piggy and babs

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Everything posted by piggy and babs

  1. batesy pleasure park is now colwick yahct club i was down there just a couple of weeks ago for a friends funeral reception brought back a lot of memories for a lot ofus that were there all though a bit different now the sceene across the river has not changed the little wooden hut that yuo used to pay to go inis still there andthe old toilet blocks but theres nothing else from the old days
  2. some of those names are very familiar to me, we had a mr and mrs etches live opposit us on cavendish rd had three chilldren a daughter gill a bit older than me perhaps your age two sons daryl and stephen who were a bit younger than me stephen was killed in a car accident when he was about 18 .sheperds lived on coningsworth just befor the alps opposit the school. birds lived top of cavo all the lads known as dickie dont think any of them were called richard. knew a couple of bullimores peter and stephen i think kirks came from bottom end of cavo or the ones i knew did mrs ivy kirk was st
  3. if margaret was a caltom born family she would have gone to carlton girls school unless she was bused out of the area no other senior schools in the area untill the 50s my mum whent to carlton girls school classes were much larger in the early years perhaps 40ty to 50 girls in the class there were 14 classrooms pluss two cookery rooms and a large hall /gym in the maim school pluss two prefabs but i dont think they were built to the forties when i was there wehad a new assembly hall/dinning room this also had a large stage and dressing room this i think was built late 50s early 60s.
  4. more than likely mick or even her herself if she is one of the sheilas i mentioned
  5. glad to here you still with us hope your feeling better soon gerry and of course your laptop gets better to ,as mick sezif you need owt let us know i msure if you in hispital and ned a visitor or two some of us whould come and see you babs
  6. cone on netherfield girl give us a clue who you are
  7. thanks to loppy lugs and david w for finding it forus just been through the post again and of course looking at the photo our kath is so easy to recognise as is june york and georgie batesjune i think now lives gedling and both kenny and georgy bates still live carlton netherfield area.
  8. a few ive seen lately barrow bread lane bleasby dimple rd dimple cresent narrow eye lane stuburn edge lane all in derbyshire
  9. hipo girl rob duffy emailed me last night re such he has contaact details for him will phone him and tell him i have been asking about him re cranson and mothers worry rob is going to give him my telephone numberso i will wait and see if he contacts me let you know if he dose
  10. know what you mean proberly one of the netherfield treads
  11. loppy lugs posted a class photo of his class my sister kath was on it as well as lots of other people i knew between us we just about named every one on the photo.although loppylugs had already done a good job to start with
  12. hi compo glad your back and still working hard on your garden
  13. one of my old white heart mates allways called me halfpint had not seen him for many years until a couple of years ago the first thing he did gave me a kiss and said eyup half pint he said could not remember my real name but knew who i was strait away i first knew him nearllly 50 years ago he was about 3 years older than me
  14. havent seen compo post much latele hope he is busy doing more to his lovely garden
  15. there is a bit of a thread on carlton girls school on here please add your memories to it you will also find a few threads on netherfield so look forward to your imput on themas lizzie says quite a few on here who lived in netherfield and carlton or gedling soyou never know who you might come across that you know babs
  16. hi sheila like you i went to aswell st then carlton girls how old are you im 63 lived in netherfield till i was 13 then moved to carlton but still went to station rd school wellcome to nottalgia i remember several sheilas from netherfield , sheila huggins, sheila rowley, sheila payne ,sheila dethridge, sheila cartlidge. was a popular name at the time. babs
  17. titch was always my nickname or half pint.
  18. there used to be another regular band who played at white heart the lead singer wasrealy blode beatle style hair worked on hockley at the hard wear shopopposit little woolies i often saw him in there in his lunch hour but carnt remember his name or the name of his group anybody got any ideas
  19. i doubt many of the younger generation will even have heard of pj proby unless parents grand parents were fans. at most rock and roll gigs i have been to there a lot of young people fronm the age of about 7 up many of them can jive bob and stroll bythe time they get to there teens they put the older dances to shame with the exception of very few last week at chesterfield rock and roll club there was a dance off for a big compertion the final four couples all came from the nottingham area two were young couples 16 to 20s the other two over 60s they put up a good fight bu in the end the two you
  20. went last year to see charlie grasie at the plessey club had seen him a few times before once the year befor and several times in earlier years it was his 50th year in show biz having startedas a profesional singer age 15 he was 75 years old it was an abolutelly fabulous show on stage for two and a half hours doing his own music and rock and roll coverssuch as jonny be good great balls of fire the young british band were flaging by the time he came off stage but charlie spent the next hour plus selling his laterst album and sighning autographes untill every one who wanted one had got it done
  21. stan i used to go to a quiz night at wilford and allan and his wife used to go in there and the ponderosa in silverdale allan would sometimes play the piano and sing a few songs in there and i remember him compearing at the heart of the midlands as i used togo in there quite a lot and if you went in friday or saturday allan would give out free tickets for the folowing week to see the new aristsfor that week alays gave me three or four so i soon cottond on you only had to pay to go in once a fortnight but could see a new top artist every week. saw pj proby billy j kramer lena martel , russ abbo
  22. from the railway lines near fox and hounds is carlton and carlton hill south churchjust past standill rd towards town is the sneinton border ner were the garage ust to be and the car auctions .that should give people a ruff guide
  23. mick all the avenues on the right hand side going down from cavendish rd top to gedling rd was carlton a few of my school friends lived in that area and all had carlton addresses , on the other side was gedling. above top of cavendish rd was mapperly.
  24. ms i will be taking my schooter so i have got a seat at all times