Black holes & quantum physics.

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They're on about building an even bigger more powerful version of the LHC. However some boffins are speculating that the reason we haven't discovered intelligent life anywhere else is that they made a mega LHC that created a black hole that swallowed up their planet with every living thing on it & that was the end of that! Could this happen though? Well nature has a habit of doing sumat that no scientist ever dreamed of. E.G. 20 years ago no one knew about the universe's accelerating expansion & it came as a complete shock & awe to the boffins when they found out. So maybe it could have happened on other planets, how we'd ever find out though I don't know...

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On 08/12/2017 at 2:49 PM, Waddo said:

There was a full time attendant, don't know his name but I think he lived St Ann's way cos he used to call in me Gran's café. And yes, they we're kept clean. Looking from the council house, it wu gells to the left of the steps and lad's ta the right.

One of the male toilet attendants in the mid 1980's was Bernard always known as Bernard the bog and he lived at Bestwood near Cherry Orchard Mount. As the toilets operated 24 hours I assume there were a number of attendants. 

its amazing what you learn on here.

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So what your saying is, in the 80s we could have a splendid set of toilets watched over by 3 shift's of attendants, but in today's affluent lifestyle and increased council revenue, we can't even have a single toilet in a major city center?. That really makes a lot of sense, and then they wonder why folk's are wassing  in shop doorways!!

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And knowing those idiots that supposedly run the city, that would be nearer the truth than you think. Many a true word spoken in jest !!

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2 hours ago, PeverilPeril said:

I was serious colly.  My mate is a physicist and he was involved with developing the super conducted magnets for the LHC.  I'll let you know. 

WOW, Love to read his views on chances of a bigger LHC making an accidental black hole..... The speculating boffins say it only needs to happen once & it's goodbye Vienna, & London, & Nottingham, & even Bulwell, in fact every city crushed to less that the size of a quark. This would probably not be a good thing to happen...  

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41 minutes ago, colly0410 said:

WOW, Love to read his views on chances of a bigger LHC making an accidental black hole..... The speculating boffins say it only needs to happen once & it's goodbye Vienna, & London, & Nottingham, & even Bulwell, in fact every city crushed to less that the size of a quark. This would probably not be a good thing to happen...  

It would really bugger up future Nottstalgia meetings :Shock:

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48 minutes ago, colly0410 said:

WOW, Love to read his views on chances of a bigger LHC making an accidental black hole..... The speculating boffins say it only needs to happen once & it's goodbye Vienna, & London, & Nottingham, & even Bulwell, in fact every city crushed to less that the size of a quark. This would probably not be a good thing to happen...  

Some of the others, yes - but Bulwell disappearing down a black hole - hardly likely. :biggrin:

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12 hours ago, philmayfield said:

Some of the others, yes - but Bulwell disappearing down a black hole - hardly likely

Sad but true...  :rolleyes:

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Just been reading on Futurisn about quark fusion: they recon if they can pull it off it'll be 8 times more efficient than controlled hydrogen fusion that they're trying to get to work now. I suppose if the politico's get a wiff of it they'll want to make an 8 times more efficient thermonuclear bomb. Oops I'm being cynical now aren't I???

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Well we've lost Stephen Hawking (RIP to him) one of the greatest cosmologists of all time, thanks to him for the books he wrote, I really enjoyed reading them. He had the knack of explaining things in a way I understood. His explanation  of how a black hole could radiate energy so losing mass when one half of a virtual particle pair at the event horizon was sucked into a black when the other half wasn't & drifted off into space so taking away a bit of the black hole mass was brilliant I thought, the phenomenon  is called 'Hawking Radiation' in his honour. We have lost a great Man...

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  • 3 months later...

They've discovered a black hole ripping apart & eating a star & I presume any planets that were orbiting the star. (info Scientific American & other science sites) First time this has been observed. There's a jet of particles that's sprouted out of the black hole that's traveling at almost light speed.. 

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Relativistic jets seem to be an anomaly since we were taught nothing, not even light, can escape a black hole.

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  • 2 weeks later...

They speculate that relativistic jets are made of stuff that just manages to escape the black holes event horizon just before it gets sucked into the black hole. Sort of like me just escaping from my mam before she gave a me a good hiding, only thing is I had to go back home as - well - I need food, & then Mam'd be waiting to give me a biffing. At least the relativistic jet wont get a biffing off the black hole, the lucky thing...

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1 hour ago, colly0410 said:

At least the relativistic jet wont get a biffing off the black hole, the lucky thing...

But how do you know, colly?  How do you know your mother isn't waiting on the other side of the black hole to administer another biffng...or to apologise for those she administered when she was this side of it? Questions, questions!

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  • 2 weeks later...

They've found a very high energy neutrino that was detected in Antarctica, they've named it a ghost neutrino. They speculate that it came from a black holes relativistic jet that is/was pointing straight at us. What with this discovery & gravity waves the cosmologists have plenty to get their teeth into...




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I have been watching the Magic Numbers series presented by Prof Hannah Fry on BBC4. It was excellent. In lay person's terms Hannah made numbers and the development of maths so interesting. Programme 3 was last night and Hannah related quantum physics to biology and particularly photosynthesis. Using entanglement theory from quantum physics she explained how absorption of light energy from photons by chlorophyll allows the energy to be shared by all the molecules. Particles are synchronised. 

The link for the detail of the programme is:



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1 hour ago, BilboroughShirley said:

I have been watching the Magic Numbers series presented by Prof Hannah Fry on BBC4. It was excellent. In lay person's terms Hannah made numbers and the development of maths so interesting. Programme 3 was last night and Hannah related quantum physics to biology and particularly photosynthesis. Using entanglement theory from quantum physics she explained how absorption of light energy from photons by chlorophyll allows the energy to be shared by all the molecules. Particles are synchronised. 

The link for the detail of the programme is:




I've been watching that, too, and really enjoying it apart from Hannah's seemingly endless walks up, down and around that particular landscape - where is it anyway?  I was also particularly interested In how the subatomic particles in the chlorophyll synchronise with each other..... fascinating stuff!

I wonder if there will ever be a unified theory of 'everything'....  perhaps it will have a 42 in it  somewhere (or not)


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