How's your day?

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Hows everyones day going? Hope your all well!!

..Its abit cald so got heating on full whack & a nice brew, House work done.. Bored out my brains now so im on the comp while wee one has a kip! Also took some seeds from withering flowers before i chucked em in the bin & replanted them so i hope they grow soon! Now debating wether to do abit more decorating in babies room now that all the woodwork is painted a lovely pink, walls are going to be magnolia... All i need to do now is think of a theme!

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Just got back from QMC again........the last eight days have been a bit Traumatic to say the least,,...blood tests,,X-rays,,and today a visit to a Consultant........cut a long story short......problem

Result........CT Scans all clear......just got letter..been sweating for a fortnight......

Two years ago life changed forever,,,about this time i was on my way down to the operating theatre for what turned out to be a ten hour operation...........its been life changing in

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Good morning from sunny Florida,just draining the last dregs of coffee from the pot. How's about some pink flamingoes on the walls in your daughter's room,it will blend with the pink woodwork,add some painted palm tees,magnolia trees, bingo a Florida room.

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Got up had shower

Changed dressings on my feet

Took my first load of medication (7 tablets and one injection)

Got kids up

Made their packed lunches

Made their breakfasts

Got them ready for school

Took the kids to school

Made my breakfast (Sausage sandwich .....laverly !!)

Had a quick play on here

Cleared drive of the remnants of the ice (Or attempted to !)

Searched for axe, bolster, mallet.

Chopped some logs

Split some logs

Had another quick play on here.

Cleared out the open fire

Built new one ready for tonight

Picked up SWMBO from work

Noticed drive hasn't defrosted at all !! (bu99er)

Had a brew

Chopped some more logs

Fixed broken telescopic fishing rod (Good job I noticed as I'm going to need it in about 5 weeks time )

Watched a bit of telly I recorded last night (20 minutes of "Bomber Boys) I'll watch the rest later

Rang Rog (Plantfit) to tell him that "Bomber Boys" was being filmed the day we were at Coningsby last year !!

Took SWMBO back to work

Went to Morrisons to get another big bag of salt

Poured some more salt on the drive

Came back on here for a quick play

And in 10 minutes I have to fetch the kids from school, make thier dinner, help with their homework etc etc etc

All in all just another normal day !!

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Morning Mick, is that good news?,I got a letter last year from Nottingham city council,it appears I owe 51 pounds for not completeing payment of 'POLL TAX' 92-93.They had a different name for it in the letter,didn't recognize name so called over to Nottingham.When the guy explained the letter,I was speechless.

From the introduction of the 'POLL TAX',I became very active in the anti 'POLL TAX' league.I wrote across the bill in two inch letters with a'day glow'green marker,'bullocks,and mailed to it the appropriate department.

As an ex cop,do you think they will swear out a warrent for me,or class me as a terrorist and put me on 'the no fly list'.Planning on coming over later in the year.

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Wow beefsteak - How have you fitted ALL that in within a day.. that isnt no were near over!? Iv just started painting the walls.. Then she woke up so will prob try n get the first coat finished by tonight :) Love the ideas of flamingo's by the way! Im thinking more nursery rhymes or winnie the pooh, just need to draw up dont ideas to then attempt to draw up in big on the walls..

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Morning Mick, is that good news?,I got a letter last year from Nottingham city council


They would go to that expence after this time period to chase an ex Pat for fifty one quid!

A surprise (not)!

Incidentally re tax code, it means I will pay an extra 20% of a further £2500

of my local government pension. Bastards!

I did ring the 0845 number and after hanging on for 15 minutes got the

Regular phone number igot from

When I immediately got through I was asked if I was ringing from a broad

When I said no, I was told he would deal with my enquiry on this occassion,

but they were planning to hang up on people in the UK using the access number

for calls from outside the UK.

The 0845 number is a number that is a premium rate for anyone using a mobile!

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Just drew up some pics for baby's bedroom.. Baby style winnie the pooh - pretty cute! Now iv got to figure out how to draw them perfectly, in large.. on her walls. Hmm... Im thinking, marker over the drawings, Shine a lamp through n hopefully itll project onto the walls?? hmmm,,,,

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Hey mick, I was joking about the warrent and the arrest,would I realy get busted coming over to England?.

Do you want me to send you our realtors E mail address,maybe you can go online and take a look at houses around this area,e.g. 3 bed 2 bath 1650sq ft living space,double garage,built in 2003,$73,000,selling 3 years ago for around 180,000+,and thats not joking.

I looked on a estate agents site in Beeston,120,000 pounds for an end terrace house, $200,000! is that correct?.

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Ok it says Single girl needs Man

Must be willing to give all attention to me,Give up all hope of male friends, Be Wealthy,Must have Knowlidge of hammer & screwdriver Call Sara

707-444-PLEZ, Geeks need not apply

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Well todays a new day! .. Its days like this that i wish for summer to hurry on up! .. Apparently tonight & tomorrow night is going to be the coldest nights this winter, heatings on full whack, the fires on & yet im still cold.

I have spent today tidying, doing washing & sorting out ironing... While iv gone through two large pots of tea & some amoretti biccies! (For those who have never had them before, buy some - asda £1summat, lavleh!) iv been going slightly mad being stuck in the house, but its too cold & slippy to risk pushing a pushchair about... & today my little sweetpea is one hell of a mardy baby!! Shes teething, 3 back teeth, ouch! shes 'cutting on the cross' so shes been crying for most of the day.. fun! Managed to get her to have her morning nap... this afternoon, then a sale guy BANGED not nocked, BANGED on the door & woke her up, iv had a moaning baby ever since...

Plans for tonight - hopefully get abit more of babies bedroom done!

..Hope your all well & having a good day!

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As forecast the weather today was sunny with no wind to speak of, temperature around 7 or 8c. The wife has a dental appointment at 3pm and decides to go to the sports centre for a couple of hours beforehand.

With no wind, the sea and the lochs are flat calm and good for birding, with Europe frozen there are lots of watefowl, waders and other migrants around. I set off North to Laxfirth, Red Necked Grebe and a couple of Slavonian Grebes on the sea with a couple of dozen Red Breasted Mergansers and a few Goldeneye and Long Tailed Ducks.

Next to Loch of Benston, loads of Wigeon and Teal,(including one Green Winged Teal all the way from N. America). Plenty of Grey Lag Geese, Curlews and Whooper Swans, Mallards, Tufted Ducks. Then I turn South, 2 Goosanders on Strand Loch and Pink Footed Goose at Tingwall. 20 miles further on and Shelduck, Purple Sandpiper,Turnstone and Redshank at Boddam. 5 miles further south to Virkie, 10 Bar tailed Godwits, Grey Plover, Ringed Plovers and loads of Lapwings also European White Fronted Goose nearby.

West Voe of Sumburgh for Black Guillemot, Shag, and Great Northern Diver. I then drive up to the Lighthouse on Sumburgh Head, there are hundreds of Guillemots on the sea, the first sign of Spring, they will nest on the cliffs here. I then turn for home calling at Scatness, here there is a Scaup and an Iceland Gull and more Grey Lags, Wigeon and Lapwings..

Next to Quendale loads more Lapwings Teal and Wigeon with 2 Coot and several Moorhens, them to Loch of Spiggie, Mute Swans, Cormorant and Little Grebe another Iceland Gull, and 2 Red Throated Divers.

A very nice day, four hours and 1 hundred miles on empty roads. Forecast tomorrow, bright to start with then rain and wind reaching gale force later on. I'll try and get out early before the rain, probably go to the Westside.

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Hi, Beefsteak, over 50% of the Red Necked Phaleropes that nest in the UK nest here, approx 20 -25 pairs., Golden Plovers also nest here (over 1% of UK population), and are a common winter visitor, I saw a flock of 60 two weeks ago. Snow Buntings winter here I saw a flock of 25 last month.

Regarding twitchers Mick, this species are a common migrant at all times of year, but mostly in the late sring and late autumn, the last occurence was last December when more than a hundred turned up. There arrival coincided with the appearance an adult male Siberian Rubythroat.

It's a nice day again, so I'm off to the Sumburgh area. The wind is getting up, but no gales until tonight hopefully.

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Something recently landed at Attenborough, and as I went past on the train they could be seen crowded round a bit of a bridge on the reserve. With their cameras big lenses and tripods.

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OLDACE, I love your bird and weather reporting.

A few days ago, a flock of what I believed were starlings landed on an apple tree of mine in the back garden; I'd left a load of gorgeous red apples on this tree thinking that they could be of use to Nature rather than me. Would the birds have been starlings because the bottom part of their breasts were fluffy white feathers?

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