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Never had a proper 'train set' myself but I love seeing the big layouts.  There used to be one at Alton Towers way back in the early '60s.. long before all the fancy rides etc.  My Grandson has never seen a steam train in action, but he absolutely loves his little Thomas the Tank Engine sets. 


Chap over the back fence from me has spent the last couple of years building an outdoor set in his back garden.  Brass rails.. proper cement/concrete track beds .. the works.  He's intending to have little open days to raise funds in memory of his son, who died of some sort of progressive disease.  Not sure what guage it is but lt looks like a couple of inches roughly.  He uses an little track cleaner engine on it.


I think it was Hornby who made a little black timber sided coal truck with 'Bestwood Coliery' on it in white.  I'm told they aren't especially rare and that I should be able to get one for a few quid.  If anyone can help me to source one I'd be grateful. It would be a nice little nod towards my Bestwood heritage.


Now.. here's a slightly bigger challenge.. A couple of books I have show the types of saddle tank 0-6-0 engines used at local collieries, made by Hawthorn Leslie, or Hunslet.  However, I spent many an hour watching the engines on the colliery yard at Bestwood from the upstairs rear window of the Bestwood Hotel and I'd swear they also had what I think is called a 'panier' tank engine.  It was similar in general style to the type that seems to have been popular with GWR.  Something like this:




The Bestwood one was probably a bist smaller.  It as green, and had a red nameplate down the side of the tank which I thought said 'Bestwood Colliery', but it was a bit difficult to see properly at distance. 


Anybody any ideas?



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A very old friend of ours has had this model railway set up in the basement of his various homes around the United States. Thought some of you may be interested to see a few pics. [/url]

Well just returned from the exhibition, very interesting to see what some people have achieved with such a small scale. Tons of books on all sorts of railways could have spent a fortune, luckily left

I well remember Daybrook Station back in the 50's. Twice a day every weekday back and forth to Basford North. The walks to and from the station took far longer than the train journey which was about f

There's a magnificent layout of Leicester South doing the rounds of the exhibitions over the last few years. Ex GC in the mid to late 50's.


I don't know what tank loco you saw Col, but I doubt very much it'd be an ex GWR one.

Re the Bestwood coal truck. Just go onto EBay, and there's plenty, or your local model shop. 

Edit.. Just looked, and there's currently about 30 for sale around £5, although they do say Bestwood Iron Works, not Colliery.

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Thanks for that Fly.  I'll have a look on eBay.


I'd also imagine it wasn't GWR, but from looking at Google Images it seems a number of the rail companies and London Transport used similar locos, so maybe bought second hand from one of those?  I'll ask around other places too.



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There used to be a saddle tank engine from Clifton colliery /Wilford power station in the 60's it was a  0-4-0 with the name plate MICHAEL




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Col, it might have been a Hawthorn Leslie saddle tank called Valerie. She was there in 1965. I'm currently looking at a picture in The Great Northern Railway in the East Midlands vol2 page 49. 

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Nope.  I remember 'Valerie', which is also pictured in Malcolm Castledine's Book. But I also remember a panier tank loco.  I'm guessing more like early to mid 50s when I was quite small.

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Would be nice if the NS members going to the Sherwood model railway 'do'  on Saturday could be there together. Morning or afternoon?

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Sorry, but I'll be on a long weekend away I'm afraid.

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49 minutes ago, Chulla said:

Would be nice if the NS members going to the Sherwood model railway 'do'  on Saturday could be there together. Morning or afternoon?

Is there a Wetherspoons nearby?

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3 minutes ago, The Pianoman said:

Is there a Wetherspoons nearby?


Matter of fact there is - the Samuel Hall. We might be having a meeting there soon, Malc. You're invited.

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Well just returned from the exhibition, very interesting to see what some people have achieved with such a small scale. Tons of books on all sorts of railways could have spent a fortune, luckily left my bank card at home.


Got chatting to a guy and picked up loads of tips along with photo's

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Can you put some of the pics on here NBL? I enjoy looking at model railways, such imagination from the builders



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Sorry Rog, but most of the pics were of control system, electrics etc I have one of a 'fiddle' yard but as they would normally be out of sight to the public there is no scenery of imagination there.


I do intend to go to more exhibitions and will take some 'front of house' pics to put up.

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Well I'm getting into this now.


Have just been checking exhibitions in Nottingham. Next major one is at Harvey Hadden Sat 17/03/18 & Sun 18/03/18, looks like quite a big event but traders are yet to be announced.


The good news is if you are a tram fan you can travel to Phoenix Park and there is a free vintage bus to take you to the venue.


To far away yet to be 100% sure of going but it has to be one for the diary

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Info is looking good for the above exhibition, loads of layouts, demonstrations including DCC wiring which will be of particular interest to me as I intend to use that system. I think this time I might just take my credit card to take advantage of any offers.


First I must explain I know little or nothing of railways or model railways, but I do know there are some experts on here so I will be asking what seems to be some stupid questions....


First one, I was watching a vid on YouTube the other day and one comment was 'nice layout but basic mistake, your trains are running the wrong way round'. So I believe trains pass right hand side to right hand side can someone please confirm or deny this as it will affect the track plan I am putting together as it has two running loops.

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It's like on the road NBL , always drive on the left. The railways were designed similarly.

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On 10/23/2017 at 4:58 PM, DJ360 said:

Never had a proper 'train set' myself but I love seeing the big layouts.  There used to be one at Alton Towers way back in the early '60s.. long before all the fancy rides etc.  My Grandson has never seen a steam train in action,

I remember the setup at Alton towers I always thought it was great. Take your grandson to Loughborough, load's of train's or come to rushcliff Holt at east leaks he will see the steam train's there as well.

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What ! Highwaymen in Basford. How very dare you !

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