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Everything posted by nonnaB

  1. My children have never had their names shortened by me but my daughter is called Zia ( auntie) Debby by my grandchildren. My son is always James apart from his wife and her family who call him JJ Which he annoys me tremendously. When still in Nottingham his friends used to call him Squid because they couldn't pronounce the name Cannistraro which they connected to the word calamari. Now having grown up all of them they have reverted back to James. Double barrelled names for me have become a necessity. I am Cannistraro by marriage but here I have to use my maiden name by law. After years o
  2. BK I did look up the film but it's a pay for viewing . I can't remember what the paid view is called but I already pay for Prime and I don't feel like paying extra to watch perhaps one film. Yes I do have a DVD player but it is in storage. When we finally get it out it probably wont work
  3. Thankyou DJ and BK for the information of the films you mentioned. I was looking forward to watching them but I can't find them on YouTube or Amazon prime . They are just unavailable here and I can't get into Bbc iplay or whatever it's called. But thanks again for the thoughts.
  4. These photographs were taken by my father more than 50 yrs ago. The birds came back every year to his garage and always nested there. He would go out to see them every day and they didn't move so I believe they became quite tame.
  5. I've lost the recommendations for films that Margie and BK gave. I've just looked on Amazon prime , Normal people comes up but it seems it's not a film but a series. Is that right? The other two aren't available unfortunately as Stan was born in Ulveston near where I was born.
  6. Brew I know how you feel. I can't stand a ringing insistent telephone. One of my sil's only lets it ring 3 times. I don't stand next to the phone all day long waiting for it to ring, then there are the others that leave it to ring making me rush from one end of the house to the other and when I lift the receiver they've hung up. Not to mention those telephone calls when we sit down at the table and start to eat. Theres a lot to be thankful for pre technology.
  7. Lovely day yesterday, we had a relaxed sort of day. All thoughts of what we needed to do were pushed away to one side. We went to lunch at my sons restaurant, first time eating out for a long time. It felt as though there were no restrictions around. After a very busy weekend in both restaurants it was nice and quiet, just enough customers not to feel the only ones but not too many to feel it was too many in these times. The young chef who had taken over while my husband was in hospital and is now convalescing, really came out tops. He created some new dishes and is managing the kitchen very w
  8. Mary ....2,3and 4 cut longer?Dont you mean when it's cut it leaves the hair longer
  9. Hope the press keep away from the family and leave them in peace to keep come to terms with it all.
  10. Glad they found the car but so sad for the persons inside to end their lives like that.
  11. Sorry but I've never seen a male chest feeding a baby nor heard of a male giving birth. What IS the world coming to. Why can't they leave things as they were. It's no wonder some of the younger generation are confused.
  12. This morning we were expecting the plumber at 8am he rang and as it was raining heavily he asked if he could come this afternoon. He has to change 3 radiators plus other small jobs and he didn't want to traipse in and out making muddy footsteps everywhere. Thought that was considerate of him. He phoned a couple of minutes ago and said it had brightened up and stopped raining ( as it had here) so instead, in case the weather changed again could he come straightaway. Better still as long as it doesn't start to rain again. We've had a dreadful week, fog, rain, rain and fog. Really dismal.
  13. Thanks for the birthday wishes but please don't make me any older than what I am (78) until November when I will be 79 ( that comes after 78 doesn't it) The other day talking to someone I couldn't even remember how old I was..That's serious. Happy birthday Barbara, sorry it got mixed up.
  14. Don't think we'd be allowed to book for the jab. We have to have letters of recommendation, prescriptions and approval before we can get anything, then we go where we please ( tests, exams etc) so we have to wait for the doctors to ring us for our appointments. The health service is strict.
  15. These are my two nieces when they were small
  16. Someone in our village was fined very heavily for being positive and wandering around. Notice was on local postings for this village and everyone who reacted was very positive in what they thought. They are furious to say the least. Everyone wants to know who it is, someone knows but won't tell because of retributions. Difficult situation to be in!!
  17. I understood the AZ was for the under 60's. We should be getting ours in the next couple of weeks and we hope it's Pfizer. It should be for our age group.
  18. Obviously not an Italian wedding reception
  19. When we were married at the cathedral Derby Rd the Italian priest married us ( Father Sebastiano) whotold us he would conduct the service first in Italian and then in English. There were mostly English in the congregation as Alex's family couldn't make it. We are still waiting for the English service, so not sure we are married or not. Yes we are as we have a marriage certificate.
  20. Carni it takes intelligent girls to work it out That was the obvious choice.
  21. SG pleased you have finally found your long lost friend. Sometimes it works out and other times it doesn't like it happened to me. I had been trying to trace my best school friend with no luck. Eventually I did find her through friends reunited. Got in touch with her and said we were visiting Nottingham and we would be in touch. All arrangements were made , restauarant booked and off we trotted. I was so excited so as we saw them in the distance I rushed off and hugged her to death. We caught up during the meal and as we said goodbye we promised to keep in touch. No matter how hard I tried I