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Everything posted by Beekay

  1. Cheers HSR., thanks for reminding me of my age ! This all brings me back to my regular gripe, of not having a camera until I was 22. No pix of me when I were little. Another thing, if I went through that gate now, I more than likely not get half way up the hill. And to think, we used to run up.! Does anyone else remember those Nissen huts? I think they were temporary accommodation post war.
  2. More power to his elbow CT., he deserves a medal. Been a life saver to loads of us in home arrest!
  3. Cheers AG., correct me if I'm wrong but, when you walked up and over the path from the gate, there was this sort of valley. If you did an almost u turn and walked, you came to the railway line, but I can't remember if there was a manual crossing there. Must have been, because you would reach the road. Overlooking the railway was a sort of sandstone cliff and as kids, exploring we found a cave halfway up the bank. Naturally of course, we thought we'd discovered it and it was our den! Next time we went, we took some bread and jam etc., so we could watch the trains go by. Imagine our horror
  4. Is it true, you can start a fire by rubbing two scouts together?
  5. The gate, as I remember it, (bearing in mind it was 66years ago) was a single, iron/steel gate which swung on hinges on right. On the left side was a steel arc and the gate only swung about 90°, the idea being you pushed the gate forward, stepped in to the left side then closed the gate behind you, thus enabling you to walk forward. I could draw a diagram but all you knowledgeable NS's will know better than me what I'm on about. Nuff sed.
  6. If you stand at the top of Beachy Head, you can see the Moon !
  7. You can put as many as you like SG., They're all crackin as far as I'm concerned. Here's 3 more words......."Good on yer"
  8. That's right Stuart. HSR... I am not aware of any clearing or carvings. I used to walk up from the 44 terminus through the gate and up a steep path, that I do remember. The path then dropped down into a little valley. Looking toward Sneinton, on the right the trees gave to a large grassy field, where I used to visit my Aunt Evelyn and Uncle Mark, who lived in one of the Nissen huts that were up there (they later moved to Clifton). Bearing in mind, I could have only been about 10/11 ish. Used to catch the 44 on Alfreton road, at the top of Boden street. Can't see that being allowed today.
  9. It were only a joke SG. Allus done with tongue in cheek. Apologies.
  10. No Cherub, but I'll help you to eat them. Along with pasta and chips.
  11. You want to play snooker on the green Mary1947, with full size cues that will keep you almost 2 metres apart!
  12. We all love purple shapes AG., they're the best shapes of all !!! Even better than green ones, (and ya don't see many of them ). Tell him to keep up the good work.
  13. A whole armful Rob! Be careful when riding your bike home. Fair play bruv! Take care.
  14. No wonder I couldn't locate it. It has become like a side street. Don't recognise the bypass type main road. Nice to see the old trolley turn round just before the rail crossing. Also noticed the gate to walk through Colwick woods still there, been through that many times as a nipper. Can you still walk through the woods?
  15. Still want some biscuits Brenda !!
  16. Margie, I ain't forgot, I still owe you and Paul a Wroxham coffee. Will you take a rain check?
  17. CT., just been having a trawl on Mr.Googles maps. My question is.....What happened to Colwick road? I always thought it started at Parliament st. depot and continued up to Colwick woods. I never went any further as my knowledge was of the 44 trolley route that I worked on before moving up to Bilborough.
  18. The thing that tears me apart is that there is nothing I can do. Been following NonnaBs dilemma as well and it makes you feel so bloody useless. Can only offer moral support and a silent prayer. Nowt to do with Nottingham, I know.
  19. Wishing you all the very best of luck MD., have been reading your posts, both with interest and concern. Let's hope it won't be long mate. Stay safe....Beekay.