Black holes & quantum physics.

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I'm with you Loppy...........and its so much simpler for us mear mortals..........''Let there be light'' and behold there was light...........

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It wasn't who you think it was, Loppy and Benji. Tune in to Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens on YouTube.

Who made the imaginary race? - mother nature and father time, same as who made us.

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Yes Chulla this thread did drift a bit after I mentioned Scrodingers cat, lol. I'll lay in bed tonight thinking of perfect vacuums, & now how water got here as well. No wonder I wake up tired..

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152 How do you know? Where you there? That is not meant to be sarky. pieinface You know how the internet is. I would love to pursue your arguments but I am reluctant to do so because of NS policies. I suspect a religious discussion could quickly descend into pie throwing and that never did any good. The thread would end up locked and we could end up in the dog pound.

Quote. "Who made the imaginary race? - mother nature and father time, same as who made us."

Your prerogative to believe that if you wish. I would defend your right to do so. I know who I have believed. The way things are going in this old world we may all be meeting our maker before too long.

A little girl was talking to her teacher about whales. The
teacher said it was physically impossible for a whale to swallow
a human because even though it was a very large mammal its throat
was very small.

The little girl stated that Jonah was swallowed by a whale.
Irritated, the teacher reiterated that a whale could not swallow
a human; it was physically impossible.

The little girl said, "When I get to heaven I will ask Jonah".
The teacher asked, "What if Jonah went to hell?" The little girl
replied, "Then you ask him."

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You are right, Loppy, this forum is not really the place to pursue an argument about religion. I have said my piece on here in the past. I doubt there is anyone who does not know my strong anti-religion views. If I really got going I would give the subject both barrels, but I am not here to make enemies or lose friendships. But I will answer your question to me about how do I know about mother nature and father time - logic and scientific intelligence told me. The bible has no logical support or proof of happening whatsoever.

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Remember in the film 'Contact' when aliens did make contact the religious leaders were very worried that the aliens might not believe in god. Makes you wonder whether they'd be daft enough to kill an alien who believes in a thing with zero proof it exists, because he/she/it believes in another different thing with zero proof it exists. Humans do & have done this for thousands of years, no wonder aliens wont make contact...

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Logic and scientific intelligence have done little to provide answers to the fundamental questions that continue to plague mankind. Why are we greedy? Why do we kill and steal? Why are there wars? The war to end all wars. 1914-18 did nothing overall, millions died and yet they were at it again only twenty or so years later. Vietnam killed the best of an American generation and now the fools are talking WW 3. I have lost count of the vicious little wars that have occured in my lifetime.

Surely we should be moving towards a period of peace and enlightenment. Why aren't we? The hippies were singing about the Age of Aquarious in the late 60s. Duhhhh! What happened to it?

The Bible says that the root problem is sin which began in the garden of Eden. Believe it or not thats up to each individual. Jesus backed it up along with all the Old Testament. If we say otherwise we are calling Him a liar. Our sin separates us from God, that's why we can't see these issues clearly. Until we are willing to acknowledge that we remain hostile to these matters. For many years I said, "The Bible is full of errors and contradictions." Good grief! I'd never even read it it. Hows that for arrogance.

At the end of the day we will all believe what we want to believe, although I find it interesting that Atheists seem more interested in attacking the Bible than other religious texts and traditions. After all there's plenty of 'em to have a go at if one wants to

My late dear old mam and I had some interesting discussions. Her favorite line was, "When yer dead yer dead." Further discussion became pointless. Finally I told her, look if you are right and I'm wrong you have nowt to worry about when yer die you'll know nowt. If I'm right and you are wrong you'll have plenty to think about. Sounds harsh, but that's what it boils down to.

To the best of my knowledge she died in her unbelief. That makes me sad, but I can't do anything about it. We are each responsible for what we choose to believe or not believe.

I guess I'll leave it there in the interests of forum rules. If you want to pursue it p.m. me.

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Back to the subject. They're sifting through the trash at the LHC as they think there might be hints of or even proof of a force to add to gravity, electromagnetic, strong & weak forces we already know about. Oh the excitement of it all. Did you know there's a new word? Sciencegasm; I kid you not, lol...

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Been to Derby today to have lunch with my sister. I'm not an eavesdropper, but my hearing being pin sharp, I can't help overhearing other peoples conversations, especially if they insist on shouting down their ever present mobile phones. I don't know about "when you're dead, you're dead," but I often wonder whether some of these folks are alive, in more than a physical sense! Now that sounds arrogant and judgemental but, ye gods and little fishes!!

I like this one...

He who knows not and knows not that he knows not is a fool. Shun him.

he who knows and knows not that he knows is asleep. Wake him.

he who knows not and knows that he knows not is a child. Teach him.

he who knows and knows that he knows is a wise man. Follow him.

As Einstein said, the important thing is never to stop questioning.

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Been to Derby today to have lunch with my sister. I'm not an eavesdropper, but my hearing being pin sharp, I can't help overhearing other peoples conversations, especially if they insist on shouting down their ever present mobile phones. I don't know about "when you're dead, you're dead," but I often wonder whether some of these folks are alive, in more than a physical sense! Now that sounds arrogant and judgemental but, ye gods and little fishes!!

I like this one...

He who knows not and knows not that he knows not is a fool. Shun him.

he who knows and knows not that he knows is asleep. Wake him.

he who knows not and knows that he knows not is a child. Teach him.

he who knows and knows that he knows is a wise man. Follow him.

As Einstein said, the important thing is never to stop questioning.

And yet he allowed his instincts and his inherited prejudices to push him away from the truth he had discovered.

I've not kept up too well recently, but I'm sure I can't be the only one who wonders where theoretical astrophysics and astronomy are going these days.

The phrase 'house of cards' springs to mind... along with echoes of the Phlogiston Theory.

'Dark Matter'. 'Dark Energy' ?

When you have to invent imaginary stuff to make your theories work, there's a good chance your theories are wrong.

Just sayin'..


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Re #164 DJ360.

Dark matter & dark energy are not theories, the scientists admit they have zero clue what they are. Dark matter & dark energy are sort of place holder names until they work out what they are, if they ever do. That's what I love about science & nature "you never know what will come next."

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I really do think the Phlogiston theory is emblematic of the current ideas about Dark Matter/Energy etc.

And yes. The above 'Dark' things are theories. Thay are not proven facts, therefore they are theories, or hypotheses developed to explain observations which (so far) cannot be explained in other ways.

This is not all that far from blaming the Gods for thunder and lightning.


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A theory is when someone has an idea how something works, no one has the foggiest clue how dark matter & dark energy works although they know that they both exist. There's no theory of what happened before the big bang coz no one has a clue. Phlogiston was a theory of how they thought fire worked at that time, it made sense at the time. Dark energy & dark matter make no scientific sense at all at the moment, they've been trying hard to find an answer but nowt has turned up yet..

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Our 14 year old grandchildren found a Pokemon in their kitchen but don't think it was one of the rarer ones. There are 270 to collect I believe! If all these games had been around half a century or more ago, I think I'd have been tempted to play. At least those taking part are walking around and not sitting in their bedrooms all day............ dangerous walking on to the roads without looking up, though

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In New Scientist that the 'Large underground xenon detector' that has been looking for WIMPS that they had a slight suspicion is the stuff dark matter is made of for the last 2 years, & they've discovered - nowt, zilch, bu**er all, not a sausage. So the mystery of what dark matter is has just got - err, more mysterious. Nature is having a good laugh at the scientists expense..

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