove them during the day . Italians are very animated when the talk so arms and hands were doing overtime
  2. I used to think it was magic then automatic when the oncoming car had headlights on full beam. Later I understood and ruined my fairytale illusion. BK my choke was kept open by a block of wood made by my dad.
  3. Before my son and his family took over the rest of the house and we were left with the ground floor, one Christmas we had 36 at the dining tables ( 2 extending ones ) we were the only ones that could hold the close family. We dont have a dining room now, that became our lounge and as we have a large kitchen we eat there.
  4. Is Boris still opening up Monday in view of the 50.000 cases he predicted? Keep safe and sensible everyone.
  5. Glad to hear it Carni. Waiting for appointments, checkups and consultations is very frustrating. Hope you don't have to wait too much longer.
  6. Carni too, hope she and her husband are well.
  7. Cases on the increase here too. Airports, nowhere are checking passengers. We noticed that when we went to Sicily a few weeks ago. Now in a few weeks time we are going again ( we hope) unless things get really worse. 177 no vax workers have had their wages stopped because they refuse to be vaccinated. I know it takes away freedom but I think Macron has the right idea. Wish our lot would consider it because there are thousands over 60 's that havent been vaccinated at all or only had one dose.
  8. Pizza Napolitana is with a thin base as most most of them are now. My MIL used to have a Pizzeria and she made the pan pizza a thicker version as they used to be. Whenever she had any leftover dough she would fry it in dollops and sprinkle sugar and cinnamon over them . We still that sometimes and its delicious especially if the dough is fairy light.
  9. We are having increased cases now.last week it was under 100 now last night it was 1500+. We are still wearing masks although we can go without outdoors. France has an obligation now to get vaccine done to those who work with the public. If not they don't work and don't go anywhere Wonder if it will have a domino effect with other countries following. One thing is for sure its not going to go away on its own. Keep safe everyone
  10. Nothing, I love pineapple, but I wouldn't eat it on top of pizza. Whatever food Italian, english , german is nearly always converted into something not agreeable to others. So enjoy it whatever.
  11. SG I understand what you say and I dont take offence but when the population puts you in the same bucket as those hooloigan yobs( because that is what they are) its not pleasant to think that they think we are all the same. Without doubt Italian newspapers are all out to get you but thats what sells. As for the italians , if they had come second, I doubt very much the resulting comments would be the same. Take a look at the italian tennis player. Italy was determined he was going to win. He proudly showed his trophy and said it was an honor to have played and he also congratulated the winner.
  12. Mary its got to that stage that its no fun for serious people. Personally I think that the clubs should start making some tough rules for hooligan behaviour. (A bit like Macron if they don't get the vaccine they don't go anywhere) A bit tough but it wouls make them think twice about creating chaos.
  13. My son received a video of a joke , its really good and funny. Dont know where he got it but will try and find it. As for pineapple on Pizza, no no no, but that doesnt say that someone likes it. Last year the craze was chips on pizza. Believe me or not it was popular.
  14. SG I've read this morning of ENGLISH SUPPORTERS.critisizing their own side. We have had more than our fair share of abuse from English supporters. It wasn't our fault that the so-called fans caused so much trouble. Fact is no matter what took place during the match on both sides Italy won and England lost. I feel sick with Italians thinking we are all alike. Enough now of all this hatred .
  15. Ignore the comments for the english fans and laugh like the rest of us.
  16. Bravo Ben. Lets all have a laugh.
  17. Theres a photo on FB of the english players taking off their medals because they dont know how to lose and theres a photo of the Italian tennis player who lost. He accepted his 2 nd prize with pride. Shows the difference. I'm fedup of all the criticism on the Italians and of the insults on the English.
  18. I expected some trouble after the game and I was right. Why oh why does it have to end like this. Be happy for whoever wins.
  19. Change of subject this afternoon Turin for MRI. not looking forward to it.
  20. The English werent so clean either. But thats the game, get to the ball first.
  21. Yesterday people kept asking me "who do you support" my reply was either of them or both of them or whoever wins. I'm not into football but have watched semi finals and of course last nights final. I suppose I wanted England to win ( patriotism) but then I saw the English " yobs" spitting on the Italian flag and it really got to me. It hurt me, disgusted me and never even in a million years thought that hate could go so far. From that moment on I heard of gate crashers and disturbances outside ground. My interest in England winning was slowly diminishing although my mind was still with England
  22. Running and games were never ever my strong point I didn't understand netball and couldn't see the point of it all but PT as it was called was my strong point. I belonged to the vaulting club and although I say it myself was very good. I always came top in exams and I wish that I'd kept it up so that in old( er) age I wouldn't be so stiff and awkward( sometimes)
  23. In 1994 we came back from Italy to once again live in Nottingham. We found a property that we were converting into a restaurant ( which became L'Angolo, (the corner) . We had quickly found a house in Rise Park, the attraction was because 2 friends lived there. Whilst we were at the restaurant clearing away my son phoned us to say we'd been broken into, so the police were called and we made a dash from Radcliffe on Trent to Rise Park. Whoever it was made a real mess of everything, everything upside down. They took my jewellery case which my son found on the back lawn. On inspection they had le