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Everything posted by poohbear

  1. Eat a large slice of birthday cake,guaranteed to make you sleep soundly...Our Albert will bring some round for you...
  2. What was it about nurses?...their parties were to say the least...interesting
  3. Try one between your glasses and your face...can't swat it away can you? I couldn't either and it stung my lower eye lid.Spent 4 hours in casualty with a face like the Elephant Man.Not funny...and my first sting for about 20 years.
  4. Not a pregnant belly either...I bet they didn't swear like whores...and they would be able to cook a meal.Not just defrost it.
  5. Leicester and Loughboro' markets not bad because they are frequented by a population that not so long ago was in New Delhi. Hucknall/Sutton in Ashfield/Heanor/Ripley...loads of empty stalls.Shirebrook and Chesterfield not bad.Newark/Retford/Bingham half empty. Clifton not bad...Hyson Green busy because there's no competition from the big boys apart from Asda....Sneinton dead.Bolsover dead,and South Normanton. As for markets catching up to modern times ...with what? Cheese/cooked meats, no way thanks to 'Elf & Safety' The only time they are tolerated without up to date refrigeration is o
  6. Funny you should mention that I nearly put that in my post. On boots such as Calverton I would imagine over half the punters are foreigners...to hell with ethnics...they're foreigners to me. They don't spend like the English but they do spend something.The Poles particularly like their sweets.They come from countries where markets are still a way of life,not like here in Tescoland. It amuses me to here their gabbling away in a foreign lingo...and the odd walking pillar box with their bearded males in jim jams. Sneinton was the same,hardly any English people.
  7. The Sunday markets have died a death thanks to Sunday trading.A few years back there was nothing else to do except go to a market...now everywhere is open.Although I agreed with pubs being open all day Sundays (but not all night) especially in tourist areas....pubs shutting at 2pm was just ridiculous. I've seen Arnold market go gradually downhill,as have all the markets over the last five years.It used to be a case of having your name down for years to get on them in the first place...not any more. The reasons? Supermarket shopping of course,and greater use of the motor car.People have got l
  8. There are still good things over here...but politicians have ruined this country with stupid decisions on law and order,immigration,licencing laws, and of course the obscene wars we're involved in.Plus a few hundred others... Recently two scumbags got jailed for killing an old man in front of his grandaughter, but will be out in two years...but a bloke that stole an early shakespeare book got eight years??????????
  9. A wonderful Mother...I wonder how much WE paid for her floral tribute?
  10. Because the stuff all these art college student types dream up is crap...always has been always will be,Subsidised by the rest of us so places like Tate modern can display semen stained sheets by Tracy Emin and the like and call it design and art.
  11. Been there years back ...full of weird shaped plastic furniture and crap you'd never let cross your doorway...Unless you were one of the Arty Farty Habitat types from London.
  12. The inability to get out of a chair without grunting
  13. Those your dogs Owdtite?....I got two of them.
  14. How is Sark nowadays??
  15. Don't you know either Den? It's the small picture next to your name on your post.
  16. That is so cynical...it's as if you think our MPs and Euro MPs are just in it for the money...Thank God our House of Lords are filled with patriots who only think of the good of the country and not their bank accounts. Honourable members my arse.
  17. How many dead in the bombings in London?...Fifty was it? Don't get me wrong it was a terrible deed and my sympathies are with the families.For this reason we are in Afghanistan fighting the Taliban to prevent their allowing terrorist camps to be set up. An advert on TV has made me post this...it made me think...they are asking for £3 a week to fight cancer. If the BILLIONS spent on these wars was given to the Cancer Research charities and the Heart Foundation and the rest.Like more hospitals...road safety...more air ambulances...better border controls to keep the trash off this island....mor
  18. Makes you wonder... By the way no add reply button for me to use?????
  19. Sod off...Average pension is £14,600 year mine is £9,000 less than that...you try and live on it.And I don't get bu99er all in benefits.