Black holes & quantum physics.

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Over the usual Sunday afternoon pint with my physicist and scientific pals it was decided that I did have a purpose in life after all. If we were shipwrecked and in a lifeboat with no means of navigat

Quite possibly but perhaps there are many other versions of us: a Ben who doesn't like women; a Brew who's a helpless alcoholic; a Trogg who's a right little Casanova; a Margie who's an atheist; a Cli

I remember when I was only nine or ten, sitting in a classroom looking out of the window and wondering - for the first time - whether I was really there or was all my life a dream, and how could I kno

11 hours ago, iandawson said:

Do they have to move away at the same speed Colly?


Don't think so Ian, as long as the non central things going away from the central things speed relative to each other is faster than light speed. I suppose they'd vanish to each other even if they were receding at 50% of the speed of light from the central thing as the non central things receding speed to each other would be the speed of light, or one was going at 25% & t'other was going 75% the receding speed between them would still be light speed. Any combination as long as it = 100% light speed or more would result in the receding things vanishing to each other.


 I've a funny idea Stephen Hawking  said the above can't happen in his 'Brief history of time' book. Why it can't happen I can't remember, perhaps Chulla can remember? I can't find the flipping book, It's probably vanished into another dimension like other things in this house seem to do on a regular basis, grr grr...

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If you travel faster than the speed of light, don't you get to where you're going before you've started out?  

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If I were travelling at the speed of light I would be too busy looking where I was going to worry about what was disappearing behind me ;)


One of the arguments for it being dark at night is that much of the light from stars hasn't reached us yet. The Universe only lit up a long time after it was formed and by then the distant stars were a long way away - and generally speeding away from us.

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Carni, Much of the time I never get to where I want to be!  I had plans that our house would be decorated for Christmas, all my cards written and nothing to do except relax with Paul by today.  It's not happened and even the pile of ironing keeps glaring at me!

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You'll be OK Margie, You're probably a bit like Elvis at the moment "All shook up huh; huh, huh". You have three tasks waiting for you there., if I were you, I would mash a pot of tea, sit down and write the cards, blow the rest until tomorrow. :)

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On 13 December 2016 at 5:48 PM, PeverilPeril said:

So a light from the back of one of the cars that is travelling at the speed of light will never catch up with the other car due to time, but relatively they are parting at twice the speed of light, which is impossible. Right?


What happens if the cars switch their lights off?

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If there were a person in the back seat of the car looking out of the window at the other car, then if both were travelling at the speed of light in the opposite direction, the person would not see the other car. The light from it would not catch up with the car with the man in the back. Nothing would be travelling faster than the speed of light but would have to be for the man to see the car. As for the car having a rear light, that is irrelevant  - light is light. It is a fact that we do not actually see the object we are looking at - we see the light reflected from it. In this case the rear of the car. If the car with the man in slows down, then he would see the other car.

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'You have the helm, Mr Sulu; ahead warp factor 4'.

'Aye, Aye, captain'.

'Give it all you've got Scotty'.

Och aye, but we're getting low on lithium crystals'.

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1 hour ago, Chulla said:

If there were a person in the back seat of the car looking out of the window at the other car, then if both were travelling at the speed of light in the opposite direction, the person would not see the other car. The light from it would not catch up with the car with the man in the back. Nothing would be travelling faster than the speed of light but would have to be for the man to see the car. As for the car having a rear light, that is irrelevant  - light is light. It is a fact that we do not actually see the object we are looking at - we see the light reflected from it. In this case the rear of the car. If the car with the man in slows down, then he would see the other car.

O no he wouldn't! Because the other car has gone - at the speed of light.

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You are right PP. I should have said when the two speeds equated to the speed of light or less. I think.

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I have a fishing mate we call 'Captain Blur'. At breakfast time when we are on a club trip he moves so fast that we can't see him. The reason for this is that he is the only one without a serious hangover. Hence the theory of relativity.

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Re # 288. I've often thought that a couple of members on here were the unfortunate victims of a mind expanding drug overdose, but I would never have thought it of you Chulla. Thanks for making me laugh, and bringing a smile to my face on yet another dull and depressing morning. 

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In New Scientist that they've discovered a massive wall of galaxies a billion light years across, they called it the 'Boss Wall.' The 'Great Wall' that used to be the biggest is only 300 million light years across, still bog though init? BTW I'll try to remember to post my daft jokes in the correct joke thread next time, lol..

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They have actually seen 'vacuum birefringence' taking place on a nuetron star: The magnetic field is so mega mega strong that it causes mater to come in & out of existence at random. What with this & gravity waves being discovered things are really exciting in the scientific world. I wonder what is next??

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