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Everything posted by ube

  1. Willow Wilson.... Just wondered..... Got a mate called Willow on a nice narrowboat at Beeston
  2. Beekay.. I love nothing then giving my horn a good long blast... Which is quite often being that I'm a short arse on a 70footer
  3. Me Mam and dad used to save up tanners and we'd fly off to Guernsey every year on the owd viscount.... First thing I did was to hire a push bike then bog off for the day, only saw mam n dad breakfast and evenings for the whole 2weeks......then I discovered that if I slipped a knife in the moneybox slot tipped the moneybox upside down tanners would come out..... It were me aunties in flipping South Wales from there on then!
  4. Beekay... Its one thing being sat next the water.... Its another floating on it... Good job I'm not down there... The horns on me boat are very loud and I'd have to give you a blast as I floated by
  5. What's the name of ya boat WW
  6. ube


    Yeh proper sad to see big Jack Charlton like that
  7. It was the whip that did it for girt
  8. Brew.... We're not anti-social... In fact I speak to anyone... I'm very much liked here.... Like Beekay says there is always a crowd about when ya cock it up and they all know better then you even though most have never been on a boat never mind steering a 70 footer with a speed wheel Beekay thought I'd give em a chance with water
  9. Yeh our girt can live in the butty with the 5 dogs.... Like the idea of the water cannon for the "gongoozlers" they're always there when I'm trying to "wind" me boat in the wind... Not easy with a slow revving thumper and 70ft
  10. ube

    Cats !

    Went round a mates narrowboat the other day and he's got 4 cats.... I was sat there chatting when 2 of his cats took a dump in the litter tray then jumped up onto the kitchen work top walked across it and out the window.... My mate then threw a few slices of bread on the work top and started making sarnies.... "want a sandwich mate" he asked.... Sod that I was soon out of there!!! Proper NO
  11. My idea of heaven would be everything in John Lennons song "imagine" and a full length old working narrowboat with a Lister JP3 or a Bolinder in her
  12. Yes I agree.... But still you'd expect to see more.... And saying that there's been a dead duck on the towpath for days now, I suppose the "carrion eaters" aren't that eager to despatch ducks
  13. Well me first books that I remember were what I got every Christmas.... Rupert the bear, look and learn, beano and not forgetting the dandy....
  14. Advantage of living on a boat... Saying that though the Trent only came up 7 foot last month... But what ever it does I'm on top of it
  15. Yep LizzieM you are so reet.... Knew it were one of the Jeffs/Geoffs
  16. Here's one for being there Here's one for lying about not being there And here's one that will make you cry!
  17. Geoff's and Geoff's junior.... Used to get all me northern soul gear from Geoff's junior.... Got me first Oxford bags and cromby from there.... Think Geoff's was on Hockley and Geoff's junior was in Vic Center
  18. Am bopping to a bit of northern soul.... Keep on Keeping on
  19. Here's one.... The Manchester United Air crash in Munich which wiped most of the team... Well take the letters that spell Munich Manchester United Never Intended Coming Home
  20. He now has a Kawasaki dealership in Grantham. I worked at foxes kawasaki center on Mapperley.... Which was started by Stan Fox of Fox sewing machines... Anyroad I was good friends with the walkers baby sitting chris as a young lad and later he was best man at me wedding and then when Sally died he was there for me and me boys
  21. The Christmas do's were summut else.... Being a young apprentice among all the those shop floor girls....who needed mistletoe ????!!!.
  22. Katyjay...... I totally agree with you.... And couples or family that throw insults at each other.... Didn't your mam ever tell you about "airing ya dirty laundry in public".... Oh and not forgetting the fake news on fb that everyone takes as gospel