piggy and babs

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Everything posted by piggy and babs

  1. love it when new jersey royals come into shops 1 lb dose me two or three dinners depending on size of spudsa bit of cod in parsley sauce and peas and carrotts,must admit its cheat frozen sauce for me,and steamed frozen veg but boy do i enjoy itand nobody pinches any cuz nobody else in my house likes it
  2. tin of heinzbig soup witwo slices dry bread. pancakes 3 last night with 1 spoon golden syrup on all of them and half orange then ate the other half. very nice
  3. you must have been posh kath angora boleros i was lucky if i got a cardigan but my friends mum often used to give me her hand me downs as she was bigger than me. did it do me any harm , made me realize the value of money. and i was always running erands or baby sitting younger kids taking them for walkes in there prams ect to earn a bit of spending monny.
  4. sure is a true tale of woe tcg had you have been born today you would have been born into a clean hospital wardand had at least the love and care of the great nurses on the maternity wingas well as the drs who i am sure would have picked up on you horrible mums attitude to you. .my great nephew now age 19 was like you born at 1lb 12 oz and given only a 20 percent chance of survival. he had such loving care of the nurses drs and his parentsand family and is still with us today i do wonder how you managed to survive under the circumstanses you had to live in but you were ment to be hereand must
  5. if you comming to nottingham derek dont forget thursday night bike night at the whitehart we are usually thereso please pop in and see us if you get the chance. and if you comming to east midlands and need a lift to nottingham let us know we owe you a favour for daves ace ring.
  6. remember going on sunday school trips to wickstead park loved that place lots of swings rouderbouts seesaws loveley high slides and the like all for freeand plenty of grassy areas to play ball games our trip always inclouded lunch when we got there fish and chips squash for the kids tea or coffee for the grown ups and bread and butter and jelly and icecream for afters. upstaires resturant were you could see luts of the park the only things you had to pay for were the tater cute near the cafe and a little minature railway were we used to go a long way round the park and you used to wave and sho
  7. any body remember pat and gerry moris both taught there for quite a while carnt remember what pat taught but gerry taught music they ver theresame time as vernon coker was.
  8. of course as a child i did not really understand what it ment.
  9. cananyone else remember this one or was it just a made up one from our family my dad used to say certain people were pisspoticle meaning the were full of crap or bull sh**
  10. michael deeps yes willy as we call him is willy wyre know him for years,comes down the old whitehart at least once a fortnight when his wife is working before he goes of to pick her up now lives bakersfield carlton area
  11. funny this subject should come up tonight just got in from white heart tonigh talking to old friend willy he was saying he was brought up meadow lane think he said firth st i think he said we got to talking about trickets and pleasure park and i told them that when we used to go i used to keep the return 3p bus fair in the pocket of my nave nickers or a little material draw string bag tied to the strap of my vest our friend willie and pat and mick were all sat there rolling with laughter at me
  12. re reading some of this post reminded me i was whatching a repete of heir hunters the other night and they were reserching family of fred the tramp who lived on one of the main islands in wolverhampton for some years bet carnie and chris will remember him he left over 100 ,ooo pounds money from his council pention he never touched in his bank account turned out he came from poland just after the war and that his fammily neices and nephews in poland were already in the progreess of claimming his money
  13. well mylord i think . i was tuck up in me bed i was only twelve and at that time didnot stay out much past 9.30 pm usually in bed by about 10.30 pm after hot milky drink as it was school holidays i might even have been in skeggy or mablethorpe, on my hols was it pit fornight probly was but even my memory aint that good
  14. come on all you trent bridge members and i know there are a few of you on here nows your chance to rake up all that old grey matter and get all your memories down in writing for future genorations to read and im sure some of them will laugh at the things we got up to the punishments we had to endure and the things we had to do
  15. lunch box came to nottinham castle with nole gordon and tinger and tucker and auntie jean was her name morton mam took us but you couldnt see muchas so many people and it had been put below the railings at the front of the castle think we ended up having our picnic and then walked up to the arboritum for the afternoon then up shakespear st back via the victoria statin over the bridge onto huntington st for bus home.
  16. oh and the price of maggots now between two and three pounds a pint now no longer a cheep hobby it used to be dad used to send us up to tackle shop with his old bait tin 6 pence a pint
  17. by the way carlton lad fishing tackle shops still sell hemp see but now instead of boiling it yourself usd to hate the smell when dave did his , it now has to be pre boiled and mainly it comes ready frozen dave probly has some down in his fridge freezer down in the cellar.
  18. yeh perhaps so carlton lad when i first started to swim on the bend it was before i started school on family picnics on hot summers days down there all day dad whould be fishing a bit further up river thats when we had our dog blackie. later our mongrel dog kim was always in the river with us too ,then when i was a young teenager we had sam a golden labridorbut most of the time i was walking him i would be on my own in the evenings so dont remember ever swimming with him .yes trevor always lots of leeches on the river then think i was only ever bitten once or maybe twice and the lads burnt th
  19. yes ash the original sheds have gone but some newer prefabricated buildings there now used by the mums and todler groups and before/after school clubs.i worked there for a term on a work placement.
  20. dont know if its changed recently but it used to be free for city card owners but if you live in the county you have to pay as i say i have not been for the last couple of years but intend going when the weather is better emilyhope that helps you a little but i all so think they have a website that should give you more information and welcome to the site emily babs
  21. charlworth dave and i have a very good practice nurse at our drs practice at mary potter centre who lets us know what daves psa results are every time he has them now only once a year when he first finished his treatment it was monthly then three monthly up to six monthly and now yearly these are always folowed up by a visit to the nurse who is always ready to tell us the results and discus any problems we migh have at the time her imput was always another great suport too. benjamini forgot to say that dave also recieved hormone injections after his radioligy for two years every three months
  22. good luck from us too benjamin piggy will be six years clear in march had his latest psa a few weeks ago and all still going well like you he started on the hormone treatment and then onto radiography for eight weeks we made some nice new friends who were all having the same treatment at the same timeyou ought to have heared the laughing and joking that whent on all that 8 weeks but they were also there for each other on the bad days too and would talk to each other about there treatments and procidures which i think was also a big help as they were all going through the same thing at the sa
  23. old ace only just read the message you left me in decnice to hear tom could have a bit more time been told that there will be a 50th reunion of the old whitehart some time in may not got any details as yet but let you know and hope tom will be well enough to make it up for it tome came down the hart late last year in his teeshirt when he and jen came to tell us all that he had the cancer. still looking on the positive side in publicbut know jen told me it had taken him a few months to come to terms with it. know tom will fight it as long as he posibly can probly be like moulty given six m
  24. carlton lad i learnt to swim on radcliff bend with our big black newfoundlad dog swimming beside me my brother ray and all his mates were always there toomost of them chandos lads or gedling school lads