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Everything posted by tomlinson

  1. It seems to me that this site deals primarily with the past and I have many fond memories of Nottingham from the 40s to the 60s as do many others but the present? The place has changed in many ways, not for the better. Yes, there are many exit routes from the city, in all directions, which I for one was only too happy to take. Ta! Ta!
  2. I remember Teddy Taylor trading on Tunstall Cres. He used a dark green army surplus van/lorry.
  3. I must admit that having visited Nottingham this year, I know why I don't live there.
  4. I remember seeing Alistair Sim as Captain Hook in 'Peter Pan' at the Theatre Royal sometime in the early sixties. A brilliant actor at all he did!
  5. Interesting situation considering the uproar when white actors took the role of 'Othello' or were part of the 'Black and White Minstrels'.
  6. I remember one from Radio Luxemberg. 'Ma Perkins'.
  7. Since we already have a topic relating to fictitious places, in which fictitious place would you like to live? Personally, I'd choose Nutwood, with Rupert' and his pals
  8. Once went to the place where 'Anne Of Greengables' was written, on Prince Edward Island. When the guide told us Japanese couples came over for a couple of days to be married there, we didn't believe him, but sure enough, we saw such a wedding going on, complete with 'Anne' being featured in the wedding photo's.
  9. There was also an Avro Ashton, an early Canberra and Lightning and of course the ill fated Vulcan, besides other occasional visitors.
  10. I had a cousin who worked there about the same time I think. It was an interesting time. All kinds of strange aeroplanes.
  11. I remember as a kid living within hearing range of Hucknall and at that time the R.R. Dart was under development. The sound of it doing runs on the test bed convinced us all there were UFOs about. I taught aspects of the Dart in later life but since retiring have forgotten most of the details and feel much better for it!
  12. 'Educating Archie' spawned many a star. Julie Andrews, Harry Secombe, Max Bygraves and many more.
  13. I remember my sister once giving a friend and myself 2 bob for sweets as we were going to the Forum, Aspley Lane. We bought 24 1d sherberts. We nearly choked and were nearly sick! It was great!
  14. I remember the best teacher I ever knew, Mr Arthur Salmon who taught English, saying that since he saw Mr North, deputy head William Crane Sec Boys, hit a kid so hard that the victim fainted, he, Mr Salmon, never touched one of his pupils again. I also recall Mr Dryden was very handy with a thick leather strap and put me off maths for life.
  15. Sadly, after a visit to Nottingham earlier this year, it does look the part.
  16. The Forum cinema, Aspley Lane, (had an octagonal clock inside) and the group of William Crane schools around which Aspley was built.
  17. Anyone else remember the cartoon, 'Ferdinand' in the Nottingham Evening Post?
  18. When we had a chest cold my mum gave us stuff called 'Liqafruita', bought at a herbalist at the top of Alfreton Road. One of the ingredients was garlic, which kept the vampires off apart from stopping you breathing at all! Another remedy from the same place was, 'Scavengers Ointment', a very dry, unfortunately named mixture which was very good for all skin complaints.
  19. At William Crane in the fifties we had a text book containing examples of writings from science fiction novels. These were read, one a week, then we had to write a S.F. chapter of our own, building up to one complete story. I recall we had similar texts from western novels as examples for writing our own cowboy and indian stories too. Seemed to me a good exercise at the time.
  20. As I recall the 'News Theatre' it was possible to be unfortunate enough to be stuck behind a pillar, or does my memory deceive me?
  21. I recall Kenny Ball appearing at the Sergeants Mess at RAF Swanton Morley, Norfolk, where I had the pleasure of requesting him to play, 'High Society'. We were sharing the gents urinal at the time. His was always an entertaining band and he'll be missed.
  22. 'Hanford and Richards' on, I think, Columber St is something I recall when learning to dance. There were often more men than women and you had to dance by yourself. One of the few times I trod on no one's toes!
  23. Perhaps a term used in restaurants for someone who had to pick up the bill.
  24. Read most of the books/authors already mentioned plus such writers as R.L.Stevenson, John Buchan and Hugh Lofting and I have a collection of old 'Romany' (Bramwell Evans of the BBC) books which I still enjoy reading. As far as I'm concerned, he was as influential then as is David Attenborough today.