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Everything posted by carni

  1. Not West Mids, very much East Mids. Just a hunch. It could be one of two ladies. I can't give any clues, because if I am correct in my hunch, any minute clue will give the show away. Lol. Hope I'm right? Let's hang on a bit longer. Perhaps Nonna will put us out of our misery?
  2. Just a guess........Is she the sister of the father of the little girl sitting to the left of her as you look at the picture?
  3. Happy Birthday Lizzie and Mick2me. Enjoy your Special Day. xxxxxx
  4. 'And you shake your Bum, La La La La ...La La La La La'. where's carni?....Never far away benj.
  5. Oh LL, I'm a fair skinned Blondie. I don't think I would survive in that heat. 'English Rose' I like to think. Husband says he will agree with the English part. He will suffer. Hope you get your rain fall at the weekend and I your garden soon bounces back to life.
  6. I finished my tea and laid back in my recliner to drift off into oblivion. What a lovely day. Suddenly I felt a tickle on my arm and without looking, I just brushed the insect off. Back to oblivion, aaaah. Felt another tickle on my face. This time I looked and saw a flying ant. That's OK, one or two ants don't scare me. Feeling quite itchy by now, particularly on my legs and a little thought popped into my thoughts..........OH NO, Flying Ant Day. I'm covered in them. The lawn is alive. The lawn is like a 'Silver coloured life force of its own'. That's the end of my 'Basking' before it even be
  7. Sitting in the sun, suppin' tea here in the West Migglunds. Might do a bit of 'Basking' in a bit, if this beautiful blue sky hangs around for a bit longer. Oh what a life. Just love this retirement thingy. Enjoy the day where ever you all are.
  8. Sorry benj, just for you I tried to edit it to say 'Definitely an 'East Midlands Gal', but it wouldn't let me, time ran out. x
  9. Definitely an East Midlander. 52yrs living in West Mids, but I love Nottingham, my accent is still Nottm based after all these years.
  10. CliffTon, Happy Anniversary Miduck. I can't thank you enough for all of the gaps you have filled in for me with my family tree. The places in my mind that were just shadows of memories, have been bought back to life for me with your help. I mean it sincerely, and the answer to your question 'Have you been wasting your time, Never in a million years' We owe you so much for your help.
  11. Happy Birthday Mercurydancer Enjoy Your Special Day
  12. You really have been through it Miducks. Sorry to read about you and Donnas health troubles Benj, I send you both our best wishes, and I hope you settle down well in your new home. I keep checking but I haven't seen any news yet on Trogg. Take care Benj and I look forward to some singing again as soon as the choir assembles again.
  13. Best wishes for a good result tomorrow Trogg.xx
  14. We have had a very long day today taking a neighbour to Wales, near Swansea, to visit a sick friend. We left W-ton at 8.30am and didn't get home until 9.30pm, so understandably wackoed. We called into one of the Motorway stops for a drink on the outward journey, and as we were getting out of our car, front and back passenger doors opening at the same time, as my friend and I were leaving the car a man bustled through us, between the parked cars, eyes forward as we brushed past each other, no excuse me or acknowledgement of the tight space we were in, just bustled past carrying his hot drink
  15. Best wishes for Thursday Trogg. We will be rooting for you x
  16. I have the Essentials membership in it costs me £96 a year, It covers enough information for me to build my tree and It is surprising how often my ancestors names come up in other peoples trees. If your tree is a public one, as mine is, it helps others to share their and your information. My maternal side of the family are Mansfield people, probably moved to Nottm sometime before WW2, (yet to discover exactly when?) but Paternal side according to shared info and BDM registers, I must be related (without knowing) to quite a few people that I have passed in the street in the Carlto
  17. Oh no, we can't take the heat, that's why we holiday in England, there are still lots of places we want to visit in Great Britain . Well done Katyjay. It takes us about two weeks to complete two 500 piece Jigsaws, mind you we only do them on rainy days and when we just want to chill in the apartment. I can't work on them for too long all the concentration gives me a headache and sends me boz eyed!
  18. That's a shame Compo. I know how frustrating it is to realise there is a piece missing. We are still doing 500 piece Jigsaws and on holiday in May we completed a Jigsaw only to find one missing. After moving the table leg we saw just peeping out from the skirting board a tiny piece of what looked like cardboard, Eureka,we must have knocked it off the table and kicked it out of view. PS Is there a title for people who do Jigsaws........................................Steady now.
  19. Best Wishes Nonna. Hope all goes well Miduck.x
  20. Very interesting CliffTon. Thanks for adding it to Nottstalgia for us. In pictures of Gedling, I always look for the church to get my bearings, and there it is...I can even see our old school, plus the dreaded grass bank that the newbies used to get rolled down. the estate and other land marks. Quite a veiw as well of further afield.
  21. Should have added....To reply to a post, just start typing in the reply box below their post, or more often after the last reply in the thread. Sorry I know this amendment is probably too late now. Hope we haven't lost you?
  22. Ah, Just as I thought. Thank you RR.