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Me enjoying a glass of Barbera at our wine festival in May. Buy wine with tokens. This stand was my nieces companions stand , he’s just starting to produce his own wine.

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Result........CT Scans all clear......just got letter..been sweating for a fortnight......

Just got back from QMC again........the last eight days have been a bit Traumatic to say the least,,...blood tests,,X-rays,,and today a visit to a Consultant........cut a long story short......problem

Two years ago life changed forever,,,about this time i was on my way down to the operating theatre for what turned out to be a ten hour operation...........its been life changing in

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It’s nearly and we’re sitting outside and the only thing we can hear is the cricket sitting on the wall .There’s a very clear moon and we’re trying to fathom where all and which stars they are. There’s a couple of planes flying to who knows where. It’s dark , only one street light outside next door and the only one along the road. Across the road up on the hill there are a couple of houses that have their lights on but all the rest is pitch black. It’s so peaceful.My daughter wants to sleep outside tonight . I don’t really want to go back inside but I’m certainly not sleeping outside with all the animals that wonder around. ‘ Night all. 

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I envy you Nonna!  Despite being told by the media that we had the hottest June on record, I can’t say I noticed it and the summer generally has been rubbish, one lovely day and then several cool, cloudy and wet days to follow.  Enjoy your idyllic surroundings. 

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Lizzie I’m sorry that UK have had bad weather but here it’s unbearable. It’s been 37 c until about 6pm and when I came in it was 27c. All the windows are open and it’s so hot. This is apparently going to last until Friday then it’s getting cooler ( so they say) 
Tomorrow is Alex’s 80 th birthday and for once we as a family are getting together and going to a castle for dinner. Sounds grand but it’s a very large restaurant in a castle. It’s awful that Deborah and James have different days off as we never seem to get together. But Deborah has managed to get her restaurant closed for the evening. We normally eat early at home but we’ve booked to eat later as it’s so hot . Goodness I’m sweating so much could do with going out again. Cool cloudy and rain at the moment sound good to me. It’s not so much the heat as the humidity is so high. 80%. 

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1 hour ago, philmayfield said:

Congratulations to Alex at 80. I don’t suppose there’s much chance now of you both returning to Nottingham to open another excellent eating place? We started at La Bucca and followed you around until you left.

 But you didn’t follow us here did you? It’s Alex’s birthday today its not today. . It must have been the balmy evening air last night that’s caused the fogginess in my head . I will pass on the wishes Thankyou Lizzie and Phil.

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Happy birthday to Alex.  
I think we’ve had better weather here in Cambs than in Nottingham as I’ve  been sitting outside in the garden some evenings until 10 ish.  We are looking after a friend’s dog and she likes sitting with me in the garden when it’s dark, watching the bats zooming around.  As we live in a village it’s fairly quiet here which is lovely

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PhilI don’t think there’s a chance to go back to Nottingham even more so now with Brexit which means Passports. I got a one a while ago although I did say I wasn’t going to get one. Alex doesn’t want to know. The nearest I think my daughter and I will be to Nottingham will be London. A late birthday present from my daughter , we couldn’t celebrate because Alex was in hospital. Then it was going to be too hot in the summer so we’re hoping to go after Christmas when she’s got a few days free.

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It may not be that Nottm centre no longer has a vibrant atmosphere - it might be that we older Nottstalgians are no longer vibrant ourselves?  We all like to think that things were better when we were young, when we were full of life and hope for the future.

I dare say that were the centre to be magically transformed overnight into how we remember it, the young people would moan that it wasn’t as good as it used to be!

or am I wrong ?

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Think you’re right Margie. My husbands just been looking on ( painfully thinking what the hells it called)? Something or other and it’s about growing up Italian. He said it’s perfect and how he remembers it. Getting late for school and they closed him out so he climbed up onto a high roof and lowered himself down through a window. Making things from nothing, scrumping fruit and getting the fright of his life when the farmer shot at him and many more. I keep telling him to write a book. Working from the age of 11 has taught him a lot that books don’t cover. In the tiny village in Sicily where he was born children had no choice especially from large families.Most had a little tiny allotment and had to work the land or look after the sheep and goats. But when it came to summer and enjoyment they made the most of it. They danced with the minimum of music. One had a guitar another an accordion yet another with the metal thing you put in your mouth and twanged it to make music. Everyone got together and brought something to eat and of course the wine was never missing because they had no water. I remember when he took me to Sicily before we were married. Everyone had buckets and bowls of water in their bathrooms because the taps were dry. Still can’t thing of what it was called. Think I’m starting with dementia :Shock:Sorry Margie got off the track a bit. It is lovely to outside and enjoy the coolness of the evening and I’m sure the dog enjoyed it too . Our dogs dash outside and stretch out then realize the ground is hot so go back in and stretch belly down on the tiles or under the bed in the shade.

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That’s a terrible sight BK.  Sometimes, fields catch fire near our village but nothing like the fires that have been out of control in other countries

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We went blackberrying this morning down our village  paths.  Collected an ice cream tub full, so we .  We some with apples in a crumble for lunch and froze the rest.  Love the country life.

We are looking after a friend’s puppy while they are on holiday this week so are being kept busy as she craves attention for much of the time!!  She is lovely, although our two cats disagree with that…..

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Yes Rog., and thats when they're not having to cope with bears or wolves. To me, it looks like looking into the gates of Hell.

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BK sorry for your cousin it must be terrible seeing your surroundings like that. I hope he’s safe as all those who are experiencing these fires , floods and tropical storms.

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Margie used to love blackberry picking when I was younger. Then my dad bought us some thornless blackberry canes. It was pleasurable not to get ripped to pieces

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