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I just thought I would finish by comparing how member voted in parliament and whether the electorate ditched them if they voted against their wishes in parliament.

The bold italics show the result of yesterdays' election.

Ashfield 71% voted leave, yesterday their Lab member voted for  A Conservative gain 

Bassetlaw 68% voted leave, yesterday their Lab member voted against ???? A Conservative Gain

Broxtowe 53% voted leave, yesterday their TIG member voted for A Conservative Gain

Gedling 56.3% voted leave, yesterday their Lab member voted for A Conservative Gain

Mansfield 71% voted leave, yesterday their Con member voted against ???? A Conservative Hold

Newark 44.3% voted leave, their Con member voted against A Conservative Hold

Nottingham North 64% voted leave, their Lab member voted for A Labour Hold

Nottingham South 47% voted leave, their Lab member voted for ???? A Labour Hold

Nottingham East 43% voted leave, their TIG member voted for ???? A Labour Gain

Rushcliffe 42% voted leave, their Ind member voted for ???? A Conservative Gain

Sherwood 64% voted leave, their Con member voted against ???? A Conservative Hold


It seems that voters 

  1. Have little corporate memory 
  2. Don't Give a toss about their views being disrespected
  3. Or more likely they just wanted the whole Brexit thing over.


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1 hour ago, Jill Sparrow said:

And here in Bolsover, it's...goodbye Mr Skinner!!!!


Never thought the beast would be tamed...

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It seems to me that nobody has so far mentioned the role of the media in this shambles.  The campaign of lies and misinformation about Corbyn was relentless and very damaging.  I agree that Corbyn wasn't good at rebutting it.. but even the BBC were complicit in it and I will never trust their political reporting again.


In the end, for me the choice came down to one of fairness and common decency v self interest and something approaching a Coup D'Etat by the dark forces of the far right.


Johnson has already indicated that he wants to 'fast track' Brexit.. and his extremely undemocratic planned Electoral/Parliamentary reforms.  He's prepared to call in Parliament and the Lords for a bit of overtime on weekends to get it all done while much of the population.. thoroughly sick of politics.. will be lookiing the other way.  Completely corrupt and despicable individual has already used Prorogation of Parliament illegally to get his way.. and will now do the opposite with equal cynicism.


As a certain left wing rock group said...  'If You Tolerate This....'

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8 hours ago, Brew said:


I'm not so disparaging about ordinary peoples ability to understand what Labour was all about. 

Labour themselves say the manifesto was their most radical for fifty years They are on TV right now still saying it and trying desperately to avoid saying Brexit is the single important factor in theses results.


Interesting though.. that the great unwashed could understand what Labour was all about.. because they were 'instructed' daily and relentlessly by the media.  Yet..somehow, those same voters don't seem to grasp that they have elected a  proven lying, cheating racist coward and wannabe dictator.. because.. oddly.. the media omitted to display the same candour in his case.


The only upside for me is what a rather stunned looking new Tory MP for somewhere 'oop North' said last night.  'I'm going down to Westminster to meet Boris and tell him what we need'  So, he is either genuine in recognising that 'oop North' has been cruelly neglected for decades and needs Govt support and investment. or he's just going to be seeking more of the mealy mouthed 'Jam Tomorrow' that the Tories have been dishing out for a decade.

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3 minutes ago, philmayfield said:

You lost Col, in a democratic vote. I voted to remain but I accepted the decision and didn’t whinge about it.



The country lost IMHO.  And anyway.  I do not 'whinge'.  I post highly informed and deeply penetrating analyses.  :P

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Corbyn did mention it in his humble pie speech but no one is making a big issue of it Col for the simple reason it's not true. You have a bee in your bonnet about the media, the Mail and the BBC in particular, yet none of the losing candidates are making a fuss about it or even pointing a finger. The old adage 'seek and ye shall find' is true. Look for bogeymen and you will see them. It's easy to look for someone to blame but the truth is plain to see, Corbyn is the worst leader Labour has had in the last fifty years. Even Michael Foot did better.


I can't see a problem with Parliament working at weekends, as for using prorogation to get his way, he tried and the law stopped him in his tracks. 

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2 hours ago, Brew said:


Never thought the beast would be tamed...


Genuinely and fearlessly his 'own man'.  A loss  to British Politics.. not just to Labour.

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I do, how can I make an informed choice unless I consider views other than my own? I'm not so arrogant that I think I'm always right, indeed I'm often wrong but unless my mistakes are pointed out I will continue to make the same mistakes ad infinitum. That's rather the point of this topic.


I met Col at the meeting and he's a decent bloke, wrong of course but decent and I see it as my duty to turn him from the dark side...   smile2


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11 hours ago, DJ360 said:


I don't see it that way.  Corbyn's main failure was that he expected ordinary people.. who want it spelled out in bite sized chunks... to buy into his much more honest. but much more brain hurting views.  I've said before that Corbyn is far too honest for his, and his party's good.

However.. I'm deeply saddened that much of the UK electorate cannot see past this. and just want someone to tell them the right sort of lies.


No indecision.  He clearly knew that his party contained both Brexiters and Remainers.. In his excruciating fairness, he offered himself as referee.  Sadly.. as usual.. the UK public preferred to be told what to believe by the press.


There's something in that but I'd still take his naive honesty over Johnson's  lying and cowardly, fridge hiding antics.  D people not grasp that 'Demonic Cummings', who is 'running' Corbyn..stays out of the limelight for a reason?


Boris .. like Thatcher.. and Blair.. will get 'sussed'. The only question is how much damage he will do first.

Clearly and simply, those who voted saw through all the political rhetoric and cast their votes accordingly. The Corbyn 'wonderland' existed only in his distant diminishing imagination.

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38 minutes ago, Brew said:

I can't see a problem with Parliament working at weekends, as for using prorogation to get his way, he tried and the law stopped him in his tracks. 



True.  in fact both Parliament and the Law conspired to stop him.  Quite rightly in my view.  Parliament is the supreme body and must not be subject to Dictatorship by a MINORITY Govt.  The Law stopped him because he broke it.


Where people misunderstand the whole episode is in buying the whole 'blocking Brexit' thing.  Nobody, Parliament, Corbyn, The Law, or anybody else.. has 'blocked Brexit'.  Parliament.. including many of his own MPs, rejected his version of Brexit.


Eitherway, he has, as I pointed out days ago, put proposals in his manifesto which could lead to him shifting both Electoral Law and the relationship between The House, Any Future Govt, and The Law.. in ways which make Dictatorship and Abuse of Power more likely.  We should all be worried by this.


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17 minutes ago, philmayfield said:

Yes, he comes across as a decent chap. Five years of Tory rule might bring him round! :biggrin:


It won't.. but I sincerely hope it will finally wake up those who just voted, against their best interests.


I sincerely hope that the Tories will now stop using Labour's handling of a situation they did not create.. more than a decade ago, as en excuse for their own failure to fix this country.  Boris now 'owns' this shambles and it will be interesting to see how he justifes the 'faith' voters have put in him. I for one will not be holding my breath.

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I personally think that labours problem has always been Mr Corbyn to be honest and no matter what policies they put forward he was always the stumbling block. He gave me the impression of being a ditherer trying to please all people all of the time and avoiding making a decision. He just didn’t look like a prime minister in waiting.

No doubt DJ360 will put me right on this!
I wonder now if remainer MPs will accept we are leaving and help to get the best deal we can or just whinge from the sidelines?

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Apart from Brexit I can only see parallels with Labour losing a recent "unlosable" election here in OZ

  • A deeply unpopular leader
  • An overly complex manifesto that was not explained well
  •  An inability to "read" the electorate and being unable to respond to scare tactics
  • Having to fight the blatant lies of an increasingly extremist right wing incumbent government
  • The extreme bias of much of the media bought and paid for by the big end of town
  • No cut through message for the voters

I like many on this forum fear the next few years too. The only glimmer of light we have is that Federal governments have to face the electors every three years.

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To those Members' of Parliament who were openly antagonistic and placed conspiratorial obstructions to wreck the referendum result, I would suggest that they have, by their betrayal, been served with their just deserts.


These betrayers have, arrogantly and without remorse of conscience, disregarded the electorates' decision to leave the EU.


As this conspiracy sought to openly undermine the will of the people should be considered not just undemocratic but a treasonable act.


Benn, Starmer, and Letwin, (Con) amongst others should be considered as enemies of the state and dismissed to obscurity.  

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55 minutes ago, philmayfield said:

The electorate didn’t want an academic failure with the appearance of an unmade bed in charge of this great country.



Clearly.  They opted instead for a lying cowardly sociopath with the appearance of an unmade bed....   :laugh:

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14 minutes ago, Alpha said:

To those Members' of Parliament who were openly antagonistic and placed conspiratorial obstructions to wreck the referendum result, I would suggest that they have, by their betrayal, been served with their just deserts.


These betrayers have, arrogantly and without remorse of conscience, disregarded the electorates' decision to leave the EU.


As this conspiracy sought to openly undermine the will of the people should be considered not just undemocratic but a treasonable act.


Benn, Starmer, and Letwin, (Con) amongst others should be considered as enemies of the state and dismissed to obscurity.  



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