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Beekay,   Beamish is a great day out, a 680 mile round trip I don't know about . If you travel that far there is so many Castles , fantastic country side , beautiful beaches , historic Cities and towns but most of all great people. Well worth a week or two visit , can you tell its one of my favourite areas.

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Result........CT Scans all clear......just got letter..been sweating for a fortnight......

Just got back from QMC again........the last eight days have been a bit Traumatic to say the least,,...blood tests,,X-rays,,and today a visit to a Consultant........cut a long story short......problem

Two years ago life changed forever,,,about this time i was on my way down to the operating theatre for what turned out to be a ten hour operation...........its been life changing in

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You're going to need more than one day to see it all BK, I went a few years ago on a coach trip from Nottingham,was there best part of a day and only saw about a quarter of it,suggest you have a holiday in the area and take in the museum when you're there,as Trogg says so many things to see and do in the area



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BK as Plantfit says it needs more than a day to take it in, the last time I went you purchased the ticket but it allowed you to revisit free that year, so if you are staying in the area you could return , whilst you are still there to continue your visit.

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9 hours ago, DJ360 said:

looking at the exhibition covering Charles Rennie Mackintosh


Looks like an Aubrey Beardsley without the severed head...

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Thanks fellas for the info. From what I've seen on Mr. You tube, it looks a big site. Good job they have trams to get round. Might have to borrow 'er indoors stroller to help me along. I would imagine there are some b+ b places or hotels in the area. Would break the journey in Nottm. at sister in law's. Her husband advised that's the best thing to do, then visit from their place, stay a couple of days then stay over on the way back.

They live in Stapleford, right next to M1. Brew reckons I ought to combine it with NS meet-up.  Beekay.

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I don't recall much of what I read, but I do believe that Aubrey Beardsley was an influence.

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My day started yesterday? Husband bought or was given half of it, 6 kg of mince.

I wanted to make some lasagne but my daughter took half of it to work and is making the ragu for me, the other half I'm making cottage pies. Will prepare lasagne later.

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What's Italian cottage pie like Nonna? Is it anything like Tagliatelle or does it come with garlic bread. GARLIC BREAD!! what's that all about ?

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My method.   Use best mince available. Brown the mince really really well, as in... until it starts to 'catch' on the pan.  When it does, add a little water and repeat.  Do this several times to get rid of any 'offall type' smell and encourage beefiness by caramelising the mince.


Cook mince with carrots, onion and stock (or a stock cube) for as long as you can.... You could add celery or whatever if you want.  Finally adjust colour with a bit of 'gravy browning' if desired and thicken with a bit of wheat or cornflour.  Be careful with seasoning as stock cubes and gravy browning contain a lot of salt.


Put mince in bottom of an ovenproof dish and cover with mash.  Ideally mash that has some butter and cream, or milk, or Creme Fraiche added, but is not sloppy like 'Mericuns' seem to like it.


Finish mash with a fork to give a textured surface that browns and goes all crusty.


Tip I got from my brother.  Push thin slices of cheddar or similar between the mash and the sides of the dish.  This prevents mash from sticking too badly.. and it tastes awesome.


Sometimes I grate a bit more cheese on top, or maybe put some thin sliced tomato on top.  Not too much.


Stick it in the oven  at about 180C until top is browned, or you can't wait any longer...


Superb on its own.  Even better with Sprouts, or other veg of your choice on the side.

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P.S.  I usually add a Bay Leaf or two while cooking the mince and take 'em out before 'building' the pie.

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58 minutes ago, Beekay said:

What's Italian cottage pie like Nonna? Is it anything like Tagliatelle or does it come with garlic bread. GARLIC BREAD!! what's that all about ?


Beeeekaaay. Where's your patriotism. Cottage pie is ENGLISH:rotfl: But it comes out of the oven saying ciao, mate. 

It's like asking you if English tagliatelle is like Italian tagliatelle. Garlic bread is English, our bruschetta is better so there.smile2

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More or less like mine. I added celery! Carrots, onion and garlic. Had no bay leaves so added a few sprigs of fresh time ( lemon thyme)

worcestor sauce, glass of red wine, chicken stock ( had no beef stock) Don't like gravy browning , I used some " Astrattu"  a Sicilian tomato purée that my husband brought back when he visited a few weeks ago. It was made in his village and he also had 2 boxes of home made ready to use tomato sauce ( for pasta)sent.

Waiting for it all to cool before I finish putting potato on top, it prevents the middle from sinking which it sometimes does if you finish it off while it's hot. I have to buy some decent potatoes as the ones I've got are too small  and fiddly.

.The remaining celery and potatoes I've made into soup

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How do you differ between a cottage pie and a shepherds pie. Apart from the fact you can't get many shepherds in !

Nonna, you could always stick Cadburys smash on top.  :hungr:

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How do you differ between a cottage pie and a shepherds pie. The shepherds pie should only have lamb as the meat content. The clues in the name innit...

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10 minutes ago, Brew said:

How do you differ between a cottage pie and a shepherds pie. The shepherds pie should only have lamb as the meat content. The clues in the name innit...

I know that don't I ? I bet your gonna tell me there's no cottages in cottage pie. Some transport caffs I've bin in, I swear they used to put the thatch in their pies. As a nipper I was led to believe they were the same until you put cheese on top then it were a cottage pie. Gone off the idea now, gonna have beans on toast instead !:hungr:

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2 minutes ago, Beekay said:

Gone off the idea now, gonna have beans on toast instead !


For me it's steak and chips night! thumbsup                    Enjoy yer beans...;)

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Shepperds pie  = lamb mince, cottage pie = Beef mince, no thatch required for both



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Mad couple of days buying and selling our cars. A good friend mentioned that I had asked him to give me first refusal when he was ready to sell his very nice Tiguan. I have been in the car several times over the past 3 years so know it quite well. He fancied a Disco and offered me the Tiguan for the trade in price which was silly. So I bought it with the intention of using it as a fishing wagon and would sell the existing wagon, an old X Trail. Took the Tiguan home to show Mrs PP and she, unfortunately, liked it. Ohh it's a lovely black and got a reversing camera she said. "You are not going fishing in that, getting it all muddy and smelling of dead waders" she said. So she has collared it and told me to go fishing in her Touran. I would wreck the Touran in a few weeks on the tracks leading to our club waters. So I now have to keep the ancient X Trail and sell the Touran. Trying to sort out the tax and insurance has been a nightmare, made worse because I am over 80. 

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1 hour ago, plantfit said:

Shepperds pie  = lamb mince, cottage pie = Beef mince, no thatch required for both



You've shattered a dream !!!

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26 minutes ago, PeverilPeril said:

So I now have to keep the ancient X Trail


Don't mention X Trails to me. It's one those that has just wiped the front end my car in an M1 service station.     :angry:  

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39 minutes ago, plantfit said:

Sorry mi duck,just trying to be a pain in the arse  helpful



Right first time !!:Friends:

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