Nottingham tourism - how do you market it?

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Just read the following article in the online version of The Nottingham Post today in which the author alludes to a new confidence in the way the city can be/is marketed.

I think most Notts residents understand the mistakes that have been made in this area, chances that have been missed. So what would you do to increased the filthy lucre entering the city and county that's not being done presently?

Notts tourism is no longer slanting but standing tall


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Having lived in the States for a LONG time - I know the biggest identifier that Nottingham has internationally is - Robin Hood! When people ask me where I am from I always reply "Nottingham", which typically gets a blank stare - then I follow up with "you know, the home of Robin Hood" at which there is instant recognition.

For Nottingham to attract international visitors (you know BIG $$$$), they HAVE to capitalize on the RH connection. The stories are great, the legend is known around the world and Nottingham seems to all but ignore it! Go figure!

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I was in South Florida many years ago and as I have often found in The US since, people sidle up to you just to hear you speak.

This guy in a broad southern drawl said,

"Wher y'all frum?"


"Notting_HAM, Do yoo know The Sheriff?"

"I am the Sheriff" :)

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The only reference to the Robin Hood legend that appears to any road traveller is on the County signs where Notts is trumpeted as "Robin Hood Country", but there the promise of anything to do with the legend appears to fizzle out. As Eric points out, this is THE most well known fact about Nottingham to outsiders and has been for hundreds of years. OK, so it is just a legend, but upon such stuff is a lot of tourism based. Mickey Mouse is not real, believe it or not, but Florida has done very nicely thank you out of that little rodent!

Perhaps Nottingham Tourism is afraid of upsetting the upstarts from Yorkshire who try to claim Robin as theirs, the poor deluded Tykes!

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We now live in a small (population about 250 in the winter) village on Lake Michigan. The major source of employment, and income, in the community is tourism, and the village does a wonderful job of both encouraging and promoting it.

is a short video produced by the Chamber of Commerce that does a great job of highlighting the village assets. If a village the size of Pentwater can produce this, then imagine what Nottingham could do with their resources, and the attractions they have to offer!
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Having lived in the States for a LONG time - I know the biggest identifier that Nottingham has internationally is - Robin Hood! When people ask me where I am from I always reply "Nottingham", which typically gets a blank stare - then I follow up with "you know, the home of Robin Hood" at which there is instant recognition.

It didn't work for us in that 'T' shirt shop on the out skirts of Fort Lauderdale did it Mick, I had to resort to Torville and Dean and Leslie Crowther to get a reaction (Mind you she was from Israel)

I was in South Florida many years ago and as I have often found in The US since, people sidle up to you just to hear you speak.

This guy in a broad southern drawl said,

"Wher y'all frum?"


"Notting_HAM, Do yoo know The Sheriff?"

"I am the Sheriff" :)

What about asking that bloke for directions near Everglade city. His reply was , once again , "Where you from boy?" you told him Nottingham and he said "Well you found you way here from Nottingham, you find your way to ..................."

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The folks who work for Disney in Orlando (most of them "contract" workers) refer to it as "working for the rat"!

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When I worked around Europe and Skandinavia, people in the bars and hotels would ask me where I was from. When I replied that I was from Nottingham the usual response would be "Nottingham Forest, Brian Clough" and that was during and many years after their glory days.

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I was in Nottingham a couple of weeks ago, and it is apparent that Nottingham City Council and the tourism chiefs just don't have a clue about marketing Nottingham, which is really sad as the city, Robin Hood aside is rich in history and culture. The first thing I would implement if I was "in charge" is a museum dedicated to Nottingham, including exhibits on Nottingham's role in the Civil War, Raliegh, Boots, Players, Lace, Shipstones and Home Ales, aswell as other exhibits charting the history of the city. Many would say that there are displays in Nottingham Castle, but I just don't think that there is the room in the building to allow the exhibts to be appreciated fully, let alone give enough space to dedicate to particular themes.

One area of the city that needs a complete overhaul is the Sneinton Market/ Carlton Road side of the Ice Stadium - it's an absolute disgrace with boarded up buildings, the old market buildings having seen better days - maybe it's time for those to be demolished and replace with something more attractive. The area just doesn't blend in with Hockley/Lace Market, and gives visitors the impression that, that side of the city is a Ghetto. In regards to where I would situated the "Museum of Nottingham" I would locate it in the area that is the Bus depot across from the Ice Stadium, aswell as including the buildings that house Barton Buses, Machine Mart, but with those buildings develope them into resembling the Bus depot which with a little TLC could be a cracking looking building. And if the plan is to turn Sneinton market into Nottingham''s version of Covent Garden is going to happen, it's going to take more than a lick of paint and new paving to make the area look desirable......

I'm heading back in May, and it's a trip that I'm looking forward to making, but with some of the changes I've seen so far it's very clear that something amiss is happening in Nottingham. I personally feel that N.C.C are in a way embarrassed by the City's history, why I don't know, but when the bulldozer is seeing more action than the tourists, I think it says it all.....

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Re Sneinton market area...they don't know what to do with it.I know they've had many meetings and the Perrier water has flowed copiously over their expense accounts.

They talk about retaining the character of the area.But that character is in the past,nobody wants to shop in town any more.New shopping areas would be a waste of space unless free car parking was available...but we know the greedy gits wouldn't allow that.

What are they going to build there? Factories for non existent jobs...houses for non existent buyers...shops for non existent traders.

There's gonna be a river of Perrier water flowing under the bridge before they crack this one.Mind you they could always build new Council premises for all the lovely meetings :tongue:

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I'm not 100% sure, bit I think that area (The old fruit and veg market etc ) were going to be utilised in the building of the doomed "Check-white tower" project.

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A few years back this guy was dressed up as friar Tuck for the tourist around the castle.For a pound you could have your photo taken with him.This one Photo cost me a pound.5030425119_963f0501f9_b.jpg

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The area just doesn't blend in with Hockley/Lace Market, and gives visitors the impression that, that side of the city is a Ghetto

Don't get your hopes up Sean. The Lace Market has been in decline since the turn of the century (1999 not 1899!). Lots of boarded-up shops and, to be honest, the talk about the area's renaissance was always more hype than reality.

Every few years there are plans to revitalize parts of the city centre. The truth is that Nottingham has never recovered from the loss of Raleigh, Player's, Plessey and the myriad middle-sized firms that used to provide well paid employment.

If you go to Nottingham's German twin city, Karlsruhe, they have lots of what they call Mittelstand firms. Often family owned and specialising in high added value, high quality engineered products. They produce the kind of real wealth that means their Rathaus has no need of the pie-in-the-sky tourism and property development proposals on which Nottingham's councillors pin their hopes.

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Theres a few stories this morning about improving the town centres . The first is a grant for landlords in Nottingham to update their shops .

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Then theres this story that Eric Pickles wants some free parking in towns (about time but doubt it will happen .)

And then this , that consumers want more independent shops on the high street. I hate these sorts of surveys as the public are bound to say they want more shops , whether they use them is another matter !

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We had the biggest consumer credit splurge in the country's history and, you know what, Market Street, Upper Parliament Street, the Broadmarsh, Hockley and plenty of other places around the city centre still never looked as if they were doing well.

The Vic Centre now looks very down at heel and I don't think any amount of tourist spending is going to remedy the fundamental problems in, not only Nottingham's, but the wider economy.

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