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Everything posted by nonnaB

  1. I'm glad today is coming to a close. Ryanair has been sending me balmy. Checkins are usually a straight forward procedure but no RA has to be different. Asks for your booking reference and email , straight forward yes but no. They gave us a code and a different email. After multiple attempts I finally got boarding cards only to find out they won't accept a normal size cabin bag its got to be 40x20x25. 3 cm bigger than the small cases we bought specially because the measurement was 40x30x20. It would be our "luck " that they won't let us board unless we pay €60 because they are too big. But I h
  2. Phil and Ct. The thing is you dont know who the people next to you are or where they've been or even who they've been in contact with, so its makes sense to use your mask until you are seated. Must say here people are being responsible. First time a cappuccino in the bar this morning for a long long time. We sat outside as there was just one table empty and to my surprise my friend was sitting at the next table both wearing masks we greeted each other. Looked around and if not eating or drinking most were wearing their masks. Even round the market didnt see anyone without one.
  3. Two posts above was our wedding anniversary in May. I was starting to get nibbles,and drinks ready for a few family members as we were in semi lockdown.
  4. Havent followed the falcons for a long while. From the photos it seems that some eggs have been abandoned, is that right.? Above photo is beautiful he looks quite proud.
  5. Nice break Lizzie, think its about time everyone who can and are able to have a break even a day trip out somewhere new. We've spent 2 days trying to get flights for a weekend in Sicily. None of the combinations were convenient ( early takeoff, late landing) we searched from Genova, Torino, Malpensa and Cuneo. No luck then we decided to book the return flight first then the outward flight after, obviously hoping that in would fall in line with us being presumptious. Bingo, we were lucky and got a return flight to Turin but with different companies. The car is hired so its almost all
  6. It used to be an entertainment at calais to see all these crates of beer, lager etc. being loaded into cars. Can't blame them though things were always cheaper but do they still buy in large quantities in Calais.
  7. OZ I too love fish especially shell fish. Last year we had a weekend , well it really was one day in Sicily and my husbands cousin took us to restaurants that served only fish of all kinds. We are looking at flights for this coming weekend to sample the delights again.
  8. Italians have a lot more to offer than just Pizza like every other country . They all have their own specialities. Here every province has its own . My tastes in food have altered since I married. The first meal I went to with my husband when I met my future inlaws had a starter with artichoke. This "flower" was served on the plate and I hadnt a clue how to eat it. Can't say I was impressed but I love them now but they are a b......r to prepare.
  9. RR Theres pizza and pizza and you obviously made the right decision to go for the right pizza. Its a good idea to follow reviews. We have two pizzerias in our village. One is fantastic, very light and tasty the other one the base is tough and leathery and the toppings are all mushy and mixed up. I don't know what takeaway pizzas there are in Nottingham now but be careful with your choice. I know pizzas are a hit and miss but if you find a local one you like , stick to it, it'll save you money and indigestion. By the way it isn't always a good pizza if the owner is Italian.
  10. Welcome Hockymum, you will find theres a lot of info availabe about the areas you mentioned. I too am into family research but every now and again I come across a brick wall so thats the time to have a rest. Ive had come across easy lines and some so difficult such as when one of a couple dies and the other remarries then he/she dies and in turn remarries and each one produces more children. Complicated? Yes but very interesting. Keep researching and you'll enjoy it. Good luck with your searches.
  11. BK be careful who you are joking with. You might get bashed a bit more often.
  12. Don't know if anyone else preserves fruit or veg in jars but for years now I've been doing just that with great success.I enjoy the preparation and of course eating them when they are out of season. My one big problem ? I have various makes of preserving jars including Kilner jars, those with the metal clip. They are fine but I've always struggled getting the rubber seals on the lids. In fact I avoid these jars unless it's necessary to use them. Yesterday I was ready to fill these jars ( only 4 of them now) so they were sterilised and the rings were promptly were too food put in and now t
  13. Serve them right OZ. People have yet to realise the importance of vaccination. Not getting into politics or argument but the other day one post was about compulsory voting. To me its more important to be compulsory vaccinated. 'Scuse me but if they catch their foot on a rusty nail would they refuse an anti tetanus jab? I have cousins in Melbourne and they have both just retired so are looking forward to going around a bit more. My cousin has been very ill and has been making a wonderful recovery ( he was near death) so hope he and she don't go near anyone positive.
  14. One of my dogs when on a walk will stop dead if she sees anyone else on the road. Whether its following her or she can see forward its the same. She sits down and watches them till theyve passed. Continuing our walk is funny because now and again she gives a slight pause and looks behind her to see if theres someone coming. Cars, tractors, lorries all get the disgusted look after all its her road or at least she thinks it is. Best of all its not a busy road just a normal country road with keepfit walkers.
  15. Skinny jeans. Come on men if you haven't got the figure and don't look in the mirror twice leave them alone. Ben has the correct use of them "slim fit". Much more attractive. Skinnies look awful with big rears and oversize shoes, not to mention whether they can sit down in them without doing any damage. Any clothing attire doesn't have to be 2 sizes smaller.
  16. This morning we went into Asti to the big market they have twice a week. Its ages and ages since I went. We went for veg to preserve for winter. I was surprised at the prices of everything. They were so cheap and the atmosphere was lovely stall holders shouting their wares and if we looked at something more than a couple of seconds we were offered bag to put our goods in. The weather was very sunny and warm which made me remember years ago visiting my inlaws for holidays. I felt as though I was on holiday, it was a much needed change of scene. Already started on veg preservation, a mix of aube
  17. Thanks Lizzie I'm about to taste my preserves, just to make sure they are ok you understand. I have some lovely fresh tomatoes so will have a salad with them. Deborah will probably be joining me. She had her 1st jab this afternoon.
  18. We must be lucky. When anybody says to us I' m older than you and you ask how old they are and they realise you are older than them but don't look it. Must have been Nottingham air. Most people here look older than what they are, must be the stress and extreme temperatures.
  19. Thought I was going to have a peaceful day after yesterday. I was preserving vegetables all day. I made 7 jars of Caponata ( aubergine, celery, green olives and capers in a sweet and sour sauce) . In the afternoon I made 12 jars of Vegetable Giardinera. A mix of veg in tomato base sauce. Its been a few years since I preserved anything so was eager to start before the gluts of fruit and veg arrive. Well today didn't commence how I thought and because its been so windy I decided to sweep up outside and wash everything down. Came in a while ago and put a lasagne in the microwave for my lunc
  20. Strange I can connect to emails and NS but not FB. I can see all postings and comments but no photos and cant see private messages. I know its nothing to do with this group ( before anyone complains) but wondered if it was a common problem on sites not being able to connect. ( Day of rest comes to mind)
  21. Piscina here pronounced .Pisheena when you're drunk maybe.