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Everything posted by trogg

  1. I think the shop was pascoes.(spelling)
  2. I was 18 , just left Bestwood pit, lived on Bestwood Estate, Liked weekends at the coast ,I could not afford accommodation so slept in beach shelters. They found this out so I was told I was only fit to live in caves. Hence my nickname.
  3. In Hucknall parish church is the grave of Ben Caunt English champion bare knuckle fighter. Greater Nottingham has a great history of people able to use their fists , it still continues to present times as a recent topic covers this,
  4. Bens healthy diet plenty of black coffee a cigarette and most important chatting to friends.
  5. That's a bit unusual Ben, you meeting a woman and falling in love. Sorry I forgot myself then its the Bestwood Ben , he falls in love with all females instantly .
  6. LizzeM thanks I knew I was old, I used to go round all the stations regularly and knew most of them, after I retired I never went on a station for about 7 years, I then went on one where I served for 10 years and I didn't know a soul and they all looked young boys. When central closed all people who had served there where invited for a final photo, the only ones I knew were retired, they felt the same way. When all the retired ones had had a group photo taken all serving members were asked to join in the photo, some bright spark shouted out come on children on here with us.
  7. Regularly used both of these in the 60s and 70s. I mean the demolished Billy in photo 2.
  8. I believe the trolley bus from Nottingham to Ripley had the nick name the Ripley Rattler.
  9. It looks like there was a fire or another incident at Victoria Hotel as the ladder on the left appears to be a 100ft turntable ladder and on the right a 50ft escape ladder,
  10. I can remember Brownhills on Main Street near Jennison Street , another great photo you seem to have a never ending stock of them, are they yours or do you find them online, which ever keep posting.
  11. Morrisons granary loaves are good for me , my wife tells me regularly, so I have to eat them. I have kept complaining about them for so long I daren't tell her I prefer them.
  12. I like to talk to these poor people who are only trying to make a living. I have had many a fruitful conversation with them , such as the man from Microsoft who said I had a bug in windows, he put the phone down on me after 10 minutes of me explaining all the steps I had taken in cleaning the windows and that they were now sparkling and not a smear in sight. A poor lady from a market research company ask me if I minded her asking me some personal questions ,no I replied only if I can ask you some, which I did she never answered she just ended the call. Don't let them annoy you just annoy them
  13. My wife still buys proper yeast from the local bakers, not sure if its in ounces or grams or just as much as you want.
  14. A happy Easter to you all as well, still up and about IAN or like me cannot sleep.
  15. I served at central, the funeral was before my time, it was a great place to work but no place to park on days,
  16. Me to caftan, worked there 69-70 0n wholesale, I broke both back springs one day, honest I wasn't speeding I was just in a hurry.
  17. siddha we have all been there whilst at that age , oh the joys of youthful innocence .
  18. I have to agree with you on that ,but is it their fault in lacking these qualities , they should have been taught these by their parents , so they don't know any better and think it is normal.
  19. I have to agree with you Catfan how society has in attitudes has changed for the worse. But would I like to go back and live in the 50s, a big no. Cold houses ,ice on the insides of bedroom windows , lack of food and holes in my shoes not something I liked. What has happened to society I don't know, its something I dislike intensely. Our we as a generation, not as individuals responsible for it, in our struggle and efforts for improvements for all, have we allowed the next generation to go too far in what they see as rights, without any thought of responsibilities. In writing this I
  20. I believe there was another bike shop on Cinderhill Road ,it was in the area where the bus station is now , I think it was Wards. Near it was a sweet and confectionary wholesalers only a very small place.
  21. Yes I must admit it I was in there when I was 15, they scared me witless, boy was they big and threatening , it served its purpose , extremely careful after that.
  22. the maps of BH station ,thanks for posting them. I tried to copy one and but it wouldn't load on to postimage as it was the wrong file type, still trying to change it. So far complete failure, as I was once told by a senior officer he couldn't work out if I was the most determined person he knew or the most stubborn pig headed "person" he ever had the misfortune to know.
  23. I can remember Trinity Church before it was demolished and thought it was an imposing building even then. A few years ago I brought a MGB roadster from Sherwood Restorations, the cars are a bit expensive but they are of good quality and the service from the garage is second to none. The wife said I was going through a midlife crisis, my son and grandson called me a born again boy racer as I loved getting the back end sliding around traffic islands. I had to sell it in the end as the only way I could get out of it was open the door and roll out onto the ground , then haul myself onto my f
  24. jonab looking at old maps is something that appeals to me ,in fact that is how I first found nottstalgia. We do have on this forum the residential expert Cliff ton, he can magic up maps of places demolished years ago and throw in a photograph for good measure. I am sure you will have an interesting time searching that site. There are many others that can produce great photos as well.