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Everything posted by poohbear

  1. Bamboo...left side of Mansfield Road leaving town,near the junction with Huntingdon street.
  2. Depends which part of Frank Keys you mean as they've got the whole block now.That petrol stations' name is on the tip of my tongue but damned if I can recall it.
  3. Centre row right is my Mother..to her left,the blonde, is Bertha Power.They were close friends all their lives from their early teens.Berthas' husband was killed on the very last day of the war.Shortly after the war she met a guy called Jim Crookshank.She was his common law wife for many years,they never married. It was Bertha,in her kitchen, who invented 'Nibbits' (remember them?) He sold out to Whiteheads the brewers in I think the late 70s and went to live in Barbados.For some reason Bertha stayed here and died in the late 90s.Her son Richard ran the Bamboo Coffee Bar for several years.
  4. Some of you will no doubt remember Crooky Crisps when they were just up the road on Morley Street.
  5. The barber shop on Morley street corner was empty in 1970...I had a look at it,but it wasn't suitable for my purpose.I can't remember what was on the opposite corner at that time.
  6. Following the crest of the road towards the Travellers rest,Belvoir castle can be seen on a clear day.Nothing to compare to say Cumbria, but a helluva distance for Nottinghamshire.
  7. That whole area fascinates me.I've stood on the crest of that hill and imagined what it must have been like so long ago.Apart from the Romans there have been Iron Age finds and much earlier Neolithic flints have been unearthed.It must have been an important observation point for thousands of years. It's possible from the hill that heliograph messages (mirrors) could have been passed back and forth to the fort in Fox Wood a mile away...and even as far as the settlement at Margidunum (East Bridgford) The Iron Age hill forts North of Oxton are clearly visible. Communication between settlements
  8. The sweet shop was still there in the late sixties..but not for long.And that pigeons wing was pointing down from that bridge for a good ten years. And a couple of personal asides... That Mobil Station (Vale hotel side) was robbed while open in '71'... A cop with a dog was tracking the thief across the playing field over the back. This dog was spotted by my alsatian 'Lady' who was on heat and had access to the field from my workshop alongside the brook.She intercepted the police dog in mid field and the cop was not amused (to say the least) when his dog refused to continue the chase and sto
  9. Re the barbers shop near the bridge...still there in '71...the opposite side of the alley was a cafe at that time.The amusement machine place was entered through a door in the barbers doorway and ran all the way down to the brook..Woolhouse and Co. Also entered from that barbers doorway was the upstairs premises of a spiritualist church.Down the alley was Walkers garage (ground floor) and Majors engineering works.The whole block was owned by an old guy called Dencher who lived in Skegness...a sort of older lookalike of Old man Steptoe.The whole block was made out of demolition junk...how he g
  10. In my opinion Meadow Lane was named as such because it led from Sneinton to the Kings Meadow,which was a large area of land stretching from London Road (earlier 'Flood Road') past the Castle and all the way to Lenton.Taking in the present day Meadows,the Embankment, and the previous marshland now filled and built up as the Lenton Industrial Estate.
  11. HP sauce mentioned on the box the other night...Can't remember what programme....It was pointed out that salt content was less plus one or two alterations...But it still says original recipe on the bottle...liars!
  12. Caught me snogging his daughter on Five ways park...Daddy was not amused.They lived on Ribblesdale Road.
  13. 1960 'M' department...Mr Gill. Only for a few weeks though.
  14. Sat outside on many a summers night....remember them?
  15. On occasions those plastic things were swallowed accidentally in sandwiches.Due to the shape they would get tangled in the gut and could kill if not removed.So they stopped using them and went back to the bag ties.
  16. If you're referring to this place it's the Town Mission Ragged School built 1858...it was used by the Wildlife Trust recently but I don't know if it still is.The bath house I believe was on the top corner and was a leisure center last time I saw it.,see pic 2. I've now retired from the markets as I was losing money week in week out...so instead of a handy part time earner in my later years I now just have my pension.
  17. My last wife found documents relating to a large nuclear bunker under Nottingham City center some 30 odd years ago.Marked 'Secret'.
  18. I think the concrete posts bottom right are at the Shoulder of Mutton car park...buildings in the distance seem to match with the Futurist on right edge of picture. Google pic on top...
  19. Ellis teachers...some names ring bells but I can't remember what they did.. Some taught me... Hall....grey haired and clocking on...taught me Art...Got a rousing cheer from the class when we heard his younger missus was in the club. Woodward...Technical Drawing...very strict.Taught us about steam engines and how petrol engines worked. Kendall...Science...Big headed individual.Met him years later...Said "Bet you wish you were back at school" Told him one reason I left at fifteen was because of prats like him. Parker...Grey hair slicked back...Deputy head.Only taught me when a teacher was s
  20. Can't resist it can you?...the little sarcastic digs because somebody doesn't agree with you. Just like an old woman.
  21. Well my little royalist forelock tugger...it seems I'm not alone. As for days off I've been self employed all my life and haven't received f*** all out of these pariahs.
  22. You mean more important things happening in the world get ignored when the media is full of this royalty dross.
  23. Wonderful...another load of rich ********* ready to breed...and in 25 years even more of them ready to leech off my offspring with more of their spawn.
  24. I used to deliver Crawfords Biscuits there in the sixties...about the time a local coal supplier got prosecuted. His waggons got signed in at the weighbridge...then drove straight through to the exit weighbridge,where they passed envelopes stuffed with money to the bent guard who let them through fully loaded. A nice little earner until an area inspector spotted what was going on.