End of the world weekend

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Why did I start this topic? Think I'll start another one called suet puddings, or wood stain, or cutlery. They shouldn't cause any heated arguments

Probably wouldn't get any replies though.....

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Quite right too Chulla. As I have already said, each to their own. We are all different having different opinions & views on many things in life. There are certain other aspects of life I find of

As is obvious by now, mentioning religion to me is like waving a red rag at a bull; I have to have a go at it. At one time the thread looked a little heated but it has calmed down (sort of) and we are

I don't think we ordinary people would be told if it a massive asteroid strike or similar was imminent. I'm with you on this one, Blondie. Logically, I agree that there would be no point getting hy

The kind that you could eat with a Sheffield stainless steel dessert spoon, while eating your dinner seated at a table stained with something that 'does what it says on the tin'

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Would that be your request for a 'last meal' Carni? That might be a better topic... Would your first course be fish and chips eaten with proper fish knives and forks? We had some of those as a wedding present but only used them a couple of times - seemed a bit pretentious!

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I'm off to bed now - won't feel hungry when I'm asleep. Night night all you lovely people xx

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I don't think Chulla was out of order telling the little girl his view, she shouldn't have been there and those 'visitors' were not prepared to let her listen to an alternative view.

I have three notices saying I don't want cold callers(+ a grumpy old mens club membership plaque)

IF the god squad & chuggers knock they deserve all the abuse I give them.

Even "IF" they have a child with them but I wont use profanities on that occasion.

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TBI. # 119. I've been on both sides of this issue. I had NO interest in spiritual matters for many years. Its not baloney because they believe differently to ME. I do not have a monopoly on truth. It becomes baloney when they keep setting dates for events which do not happen, and they translate imaginery golden plates, which no other person has ever seen and expect me to base my eternity on it. No thanks.

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As is obvious by now, mentioning religion to me is like waving a red rag at a bull; I have to have a go at it. At one time the thread looked a little heated but it has calmed down (sort of) and we are smiling at each other again. We have all had our say so let's leave it there.

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Quite right too Chulla. As I have already said, each to their own. We are all different having different opinions & views on many things in life.

There are certain other aspects of life I find offensive, but I always respect the other person's view. It is not my place to judge anyone.

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Thanks TBI. I appreciate yor response. Problem with religion or politics I guess is tht it brings out very strong feelings in all of us. No doubt why Mick tends to clamp down on it. Thing is, when it comes to topics like the end of the world etc. religious views are bound to come up. Just as politics probably would if we discuss the health care system etc. I respect yor views.

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Why did I start this topic? Think I'll start another one called suet puddings, or wood stain, or cutlery. They shouldn't cause any heated arguments

Don't you believe it. You could post nothing more than a smiley and someone will start arguing about it.

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I went to Ireland in spring 1967, we were converting an old mansion house into a hotel. Never having been abroad before I asked various folks for advice. It seemed to me the most repeated advice was 'don't talk religion or politics and you will have a great time'.

I took the advice offered and had a wonderful 26 weeks, soon after the next year I think the last lot of 'troubles' started.

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