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Something very strange is going on there, CT.  I check on my neighbour's bonds (with his permission as he doesn't do technology). He's had nothing for the last two months, yet I've had almost a four figure sum. We have the same amount in bonds. Although they assure us it's completely random. I have my doubts.

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Result........CT Scans all clear......just got letter..been sweating for a fortnight......

Just got back from QMC again........the last eight days have been a bit Traumatic to say the least,,...blood tests,,X-rays,,and today a visit to a Consultant........cut a long story short......problem

Two years ago life changed forever,,,about this time i was on my way down to the operating theatre for what turned out to be a ten hour operation...........its been life changing in

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Er indoors has had one premium bond for years and years, that some relation bought it for her...And she wonders why she's never won owt.

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I've got £11 worth of bonds from when I was a child and never had a win.

However I was in a work syndicate that built up a few thousand over about a dozen of us and that won a good few times.
When I left I cashed out and had a good return on what I'd paid in.

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Bogger off.......

Mind ya business..

Cheeky Sod...

Nowt to do we YO.........

Just a few of the comments i got....when i asked a bunch of 60 to 80 year old Ladies to''' keep the noise down'''......they were sat outside Jeromes in Bulwell drinking their Tea's or Coffees.........

Anyway finished my Coffee and got up to go...shouting TA RA Ladies.!!!

More 'Banter' followed from them.........

Ta ra Duck...Ta ra cheeky...see ya later me Duck...and much more...


Love Bulwell......:)

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Ben going back to Old Spice. It’s had its day I think. It was ok but every man used to wear it. You are individual and unique so have a change. Go to a perfumery not the chemist or supermarket . They can always advise you ( if they know what’s what.)

I’ve always loved Chanel no:5 for ladies and when I went to our local perfumery to buy another bottle she said it was a bit old fashioned and suitable for older people. She suggested Boucheron and I love it. I still have no:5 ( seeing as now I’m an older person) It’s nice to have a change and you never know it might lead to more ladies picking you up in Bulwellsmile2

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I tried Chanel No 5 once. Within an hour, it smelled like tom cat pee. I can't wear perfumes because they react strangely on my skin.  I do have some Youth Dew. Overpowering but doesn't smell tom catty. I used to like Havoc by Mary Quant . It had an unusual smell but they don't make it any more.


Chanel No 5 has a strange effect on the big cats. During experiments, they rolled in it and then peed all over the place.  Well. People do say I'm 75% cat.

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:rotfl:That made me laugh Jill . Perfumes are a personal thing and they don’t always agree with who wears them. Youth Dew….. 

a colleague of my husbands years ago came to us for Christmas lunch. As a Thankyou he gave me some Youth Dew. The first time I wore it I had such a terrible headache. Unusual for me as I don’t suffer with them . Didn’t think much about it but after a few episodes I realised it was the perfume. My SIL gave me a bottle of Boucheron because after commenting to me that she liked it on me, bought herself some. After a while of wearing it she told me I’d given her the wrong name because it didn’t smell the same. It took some convincing but in the end she realised it was the same. My mum used “ Knowing” but to me it smelt like chemicals. 

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My father always wore Old Spice but he overdid it, rather. However, it's a nice, clean smell.  Ben, you stick with Old Spice if you like it. There's no predicting how some of these perfumes will react with individuals and their chemistry. I mean, you don't want to end up whiffing like a tom cat, do you?  Not drawing any parallels, mind :wacko:

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Old Spice and Johnson’s baby powder always remind me of my ex husband so not memorable. My favourite for me is Paul Smith Women (nothing like supporting the local lad ) I don’t wear much perfume as I am always outside with my allotment and “Bloom” assessing and it attracts too many insects but nice for when I’m not doing that.







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16 hours ago, Jill Sparrow said:

My father always wore Old Spice but he overdid it, rather. However, it's a nice, clean smell.  Ben, you stick with Old Spice if you like it. There's no predicting how some of these perfumes will react with individuals and their chemistry. I mean, you don't want to end up whiffing like a tom cat, do you?  Not drawing any parallels, mind :wacko:


One of my daughter's boyfriends wore that Izzy Miyake stuff that was in vogue about 20 years ago.  Bloody awful stuff which to me smelt of nothing more than a stale Gent's urinal. Every bus or train you got onto at that time featured some spotty kid with gelled hair who stank of the stuff.


As for myself, apart from the sensible application of suitable non-perfumed deodorant.. I never used anything. because they all made my skin feel greasy and contaminated, or were just so 'clingy' and OTT that they literally 'got up my nose'.

Then one of my daughters gave me a sampler of Paul Smith 'Extreme', picked up on a holiday flight somewhere.  It was subtle, light and anything but 'Extreme'.  I've used it, and it's stablemate Paul Smith 'Men', ever since.

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My mother liked Apple Blossom by Helena Rubinstein. In spring when the apple trees are in blossom and I catch the fragrance, it always reminds me of her and her perfume bottle. I tried it a couple of times but after ten minutes, the fragrance had entirely disappeared on me.  One fragrance I don't care for and it does, thankfully, seem to have fallen from favour, is Patchouli. What a pong! 

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I've spent much of the last couple of days sorting out my hi-fi system, on the posh new rack..


Mine is as above but with 5 shelves and much narrower shelf spacing,(and better kit!) as most of my 'kit' is pretty low profile.

I didn't get the levelling right first time. It involves levelling by adjusting the feet under the base unit..which isn't easy if you are 74 with knackered knees.. but I figured out a different approach and got it right this time.  Thereafter, each bit of kit can go on, with interconnects etc..before the next shelf, and so on. This time, the 'level' was preserved as I added each shelf, so that only a very minor 'tweak' or so of the spikes below the top shelf was needed, to get the top shelf level for my record player. Very satifying once complete, and my 'system' certainly looks better than it did all crammed and 'doubled up' onto a 1990s style tubular steel stand.

It also sounds no worse and possibly a bit better than it did. Such differences tend to be subtle, and only heard after you try some bit of music not heard for a while and go 'Aaahhh.. never heard this, or that little detail before..' etc.


The big 'win' though, is that my record player works , if anything, better, on this rack, than it did on a separate wall mounted shelf positioned directly above the old rack.  Received wisdom is that a wall mount better isolates the turntable, but I'm of the opinion that that argument ony really applies when you have a suspended wooden floor, with bouncy/resonant floorboards. I don't. My floor is asphalt over concrete, and carpeted. The wall on the other hand is a single thickness breeze block partition, with an integral garage on the other side.  It's likely to pick up more vibration from the actual music, than the floor is likely to transmit from the speakers and up the stand.


Anyway, my record player is sounding better than ever..

A couple of days ago I dug out a 1955, ten inch LP I got in a charity shop about 15 years ago. I looked at it mostly because I wanted to quote the price.. on another website. It's pencilled onto the top corner of the cover, as was common back then..  27 Shillings and Sixpence.  That's when many were earning well below £10 per week.   LPs were very expensive back then.. by anybody's standards.   I've never played it, but I gave it a proper clean on my Record Cleaning Machine, and stuck it on.. not expecting much.  It's a Mono, 'Phillips Minigroove' disc of Eugene Ormandy and the Philadelphia Orchestra doing Beethoven's 5th.  I was gobsmacked... Few crackles.. and the lush, rich sound which Ormandy was apparently known for.., especially on strings...  Fabulous!. Another win!

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I wouldn't want to force my Stilt On the discussion...

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And anyway..enough of cheese.. we should Edamore varied diet..

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Busy morning, got the car washed and vacuumed out, grass cut, Vintage Lister D engine run for half an hour the gave it a light coat of boiled linseed oil to make it look good, hours bike ride (just local lanes,black clouds coming over) lunch all prepared ready for when Mrs P gets back from Lincoln, time for a sit down and a coffee before getting a bit more done, won't get much done tomorrow as I'm taking Mrs P to Louth hospital to get these cataracts sorted



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