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Everything posted by Beekay

  1. Or maybe it were right first time.....Big Ender.
  2. Talking of horse power, I used to have a little Seagull 4hp outboard engine for my day boat. It were donkeys years old.
  3. Hope that don't include me TG ¡
  4. Good news MD., glad to hear things are moving, albeit slowly. Here's hoping you get the Visa ok and you'll soon be reunited. We'll be keeping our fingers crossed. Good luck mate, B 'n T.
  5. Not really bothered Phil. Matters not to me whether it's a Rover or a Ford Popular. Who makes/made Sunbeam, I wouldn't know. Last thing I want is to get into a disagreement over a car. Just passing on what I'd read. Cheers Phil. Edit...Just had another look and your right= " Unknown Rover, black, 1947." Maybe I could have a wrong digit in by mistake. My sincere apologies to you sir.
  6. I looked up the reg no., on mr. Google and said Sunbeam, black, 1951. Unless I read it wrong.
  7. Worra baht Bakersfield? Will that become workpersonsfield?
  8. Is there anything we can do nowadays? Without offending some bugger !!
  9. Wonder how long it will be before 'Allo, Allo bites the dust?
  10. You're lucky Margie, I can't understand any of em!
  11. I thought it were Lizzie.
  12. Hey Jill Sparrow ! Waddya mean is it Beekay cos it must be elderly. It's definitely not me, for starters I never had chubby cheeks. Another point, my first photo of me was when I were about 17 years old. Never had any pictures as a kid. (Your all supposed to say, aahh !).
  13. Let's not forget that some bugger took down and stole the statue of Eric Morecambe, in the town of that name! What was his crime, apart from his jokes...All that was left was his foot ! ( believe it's been replaced though).
  14. Wonder if they're going to take Maggie Thatcher in Parliament down, after what she did to the miners in the eighties. Just asking.
  15. Took the liberty of painting the picture from the photograph you posted via pm. I printed a copy off and worked from that. The post on here doesn't do it justice. I was really pleased when I'd done it, I wanted to walk over those fields to the houses on top of the hill. Even put your cactus on. Bigsis posted a picture of hers, of a painted stone. I once did that on half dozen stones, when I worked at National Water Sports Centre, Holme Pierrpont. Sold the lot one afternoon. My boss stopped me doing that because I was getting stones from the water's edge !
  16. The grapes were too far away for me to see. When painting that small the vines would only be dots. So I opted for poetic licence, (won't say artistic as it sounds too presumptuous). Glad you like it. The other side is not quite finished, will post it when done, complete with plants.
  17. If your watching NonnaB, do you recognise this view? Was going to do it on canvas but then I found this little planter outside. Would like your opinion...B.
  18. It's not like Pevrils chicken Coop though, is it Ben?
  19. Beekay


    Or maybe " Blazing Saddles".
  20. Hiya LL., when she told me that I was devastated! I thought, " bloody hell !" She's getting twice as much as me. Don't think her dad was too impressed with a lathe jockey. Story of my life.
  21. I was once courting a girl when I was about 17. She lived on Arleston drive, Wollaton. I worked at Raleigh at the time and remember once saying to her that I'd be happy when I reached 21, as I would be on full money then, about £14/15 a week. " Really", she said. " I get that now for pocket money". She was 16 and I think her dad was a dentist. Needless to say, we didn't stay together for long !
  22. Wots wrong wi' Sanderson's pie and chips ?
  23. Some of the buggers just use it as an excuse to grab a new telly or whatever !