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Everything posted by tomlinson

  1. I wonder how many of us would still be here if allowed our natural life.
  2. I'm afraid not, unless you owe me money! Welcome anyway!
  3. I still use one used in our family and it's indeniably true. 'Wi short o' nowt wi've got'.
  4. Don't tell me you answered, "Me? 'Ow?
  5. I could never understand why he used a pseudonym when he presented himself as Gerald Wiley at some sort of function.
  6. I don't know if you saw him in any of the 'Midnight in the Museum' films but with all the talent he has, there might as well have been a hole in the screen. Totally useless!
  7. Perhaps another case of 'Should have gone to spec' savers'.
  8. It's interesting to see how the generation gap modifies humour. There was work to do in a club of which I am a member, and a young girl said, 'I'll bring the muscles'. I said, 'I'll bring the cockles and the vinegar'. It wasn't understood. Again, a young lad turned up with hair dyed an obvious black. I said, 'Been sweeping chimneys'? Again, it wasn't understood. Mind you, these people think Ricky Gervaise is brilliant. I think he does less for T.V. comedy than a power cut!
  9. Having read your #15 I'm not surprised by your reaction. There is a story here and I think we should be told!!!
  10. I've not changed sex that I've noticed and I think I was involved in the Kamasutra about that time; the film that is.
  11. Certainly! The quote is from an excellent book, 'Body Language - How to read others' thoughts by their gestures' by Allan Pease. 'Lipstick - When a woman becomes sexually aroused her lips, breasts and genitals become larger and redder as they fill with blood. The use of lipstick is a technique thousands of years old that is intended to mimic the reddened genitals of the sexually aroused female.' The book is one of the very few reference works I enjoyed reading for pleasure and I recommend it. It makes the point that no matter what someone may say, the body language reveals the truth.
  12. Body language is the thing apart from aroma. Whether someone can look you straight in the eye; the 'plastic' smile and their stance adopted when speaking to you. I have a book about body language which discusses many things, including the theory of why women wear lipstick. That bit is particularly interesting but a trifle personal!
  13. I've caught a couple of posties writing out the 'collect at the P.O.' forms without even knocking to see if anyone was home. Seems to be a growing habit amongst them.
  14. I asked for a 'none of the above' box and put my cross in it.
  15. I'm not offended by the sight of breast feeding. It's a natural function but then so's diarrhoea and I have no particular wish to see that.
  16. I have a 1952 ration book and a WWII I.D. card. I lied about my age.
  17. Don't forget a variety of intermissions and programmes made by Hans & Lotte Hass. Some of the programmes are relatively recent but it does demonstrate it's about time Coronation Street was knocked on the head!
  18. Sad to say, I remember all of 'em too and some of them may still be heard on Radio 4 Extra. I can also vaguely remember ITMA and a programme featuring the Palm Court Orchestra, (go straight through the glass doors). There was also, 'Palace of Varieties', 'Down Your Way'; 'In Town Tonight'; 'The Man In Black'; a programme featuring the Cyril Stapleton Showband and 'Curtain Up', a Saturday night play. There was of course Radio Luxemberg. Horace Bachelor, who did the pools, 'Ma Perkins' a soap, and a Dan Dare serial. I also have a feeling there was a 'Brains Trust', a programme I would be the fir
  19. Disjointed? I think---very clement for the time of---3-0 which is a bit of a surprise and---landed with weeks in hospital after a---Hi!!!
  20. All this smart management stuff keeps someone in a job!
  21. I was listening to a report on Radio 2 today. Someone had complained about teenagers in a nearby wood and reported them to the police for 'unsocial behaviour' when in fact they were innocent of anything. Unfortunately youngsters are being demonised by the behaviour of the lunatic fringe and this is leading to an unfair restriction on them from things we accepted as normal in our early years.
  22. The RAF had some decent dentists. One Sqdn Ldr who was also a rugby player was apologised to by a patient who said, " Sorry sir, I forgot to clean my teeth this morning". The Sqdn Ldr answered, " That's o.k. I've just been for a s**t and I haven't washed my hands". I still think the Players School dentists take some beating though!