Cliff Ton

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Everything posted by Cliff Ton

  1. I'm open to correction on this, but I don't think there have ever been any pubs on Bentinck Road; I'm not aware of any and there's nothing on old maps or anywhere else. The closest is/was the Alma Inn on the corner of Bentinck/Alfreton Road.
  2. Digging deep into the depths of my memory, I dug out this from 1969. I'm probably the only person in the world who remembers it.
  3. I guess this might be the incident.
  4. Nottingham City Council now has no Conservative councillors at all; the first time ever, apparently.
  5. Are you looking at the text at the bottom of the reply box..........where you see a paper clip and "Drag files here to attach....." ? Ignore that. If you're using Postimage you don't use the paper clip at all.
  6. A large number of Chinese players didn't play in the recent World Championships because they are currently suspended and being investigated for match-fixing and betting. Hopefully that's something the Nottingham students won't learn.
  7. A few days ago, in a burst of nostalgia, I went to the Notts Archives and had a look through the electoral registers for the road where I lived and grew up on Clifton I wanted to see the names of the families who lived there, and how many I could remember. It’s a medium length road - 50 houses in total on both sides. I looked at 1961, and then at 1971. Some families I’d always remembered, but others were a blast from the past who I'd forgotten. Some families stayed for years, others were obviously just passing through. It was like being back in mid-60s.
  8. I remember a card game named Find the Lady. My grandparents taught me it !
  9. Yesterday evening I discovered by chance that BBC Red Button is showing 'British Seniors' Snooker, which is basically older players who are past their peak but can still hold a cue. Players who might've been in the 'proper' championships a few years ago but have now been overtaken by the youngsters. What's really worrying is that these oldies are all younger than me. This lot......
  10. It's also worth mentioning the commentators who the BBC use. Stephen Hendry is probably my favourite TV commentator on any sport. If he doesn't like the way a person plays,there's no beating about the bush; he says what he thinks, and is clearly a person who doesn't suffer fools at all. An expert at just-on-the-edge diplomacy. And Sean Murphy comes across as a pompous t**t.
  11. I quite like watching snooker on TV if I'm not doing anything else and there's nothing better happening.....but not if it's Mark Selby sending everyone to sleep. I couldn't watch it in person in the venue because I'd soon get bored and fidgety. It's not for people with short attention spans, but it works on TV because I can move around and go in and out of the room for a few minutes.
  12. This, apparently, is Pleasant Row; obviously named by someone with a sense of humour. I assume these are the fronts of the houses, but it's not obvious.
  13. My mother shrank in her last few years, mainly due to having osteoporosis, which resulted in her becoming bent over and hunched. She was no longer able to stand upright and vertical.
  14. Are you fully aware of what they're doing to you in your operations ? Maybe they aren't doing what you think or expect; they actually taking bits off.
  15. Reading Col's post made me wonder.........As you get older, does life get easier or more complicated ?
  16. As far as I can remember and as far as I know, I've never heard a cuckoo in real life, outdoors. I was just never in the right place at the right time.
  17. It would be nice if a few other long-standing members would also return and post a few odds-and-sods.
  18. Welcome back ! Can you tell us what you did (or didn't) to re-appear ? There's effectively no Admin around here any longer, so not much chance of any problems being fixed, unless you can sort it yourself.
  19. One of my earliest memories of hearing anything on the radio with the Light Programme. I was always fascinated by Banana Boat Song because I could never understand what he was saying or singing about.
  20. Mine went off and I heard it, but I wasn't in the same room as the phone at the time. It took me a couple of seconds to realise what I was hearing; I first thought it was just a noise outside. By the time I'd realised what it was, it had stopped. Less dramatic than I'd expected.
  21. I always thought Dame Edna was a wonderful creation; making sharp, sarcastic remarks whilst pretending to be innocent and naive. The way she behaved on her TV programme seems like an early version of Alan Partridge. But for some reason I never liked the Les Patterson character. Just didn't find it funny.
  22. Not sure of the year, but the junction of Edwards Lane/Oxclose Lane. The large white building was the Oxclose pub; it's still there but now a Chinese restaurant named Golden Phoenix.
  23. Here's an NEP item from a few months ago covering the history of the place.
  24. Babels gets quite a few mentions in various old threads.