Pocket money, spending money

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The topic about paper rounds reminded me that when I did one, it meant a massive increase in the amount of money I had for myself every week.

My first pocket money was 2/- a week (probably around 1963-4), but it was supplemented by my grandma who used to come to our house once a week and she'd give me 6d; so I had the grand weekly total of 2/6. Some of it I'd spend in the week, and some I would save for when we went on holiday in the summer. By holiday time I always had around 22/6 to spend at Skeg.

When I eventually stopped having pocket/spending money, I was receiving the massive sum of 50p. But by then I'd also done a paper round for about 18 months where I got 18/-, so for a while around 1970-1 my weekly income was over £1. Can't remember what I did with it all.

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like fynger i got 6d a day untill i started senior school then i got 5silllings a week as well as 6d perday. anything i wanted on top of this i had to earn running erands for the nieghbours babysitting paper rounds .

but dad always brought us 5 shillings worth of sweets every sunday afternoon and mum always brought our comics for us. so i did well really

my extras i had to provide for myself were ice skating horse riding coffees fanta at youth clubs or cafes and certain clothes i wanted but mum would not buy for me so i would save my money and buy them myself and sometimes have to leave at my friends houses.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Nowt it never changed even with inflation

Had to work for everything i got

I think the first money i got was from returning beer bottles

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Starting about 1956 (aged 5) got one threpenny bit per week, went up to a suzy (sixpence) a couple of years later, then zoomed to 1/3d when I passed my eleven plus in 1962............................

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  • 8 months later...

Started at 3d a week about 1952, but also got my comic supplied, The Topper, and paid into Saturday morning pics at the Empress.

A year or so later, supplemented with 6d from Grandma, and 1/- from Great Aunt and Uncle! Reckon I did quite well really.

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All you folk with rich parents :biggrin: .

My parents never gave me any spending money ,from as early as I can remember I had to work for every penny .

I lived in Netherfield and I used to little jobs for neighbours like carrying shopping or sweeping a path I usually got paid with a pop bottle ,I started as far as I can remember when I was four and by the time I started school just before my 5th birthday I had saved £2 .1.3d .

By the time I was 8 I used to transport ducks and chickens in a trailer on my bike from Nottingham Cattle Market to the allotments in Netherfield for 6d each ,on my way into Nottingham I took old woollens and rags to Tricketts on Trent lane , on a good Saturday I could make upto £1 ,but it was a long hard bike ride for little legs ....there is still a man living in Netherfield who owes me 6d as he was drunk and refused to pay me ,I really should go round and give him a kicking and get my money + interest ...But he's 90 now so perhaps not .

I ask my Dad why I didn't get any spending money and he said he'd given me a good work ethic instead ....I suppose it's like the old saying " give a man a fish and he'll eat for a day .....Teach him to fish and he'll eat everyday and sell the surplus for profit".

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:biggrin: Welcome Bob Shureuncle, love your name - 'how tickled I am'.

An interesting tale you tell of your hard done to childhood; still, a little bit of hard work never did anyone any harm!

Signed: Fanny Shureaunt (this is catching!).

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By the time I was 8 I used to transport ducks and chickens in a trailer on my bike from Nottingham Cattle Market to the allotments in Netherfield for 6d each ,

Sixpence each? Good grief - it would have been cheaper (pardon the pun) for them catch the bus !

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"I ask my Dad why I didn't get any spending money and he said he'd given me a good work ethic instead ....I suppose it's like the old saying " give a man a fish and he'll eat for a day .....Teach him to fish and he'll eat everyday and sell the surplus for profit".

How true this is Bob S. I never received a penny from my Dad -ever !


Worked for Dewhursts on Hockley from aged 13yrs and Co-Op at Bilborough from 14yrs until I started work after leaving school ( I wanted to stay on but he was too mean to let me). It took me 4 years to save enough money to do my A levels at the Tech.

Result? I spoiled my kids wrotten! The 2 boys as a result are idle . The 2 girls had part time jobs at school and university.(their choice) Result the 2 girls have become Barristers. The boys,although being as bright as the girls are still loafers. What do you deduce from that?

For me,at my age I am still as tight as a clam with myself (but not others).

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Sixpence each? Good grief - it would have been cheaper (pardon the pun) for them catch the bus !

The men were not allowed to take them on the bus ,so I could name my own price ,most only wanted to pay 3d or 4d but I stuck out for a tanner because I knew they wouldn't walk and they couldn't take them in the pub on Meadow Lane with them , so they had to pay .

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Used to get a 5er a week, to spend on what I wanted (usually mags, sweets... The usual stuff) till I was about 13 then whatever mum got as child benefit, she just gave to me cos I used to venture into town every Saturday with friends

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bobs your uncle i sure from your discription of your early life in netho i must know you i also used to see karl and the idlebuggers as we used to call them at the carlton and other local haunts around carlton and sometimes a bit further afield our paths must have crossed got a feelling you might have lived on arthur st.


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